2 Dec 691
To The Guardian WW
DATA COLLECTIONA Case Officer runs agents who essentially are not known to the executive who is naming the Case Officer.
The Executive makes known to the Case Officer what he wants or can use. This is sometimes developed from data already collected and given to the Executive by the Case Officer.
The Case Officer is also known as an “Operator” or an Intelligence Officer. It is up to him to find agents and come to agreement with them. He himself knows and pays them.
The agent is told what is wanted, gets it or finds how it can be gotten or doesn’t exist. He is paid for what he gets or documents or data.
The Case Officer may “run” several agents.
There is always a chance that not all the money gets to the agents and always a chance the data may be planted by the agent or the document forged. These are the chances one takes and prevents them as he can.
Tips, connections and documents are the stuff in trade in Covert Intelligence data collection. One limits his demands on the case officer to these.
In using such data or documents as are furnished, there is a danger of exposing the source of them or the agent so one usually falsifies the source and takes other measures to obscure both that one is dealing with Intelligence and that the agent or case officer had any connection with it. If one is not careful to do this, one exposes the agent. When no care is taken on this point (falsifying how one came across it or possesses it when using it) agents – and the case officer – become afraid to give you data and you dry up the source. As in the case of the Swiss Account numbers the paper “exposed” they blew the cover of an agent. It was as easy to say, “According to directors of the bank, to whom Balniel is related,…” or “Examining their payments for materials their Swiss numbers are…” As it was you knew there was an agent near treasury at SH. Also they were not number accounts. They were name-number accounts and not masked. So the enthusiasm to spread entheta makes their release of data appear to be an intelligence action. They knew it was so they made it look like it. And blew the cover of their agent. Further they have so many of our HCOBs, etc. it is obvious they have infiltrated by the sheer volume of it. Further they took the warning letters and Verwoerd replies on the assassination I warned Verwoerd about out of my top floor file cabinet at SH and took it in its entirety so I have been aware of SH infiltration for some time. They didn’t take, copy by camera or photostat and return. In this case, however, the letters compromised Vorster! So of course they wanted no one to have them. But this told me we faced intelligence actions of a basic kind. So too such can be taken outright mid not replaced.
One has to specify to a Case Officer what one wants or listen to what he can get, let him get on with it and reassure him that its use will be masked and caution him against letting an agent unmask the operation.
This is essentially covert data collection.
A covert operation can be arranged by a Case Officer, using agents but is normally on another set of lines so as to expose nothing of covert data collection by engaging on a covert operation.
Essentially a covert operation is intended to embarrass, discredit or overthrow or remove an actual or possible opponent.
It is a small war carried on without its true source being disclosed.
Generally the operation is preceded by data collection to establish the target validity and to plan the operation.
It follows all the rules of war but uses propaganda psychological effect surprise shock, etc., to achieve its ends.
It is normal to establish the objective of the covert operation very clearly, whether large or small, long term or short term.
There is the war, (the overall conflict) the battle (a short term but massive part of the war) and the skirmish (a minor action just to keep the pressure on and keep the enemy sounded out and off balance).
The takeover of the Nats by enrollment was a major battle, for instance. It could alter the course of the war.
The enemy propaganda tactic is to print bad things, repeat them in another country, repeat them back, get them into articles and then into books. This builds a background of ill repute. This builds a “library of public opinion.” This has happened to us.
The enemy objective is to discredit, in our case, and then build on this a denial of rights under law. Their first bad articles were the New York Times Sunday magazine section in mid 1950. Their first blast was the San Francisco papers, Sept 1950, quoting the publisher Ceppos being critical of me (he ws a Communist, publisher of Book One) followed by the LA papers, pushed then by the Sara Komkovadamanov (alias Northrup) “divorce” actions, followed by attempted kidnapping of myself. Other details were pushed into it including murder of four and so on. This was a full complete covert operation. At the back of it was Miles Hollister (psychology student) Sara Komkovadamanov (housekeeper at the place nuclear physicists stayed near Caltech) Gene Benton and his wife – secretary of the Young Communists League. The FBI approached in December 1950 and asked what Communists were in our orgs, said they could not give it out but asked for a list of all staff saying they would give us back those who were not. 252 out of 1000 were struck off the list by the FBI.
