Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs
Well, I just spent one of those weekends where after a full week’s work I find myself alone with an avalanche of emergency despatches.
The U.S. Government went more than abnormally insane last week and did the following all off its own little bat:
(1) Organized a smear campaign in the press to cover up
(2) An armed raid on a church and
(3) The seizure of philosophical religious book stocks.
These were Hitler’s exact tactics when he got “agin” something. The smear campaign was in Washington D.C. papers, on the streets four hours before the raid occurred. Carefully the papers make no mention of “Church” or seizure of religious texts. The Church was the Founding Church of Scientology. The books were 21 titles of our Scientology texts.
The org today is operating and, though shocked, stood up well to the violence done. Meters were also seized.
Spiritual healing being legal in the District of Columbia gave them no pause. We are carrying it to Federal Court and to the Supreme Colin. if necessary.
This may be a turning point upwards – for Scientology in the U.S.
The action came soon after I offered Kennedy, a Catholic, help in the space race.
But what is interesting is that no press has mentioned the above (1), (2), (3) facts. Given to the public just as they are, they could ruin the Kennedy regime, if not the U.S. Government over a longer period.
They are in the teeth of the Constitution of the United States and abroad would give pause to all this enthusiasm for U.S. domination of world defence. Who wants to be tied up with a country dedicated to religious persecution and Hitler methodology?
So on careful trace I find that over twelve years the U.S. Government, not some special interest, has been sniping at us. Why? If man weren’t an animal, how guilty they would be. So the two “great powers” of the world, the U.S. and Russia, both lack integrity, both attempt to smash philosophy and religion, both fail to keep their announced promises. We have a GPM dumb bell pair on this planet, both crazy. And they hold practically all the armed might.
So anyway it was a rough weekend. Just another one in the twelve year long fight to make men free. The DC org was superb! And as a result of our work we’ll surely win. You can help too. Just tell it to your local paper and your friends, “The U.S. Government has conducted a smear campaign in the press to cover up a raid on a church and the seizure of all stocks of 21 religious and philosophical textbooks; wasn’t that the way Hitler began?”
By the way the news came at the mid-point of a session Suzie was giving me. It was a terrible shock to her, but sie finished off the session, found the proper package, saw the pc well into PT and then practically collapsed on the missed W/H. I audited it out of her. That’s an auditor!
Poor little Quintin was so excited about his birthday, he ran a fever. But he sat up and had his party anyway. He really didn’t want to become 9. He has framed a golden 8 on his wall. It was a happy year.
The children had a wonderful Christmas. It was really a white one – and cold. Three days before Christmas I looked around and found very few cards. I wondered. Had everyone forgotten? And then the mails, delayed by snow, really
hit and there were cards, cards, cards AND cards. On strings and mantels, in niches and on the piano. Many more than last year.. Floods. I read them all.
And thank you for yours.
The students are struggling with R2-12 on the course. But I am much cheered. I asked them to review for repair somebody else’s folder, and they all came through with good sense. I’ve just reviewed their papers.
On 2-12 I’m finding lots of things as Indicators that will help. Such as if there are more RSs toward the end of a long list than the beginning it’s wrong source or wrong way to. And if the pc gets sudden mass when you tell him the Item, it’s a wrong one, list probably incomplete. And if the needle gets “stiffer” and more jerky as you list it’s wrong way or wrong source. I’m rewriting 2-10 to put in all the indicators and rules in one run-down.
A fresh outside pc was dying but recovered and is well on just 1 Item and a list! Not even a package yet. But it was simple, properly done 2-12. So there’s miracles to be found in it, if you do it right. And we can learn. I’m proving that on students here. But good 2-12 repairs what bad 2-12 does wrong.
It did look like a lovely New Year. For days, until the U.S. Government went mad, I received only good news from everywhere. And then Bang. But maybe that will be good news too.
We’ll still be alive when the cold wind moans through the girders of their gutted buildings. And we’ll be alive when the only movement on Pennsylvania Avenue will be the frightened scurry of a paper in the dusty street.
The sad part of it is, they could have been alive too.
A Happy New Year to you.
Copyright (c) 1963
L. Ron Hubbard
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. This document in PDF format. ↩