If almost any person in the Sea Organization were to appear in a Scientology group or Org he would be lionized, red-carpeted and Very-Important-Personed beyond belief.For the Sea Organization is composed of the “aristocracy” of Scientology.
These people, alone and on their own are all stars in the sky of their areas.
It is like one of the old regiments of gentlemen where any private would be, in another but common regiment, a colonel.
Denying the skill and fame of.these individuals to Scientology at large would seem at first glance an extravagance and very wasteful.
And it would be except for one or two things.
In 1966 I made the actual test of what I could accomplish alone (much as any OT) in the wog world. I won the affection of the people of an entire small country and changed it. But a small determined clique of our SP friends made sure I lost. True, as they are locally and internationally unpopular, that they made me go opens all doors to us there when they are overthrown, as they will be, merely on the rationale that if they opposed us then we are all right.
But this adventure showed several things to be true. An unsupported OT without OT organization around him can lose ground. Holding a fixed position in a nation invites trouble. Cost to me, to do this, in terms of cash, was greater in less than five months than the whole Sea Organization in nearly a year. Even in full success, without organization, I would have done, less good than a similar period with organization. There was no personal case gain in it.
I an a great one for pioneering alone to find “holes in the fence”. Well, that’s what I did in 1966. And I concluded several things. First was that on an international basis one has to get in Ethics before he gets in tech. Second was that OTs did better amongst OTs. Third that OTs were most valuable as a disciplined organised group. Fourth, that one could not, with such power, hold a fixed position without losing ground. Fifth, that we grow stronger as we continue to remain “Fabian”. Sixth, that the Sea is the best area on which to be Fabian on this planet. Seventh, that we had to learn to work together as OTs before we could take in further territory. Eighth, that we could do our job best if we all grow more accustomed to handling Mest. Ninth that the Sea Organization as it is developing is our best personal and international answer.
So, the Sea Organization is composed of people who alone would excite great admiration but who together, well organised, can actually get the job done.
And although our lowest deck hand could be a “duke” only all of as together could get on with the job.
And that’s how and why (with allowances for security in the crypticness of this text) the Sea Organization came into being and why we are here.
Hubbard, L. R., (1967, 12 September). A Command The Sea Organization. (Flag Order, 137).
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