SPDL Note: Scientologists are systematically conditioned to accept as scientific truth Hubbard’s science fiction nonsense about the devil and demons he said are components of an “implant,” a painful electronic control device, installed in all human beings 75 million year ago. Hubbard claimed as scientific fact that way back then a galactic tyrant named Xenu had captured all of us, billions upon billions of us, froze us in glycol cubes, transported us to Teegeeac (now known as Earth), blew us up in volcanoes with hydrogen bombs, and then forced us to watch his 36-day long implant movie, in which he had cast various religious archetypes — God, the Devil, Angels. Xenu’s implant supposedly explains the erroneous basis for non-Scientology religious belief and expression.
The epilog of Hubbard’s intergalactic tale is the ongoing infestation of degraded beings who attach themselves to their human hosts. Not called devils or demons, they are “body thetans,” degraded beings who can only be exorcised by way of Scientology’s $360,000 Bridge to Total Freedom.
Hubbard taught that Xenu was the prototype for today’s SP and that Scientology’s enemies invariably dramatize Xenu’s evil intentions toward all mankind. This fiction is taught as fact at OT 3. At beginning levels of Scientology, Hubbard explained demons as aberrations of the mind which are erased with Dianetics.1; 2
- See also GA’s note on HCOB Routine 3 Heaven. ↩
- Back to “Without a broadly informed population…” ↩
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