That was a full war against Dianetics. It revived in 1951 and 1952 using the late Don Purcell, a millionaire oil man in Kansas who received $500,000 into his bank account the day after he threw the Wichita Foundations into bankruptcy.
Only minor skirmishes were fought until ’58 and since then the war has hotted up.
Only when we began to view this as a covert operation did we begin to take any tricks in the game.
Throughout, the amount of violence has been dwindling since 1950 std the police no longer cooperate well with the enemy.
Their target seems to be to discredit and to deny terrain (as in ban laws and immigration actions). To this they must have added financial embarrassment early and have hotted this up.
They strike through Health Depts, Immigration Services and Tax Agencies and overall via certain controller press chains. These are the channels on which they fight. Their controller press keeps barking always (like the Daily Mail until King and Carr got chopped off) and now the Sunday Times in the UK. Time-Life used to until Luce fell.
Carry the ball, that is, month in month out. Then innocent papers would begin to echo it during high peaks.
So their control channels are very visible and an analysis of these takes us to Nat groups and up to WFMH and to people who control the constantly used channels.
This whole thing is the pattern of a covert operation conducted by skilled intelligence officers. Every pattern of think they have is Totalitarian Communistic. Marx, Lenin, dialectic materialism, Pavlov. My recent careful analysis of their reaction patterns label them conclusively as a Communist Intelligence group. Their personal character which you meet is that attributed to Communist agents – arrogant beyond belief but singularly lacking initiative and going to pieces when trying to operate without direct orders.
To fight a covert operation or to do one needs channels, contacts, direct planned campaigns with known objectives. One can also fight a covert operation by exposure of it and its principles for which one needs documents.
Covert operations are weak in that they fade out on exposure. Thus a covert operation has to lead to an overt operation to succeed. One sees this in guerilla actions. They begin with propaganda, get stronger by covert political persons found “in place” or planted in the government (as psychologists and psychiatrists now are) and then move into terrorism, bombings, etc., mid then into active guerrilla warfare and then into formal war.
Exposure, authenticated by documents, can halt this process. The demonstration of falsity of utterance can discredit the agents planting data.
Few guerilla actions succeed like China.
But all these stages of a takeover at national level begin with a covert operation.
Having been well fought, our enemy progresses slowly and now he is being discredited. We are a sideshow to national insurrection planned way up in the future.
We regard the Walter takeover and plans in the US severely because it is a money motivated (for sale) group. They’re also for sale to the enemy. This does not mean they are. They are only potentially a grab or side stab.
Purcell managed to seize the whole Dianetics empire and run it for a while. He was a monied man, money-motivated but Castro was the richest man in Cuba! G. Washington the richest in the US. Lafayette the richest in France. So there’s nothing strange about Cecil King being a director of the Bank of England and the Nats.
The Pubs Org crash, the fabulous list (Dunhill) price, etc., last year I have always suspected as a direct attack coordinated with the Immigration ban on our finances.
Now we find vital reports by Fred Payer Asho re Dianetics interruption of Scn services was shelved (put in a drawer) by one of AO Int Judy Ziff, Ira Chaleff and Lucy Malzareck.
But this showed (1968) an Internal-External coordination of attack.
The actions to forestall infiltration, covert operations and enemy covert data collection are all actually known as “Security”.
As mentioned above, ours is poor. 252 out of 1000! In 1950. The Verwoerd letter disappearance. Financial planning to crash us. Enemy data possession. Harmful internal acts. 65% of WW income from Franchise. 35% from orgs. All this adds up to infiltration at higher levels in our orgs.
