Date 20 December 19681
One has to ask a question seriously concerning the American – European – Anzo world – normally called “the West”.
Are they capable of surviving?
The business of police is public safety, which in any terminology means the personal safety of the person and the goods of the individual or group.
In any governed society the government takes responsibility for personal security.
If the government itself aids and abets the actions of criminals, condones or legalizes raids upon possessions and attacks on the person, then it is no longer a government but a hostile enemy of the people.
When a government collects taxes it is supposed to give service. When it collects taxes and turns any part of them over to those who attack the people to assist the attack on them and provides no protection in return then it has ceased to be a government and is a kind of curse, like a locust swarm or a plague.
If protection was proportionate to taxes and was actually furnished, even then there would be no real complaint even if the taxes were high.
The definition, by Classic International Law, determinjng a Sovereign Power is “the ability to protect the lands and People of the country from foreign aggression.” If the government cannot or does not do this it is then, in International Courts, no longer defined as the Sovereign Power of the state.
Modern governments realize they cannot defend their land against atomic bombs (as there is no defense) and since 1950 when Russia stole the formula of fission have degenerated into the shadow of the real government.
Western governments and peoples are under ceaseless and unrelenting attack from the Communist forces in the “cold war”. The enemy has for a long time been inside, getting laws passed, degrading the society, seizing persons in the name of “psychiatry”, pushing up taxes, inflating money —
Well it’s pretty obvious what the enemy is doing.
But if this is so — and we know now it is — then where are the Western governments? Where are their 007s and Steeds of “Avenger fame.” Where, even, are their pavement pounders.
SH suffers a small crime on the average of once a month – theft or breaking in. Out of this long list, not one crime has ever been solved by the police to whom each was reported. SH on the other hand has solved several of these on its own. Interesting statistic isn’t it?
Over the years we have had a lot of crimes against us in orgs in various countries – petty theft, etc. And even staff members injured and killed in LA and DC years ago. And where were the police?
The enemy in ’63 dressed up Baltimore longshoremen (the enemy recruits in labour unions for members) gave them guns and badges and they raided our DC HQ and seized everything they could grab. These were called “Federal Marshals” in the press.
We have had a lot of action by police and governments against us WITH NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMES BUT LOTS OF EVIDENCE OF DOING GOOD but we have not had ANY protection of any kind.
The orders the governments followed in attacking us were originated by REDS, by the usually foreign psychiatrist, operating as per Communist instructions to destroy all Churches and Scientology in particular.
The governments took THEIR orders. We were citizens of the country, with honourable decent records and intentions. So where were the governments? Where were the police?
We in desperation, conceiving that the society appeared lawless, developed our own codes of justice and our own ethics officers.SINCE THAT TIME WE HAVE MADE HEADWAY.
Not only that, we have also found the enemy and have him badly rattled.
So, the point is, if this handful of us could accomplish all that and stay alive and grow as well, and if the governments concerned could not handle it and were themselves being mowed down and turned against their own people, we come to two conclusions
A. We are largely on our own.
B. On our own we can make steady progress. This then leads to the conclusions that
1. We must be an awfully effective group
2. And, wildly enough, we are better than the continued governments of the West in defense from Red attacks.
All right, those are fantastic conclusions. But they add up to that by all processes of reasoning. This is no bid to revolution. It’s just a summary of bald
facts.We, the dark horse, came up from the dusty rear of the field and got about 100 furlongs ahead.
So who are these other guys? The police and the governments? They were obviously the losers in this cold war. They couldn’t win on the battlefield or in the conference chamber and they not only let the side down, they helped the enemy.
Either the police were tied down by the corruption in politics or they didn’t care.
I think we ought to give policemen a piece of our mind.
What are they doing letting their citizens be chopped up?
The job we’re doing is their job. They get paid for it.
Sooner or later one of two things happen in a state:
(a) The people and government get tired and the whole thing folds up, or
(b) The people start siding with the winner against the government.
We didn’t set out to be a political force. We don’t care to be one.
Assistant Guardians here and there at the peak of the late 1968 enemy offensive, were getting calls from unions and public groups TO ASK FOR HELP OR DIRECTION in handling the local government on matters of their own, not ours.
And that’s the beginning of a government.
The people are on our side in these weak states.
Now in a governed area that is newly or strongly governed we are being included and welcomed by the new government.
We didn’t promote any of this, really.
The people of Western nations would rather die than become puppets in a Communist State. They do not have much faith in their losing governments.
As we were an unsuspecting object of attack by the enemy we had to measure up to it or die as a group.
We measured up to it. We did not die. We expanded. So now what happens? We are caught up in world forces.
The West is losing steadily as governments.
We refuse to be a revolutionary force. We will continue to try to cooperate with the West.
But it looks to me that this is what will be forced into existence:
As we totally dominate the technology of the mind, as we are winning where the West was losing, as Western governments turned on us and were thereby shown to be weak or corrupt,
the public as the years roll on will force us into a position of control of order whether we like it or not.That’s the way the tide is swinging.
We have a lot of hard battles ahead, I am sure. We will have to be careful not to be classed as a revolutionary force. We will have to keep our truth and integrity in the face of
all opposition and carry on and continue to win.And just by doing what we are doing, I predict that the West will survive and that Communism will succumb. And that we will make our target of a cleared 4th Dynamic.
If we really keep on working hard at our jobs.
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
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