1 September 2006
OSA Network Order No. 1391
All Execs & StaffNO INSANITY
(Taken from an undated despatch giving the text to be used in a press handout or broadsheet.)There are no insane. There are only the physically ill.
“Insanity” is a non-existent malady invented to mystify and horrify the public.
Any person who looks or acts irrational is either
(a) Physically ill and in suppressed pain and agony or
(b) Is in terror at being declared “insane.”There is no illness one could call “insanity.” To “treat” it by electric shocks or brain operations is only to brutalize a person suffering from easily recognizable medical symptoms or to confirm his terrors.
It is time this political barbarism ended.
It is time the psychiatrist selling the horrors of “insanity” and using torture and murder to “handle it” was named what he is: a terrorist obtaining money by alarm and threat.
To kill the insane as a political policy now obviously favored by many officials, using torture and murder disguised as “treatment” is to ignore utterly the first principles of government—to protect its people—and to violate the most basic teachings of Christianity and human decency.
When a man or woman is physically ill of some curable sickness and is acting oddly, to then say he or she is “insane” and throw the person into an institution where no medical treatment or clinic is available and damage the person’s body further by barbarous tortures is of course the act of a brute.
To take a person who is exhausted emotionally by upsets in life and say he or she is “insane” and then crush the person with this invalidation and use “treatment” to destroy his body (when a few days rest was all that was needed) is an unreasonable act. “Insanity” because of his “genes” is no reason to castrate and sterilize as it has never been proven at all.
The “problem of insanity” must NOT be perpetuated and increased just so some terrorists posing as doctors can obtain vast sums from governments.
There is no such malady as “insanity.”
Hundreds of millions of dollars, millions of research hours have failed to find such an illness as “insanity.”
There are vitamin deficiencies, broken and unset bones, fractured skulls, tumors, physical and emotional exhaustion, any of which when treated, result in a “sane” person.
So let us end this gigantic hoax, the greatest lie in the 20th Century. There is no illness called “insanity.” It is a symptom of other recognizeable, curable common ills.
Let’s treat the sick and outlaw terrorists and false advisors and make this a far better, far safer world.
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