Thus the Ethics Program No. 1 followed by further checking on those who flunk and better use of our meter and testing on personnel will blow or expose infiltration. We have the tech for Security but we’re not using it. We don’t have Clearance Ratings for Execs or staff members but should have.
The press, the 1968 attacks, had the E-Meter as much of a target as the infiltrated FDA did. They fear it. So quietly use it.
Looking up, using safes and locked files are an elementary omission of ours.
Security unfortunately sows internal distrust. But only if not well done. If well done there is a rise in morale. I will get out a security clearance program as Ethics No. 2.
In a Franchise or FSM circuit you can’t keep Security in. So you have to limit what they receive or what they broadly know.
We should have a general data collection unit totally separate from Case Officer functions. Excerpting from materials issued to enemy groups or their members or to the press and general press or on TV all offer info sources known as Overt Data Collection.
It is valuable to an Executive as it sometimes tells him what to ask the Case Officer for. It shows trends.
But press is only press and full of false data. It shows the Party Line however.
Whether overtly or covertly attained data is
(a) Collected
(b) Digested
(c) Used.Use is for planning or exposure or for finding where to get more data.
Over collection is a vice many Intelligence Services have. The Germans and CIA were or are mad on Overt Data collection. This can bog a service down.
Data which cannot be fitted to a Program or project or used is chaff.
Massive data collection always indicates a service in mystery and without concrete purposes. Many heads and many policy changes causes CIA to have acres of electronic computers and spend billions. There is no overriding purpose, no solid planning or programming and so one has a service dedicated to expensive general defense. They have no hope of winning and no plans to do so. They only currently defend the current fancied mine thrtmt and neglect the overall war. They are in continual skirmish and the only battles are launched by the enemy.
Data must be asked the question “Does this forward or guide our actions?” “Is it of use?” “Does it lead us to new conclusions?”
The Scientific method as given in an appendix of an original edition of Book One applies to planning defense and offense actions. One gets facts, formulates a theory to fit them all, applies the theory and gets more facts, re-states the theory to fit the new facts, etc.
Our war has been forced to become “To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms.”
That was not the original purpose. The original purpose was to clear Earth. The battles suffered developed the data that we had an enemy who would have to be gotten out of the way and this meant we were at war. We a year ago identified the enemy or at least his central group. Since then we fight battles first on our own ground, now on his.
Our tactics of offense and defense are based on data.
We need data to predict his offensives and counter them and data to use in our attacks an him.
We remove his agents and vanquish his troops and we directly attack his central group. That’s sound tactics.
By demonstrating his falsity about us we rehab our own repute (a long road back). By showing his sources to be false we get them expended.
By showing him to be brutal, venal, and plotting we get him discarded.
Our direct assault will come when they start to arrest his principals end troops for crimes (already begun).
Our total victory will come when we run his organizations, perform his functions and obtain his financing and appropriations.
We are armed with our own integrity.
He is crippled by his subversiveness and crimes.
We are weakened by the political paralysis and infiltration of Western Security forces. They are not effective. Their agents can be “turned’ and they are even used to further subversion at high political levels, obvious from their lack of results.
Four Countries were totally run by enemy agents in 1939, agents of Adolf Hitler. When he struck, creating an atmosphere of confusion, these high “in place” agents took over. Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and France had Nazi agents at the top. Russia’s intelligence is patterned on the Gorman service. A similar situation must exist today in the West or the Security Forces would be active instead of hiring as advisors and for their personnel placement psychologists and psychiatrists who meet annually with Russian delegates and belong to KGB connected professional institutions.
So this war is relatively unassisted.
However, as Sweden does, a small group using good intelligence tactics, with good technology if well organized can hold back enemies of great size.
(1) Good Intelligence tactics (we have that).
(2) Good technology (we have that):
(3) Well organized (we are but could be better).
That makes our victory possible.
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Written for the Guardian and her offices.
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. (Clearer copy: PDF format.) ↩
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