Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO EXECUTIVE LETTER OF 10 OCTOBER 19651, 2
Gen Non-Remimeo
We entered our period of conflict with governments on 23 Jan.1963 with the FDA Federal Marshal drawn gun raid on the Washington 0rganization. Emboldened, Victoria State opposition party member Galbally began then his “enquiry”.
It was inevitable we would have to clash in the governmental sphere and now the phase is approaching its end. The FDA matter will shortly be fully settled in our favor. The Victorian matter has reached its final explosion. In the latter, the attackers made so many errors they laid the sound foundation for suit against any and all papers carrying the “story”. They
were foolish enough to have secret meetings of hostile witnesses and then publish “suggested testimony” to them which while it may not be unlawful in Australia smells very bad in any other land.I have worked on all this since January 1965, mining the road they would have to travel. And they are obligingly exploding the mines on schedule.
All we have to do now is smartly execute the plans and orders already prepared and very soon we will have a complete victory.
Then our government conflict phase will be over. With such victories to our credit other governments will not attack.
The keynote of our campaign has been to do right and keep our noses clean and thus render ourselves invulnerable to proper charges. The attackers thus had nothing to attack but their own idea of us. As this was false, winning points on them is very easy. In each case they attacked us for doing things we do not do.
The moral of it all is to be decent and effective and do our jobs and the sharpest spears cannot touch us.
There will be a lot of commotion now. It’s all sound and fury. The main defense has been executed and the danger points are past.
I think the US papers by the way were so cowed by our FDA successes they ran nothing of the Victorian attack. We will of course sue now by reason of their slanders in the FDA matter.
During this period we have been mostly on the receiving end. We’ve taken about all they have to throw. Now it’s our turn. We will start dishing it out. I doubt the persons responsible will take it as well as we have.
And don’t forget that the time we bought gave us all the grades wrapped up and the technology of clear, all on schedule.
In short, we’re winning.
Copyright(c) 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
- Image source: Mark Plummer. ↩
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