Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO BULLETIN OF 30 MARCH 19601All Auditors in
South Africa
(How to read an E-Meter on a silent subject)
When the subject placed on a meter will not talk but can be made to hold the cans (or can be held while the cans are strapped to the soles or placed under the armpit, I am sorry if that sounds brutal, it isn’t), it is still possible to obtain full information from the subject.
Asking questions, one expects no reply, asks for no pictures. The auditor just watches the needle for dips when questions are asked.
It is best to start with several nul questions: “Will it rain?” “Do you like bread?” etc. And then shift off to heavier leads. At any time the subject gets too agitated to read, return to asking nul questions or use the agitation as a dip.
Meter response for “No” or negative or don’t know = no fall.
Meter response for “Maybe” “You’re getting close” = slight fall.
Meter response for “Yes” or “Correct” = steep fall.
Sample interrogation: Subject is given cans. Nul questions are asked. Then:
“Were you persuaded to make trouble?” (fall)
“Was the person who persuaded you a native?” (fall)
“What was the person’s name?” (no verbal answer, heavy fall)
“Do you know where the person who persuaded you lives?” (heavy fall)
(Name various nearby towns.)
“Does the person live in .. ?”
Take town with heaviest fall.
Divide town named into streets, sections, sort out the exact part of the town named. Give leads on location until you know the house.
If person were educated you would use: “Considering the alphabet to divide at 0, does the person’s last name start with a letter in the first half of the alphabet (pause, look at meter) or the last half of the alphabet” (pause, look at meter, compare the two readings—you may have to ask this two or three times). “All right, it was the first half. Now was it A, B, C, was it D, E, F, etc.” “Now the second letter of the person’s last name … “, (repeat the same performance).
It’s a good idea to mark down your findings on a blackboard where the subject can see them if he’s very reluctant and can read.
A phonetic system can be worked out for subjects who are not educated. Maps of town areas are useful. With one eye on the meter you just point to areas of the map and let the meter guide you in.
When you have worked out an area or name, repeat it several times and shift it around until you get maximum drop.
A whole mine of information can be picked up from a silent person.
On reporters, looking for possible accidents is a good convincer. Tell the reporter not to speak and use over and under times “Have you ever had an accident?” “Was it more than five years ago?” “Was it less than five years ago?” Watch the needle, pin it down to maximum fall. That’s the year. Now get the month (first or last half of year, then, for first half, ask about Jan, Feb, Mar). Month found get the day. Then the hour of the day. Then the type of vehicle or accident. Then who was hurt, etc. Reporters always start talking somewhere along about this time. Don’t pay any attention. Just go on and nail it down.
In a security check, you want the person who persuaded the person you have on the cans to engage in a riot. When you locate and have brought this new person, you do the same thing. But now you have a whole committee of names to get and your subject is better educated.
Taking ten people from a strike or riot, you can find the instigator of their group. Finding the instigator and getting him on the cans you can run it back to a higher command level.
The end product is the discovery of a terrorist, usually paid, usually a criminal, often trained abroad.
Given a dozen people from any riot or strike, you can find the instigator of that group or more than one. Finding that one, you can get his boss.
Twenty or thirty paid agents provocateurs can keep a whole country in revolt.
Clean them up and the riots collapse.
Thousands are trained every year in Moscow in the ungentle art of making slave states. Don’t be surprised if you wind up with a white.
Revolts kill an awful lot of natives. Only when security has been established can a reform be applied.
Use E-Meter “clean hands” to convince people that a population is loyal and that reforms are in order.
In the riots in London, anybody arrested has his fine paid for him by some mysterious group. Demonstrators are recruited. So this isn’t limited to South Africa. Crack the agents provocateurs’ identities and you’ve cracked the new slavery of Earth—the worker’s production demanded by the state for nothing.
We have a lot of reforms ourselves but we don’t need criminal agents or dead people killed in riots to put them in effect. Don’t use guns, use E-Meters to make a country secure.
By the way, the answer to passive resistance is for the government to passive strike against any district from which it occurs. No water, lights, pay, government or service. Simply use the same tactic back. Don’t use guns, cordon the area off and shut off power and water.
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. PDF format. ↩
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