Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO EXECUTIVE LETTER OF 3 NOVEMBER 19651; 2
Gen Non Remimeo
TO: Executive Secretaries
Legal Officers
Our Attorneys in any areaFROM: L. RON HUBBARD
The suit which may be easiest to bring is against the newspaper publishing the FDA and other libel and slander naming in it also the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the Better Business Bureau and the clipping or press bureau that forwarded it and the charge probably best consists of “Libel and slander to forward a Conspiracy to monopolize healing in contravention of the Sherman Anti-Trust Laws” or a similar anti-monopoly act.
Scientology should not be put on trial or defended as such and this should be avoided, as evidence for such charges are inconclusive.
However the treatment of the AMA, APA, BBB (and its collusion with the U.S. government on the same subject) of the chiropractors, AMA lobbying against other healing group for pro MD legislation all add up to conspiracy easily proven.
Lots of evidence is available from the National Health Foundation and other healing groups opposed to this clique.
The BBB issues pamphlets about “Cures” and “Quacks written by the AMA.
The fact that the AMA has worked to make people think it is a government group while it is only a private company like ours can be made to tell heavily.
The Australian mess was sparked off by the continual collusion of the AMA, APA, BBB and the U.S. Consul in Melbourne to whom libel was traced some years ago.
The AMA held a huge Congress in Washington D.C., got it addressed by government leaders, and branded anyone else engaged in healing a “Quack” and has since kept this exhibit alive in Washington.
Any libel and slander around about myself or Scientology is based on a 15 year endless campaign by this group. The AMA issues “news releases” to magazines and papers vilifying us. One such went to the Diner’s Club Magazine in the U.S. It is a standard “news release” as issued by the AMA.
Out of this vast fund of clippings and propaganda, “new” stories are made up from old clippings. No U.S. newspaper reported has ever interviewed me.
Only Phelan of the Saturday Evening Post Magazine did and he consulted before me hundreds of clippings he had been furnished with, not us. He did nothing but read these old clippings to me challengingly. He never asked anything about me.
The American Psychiatric Association psychiatrists have no standing under law of any kind but depend on being Medical Doctors to practice. Psychiatry has no legality whatever anywhere except a created illusion in the public mind done by advertising in covert ways and libel and slander of all mental healing groups other than those of medical doctors of the AMA.
[Three illegible lines]
and undue influence of governing persons and agencies by libel and slander can be proven rather easily. Full minutes are available from the National Health Foundation in Washington DC.
It has been going on about myself and Scientology for 15 years despite all evidence to the contrary. It is probably necessary to tie all this up in one suit, to include a continuing bad press and thus choke off a defense against our suit by their reading press clippings to the court.
As a side comment, before I seemed to threaten the multi-billion dollar healing empire of the AMA and APA, all my personal press was bountiful and good. It included stories of my expeditions, Hollywood successes, war successes, etc. Suddenly, after 20 years of fine personal press in U.S. papers, (1930-1950) the moment my first book on healing was published, good press became violently bad press so that in 1950 “Time Magazine devoted more space to my doings than the President” as one of my press agents once said. And it was all bad press. My book said “any two people by reading this book could help each other” and the book invaded psychosomatic medicine, which accounts for 70% of Man’s ills. The change from hero to devil occurred in one day — May 9, 1950, the publication date of Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health — the runaway health best seller of all time.
But the Doctor’s Shutes in Canada developing Vitamin E Therapy (curing 50% of the average doctor’s income cases — heart disease) and hundreds of others have also felt the libel and slander tactics of the AMA et al.
This therefore is a field of attack crammed with evidence pointing to conspiracy to monopolize healing by one group, the AMA, extended into the APA’s mental healing by reason of requiring a medical doctor’s license to practice on the mind. Thus the medical doctor has it sewn up and by discreditable means seeks to extend his monopoly. Medical doctors aren’t even trained in the field of the mind.
There is no evidence that qualification as a medical doctor cures anything or that modern medicine is necessary for cures. The Better Business Bureau pamphlet says nobody can cure anything including the MDs. Almost no discoverer of cures was ever a medical doctor, no matter what line of illness one looks into. They have planted the idea in the public mind that healing of anything by anyone but a medical doctor is dangerous. But they also hold that treatment by a non-member of the AMA is also illegal even when a medical doctor (Army and Navy trained doctors are refused the right of private practice by the AMA.)
Yet, as psychiatrists they kill their patients. And adequate proof exists that medical practice is dangerous.
They excuse the monopoly by saying it is unsafe not to have one. None has ever also said it is unsafe to have one. There are many therapies besides pills and the knife. The AMA debars them all by libel and slander to maintain the monopoly of a private organization of practitioners in a multi-billion dollar healing business kept to themselves alone.
The points to keep in mind in the U.S. suits are:
(1) That defending attorneys will quote old clippings as facts unless these are included and answered in our own charges.
(2) That the medical doctor in issuing pamphlets through the Better Business Bureau states that “anyone who says he can cure anything is a quack” and that the medical doctor states he can’t cure anything — so why should he have a healing monopoly?
[(3) … influence … the government and public over many years …the actual identity of the AMA — a private group.]
[… they defend their monopoly only by creating fear and …treatment.]
(5) That issues to press by the AMA and their companion medical doctor group, the APA, consisting of libel and slanderous attacks and are their means of maintaining a monopoly.
(6) That the AMA does this to all other healing groups.
(7) That neither myself or Scientology need be tried as evidence of defamation issued by the AMA exists concerning many healing groups.
(8) That the present position of monopoly of the AMA was won by such tactics.
(9) That I was never given any bad character anywhere until 1950 when I published a book threatening the profitableness of healing and threatening to break up their monopoly. It is easy to prove any charge made in the press by the AMA false. Otherwise I long since would have been put out of action.
(10) That the newspapers and clipping bureaus have uniformly forwarded AMA slander and have not ever sought or published actual interviews of myself. That all actual evidence has been carefully avoided for 15 years.
(11) That it is not necessary to refute press charges over the past 15 years but to use them to show (when attempts are made by the defense to use them) that the campaign is of long duration and is an attempt at monopoly through libel and slander.
(12) That defending against his continual attack has cost us millions and brought us near ruin in some areas and that damages should be historic.
Copyright (c) 1965
by L. Ron Hubbard
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. ↩
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