Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue V
Flag Rep
LRH Comms
Staff Hats
Upon the Executive Division depends the management and coordination of the entire org. Without leaders who know and effectively apply LRH policy and technology, the whole org will rapidly diminish to a state of total confusion.
The Executive Division sets the directions and pace of the org.
The alignment of actions and intentions, coordinated as a whole, brings about the continued prosperity and well-being of the org and its staff.
The quality of performance of this division directs the course of the org and determines its future progress.
There are three grades of quality.
The characteristics of power quality are:
1. All org execs show up to work on time, bright, clean and cheerful.
2. All Exec Council posts are posted, with an Executive Director and Executive Secretaries who are Flag Executive Briefing Course graduates.
2a. All org execs are experts in their divisions, fully trained and qualified for their posts and know exactly how to apply the correct policy.
3. There is a single-hatted LRH Comm on post.
3a. The LRH Comm is a Flag Executive Briefing Course graduate.
4. An LRH Comm Log is maintained in PT which shows the exact state of compliance of each LRH order (Le., LRH BDs, HCOBs, HCO PLs, etc.), as designated for the org bymanagement or the LRH Comm himself as needed.
5. All LRH orders as designated for the org by management or the LRH Comm himself as needed, are relayed to the intended recipients, duplicated exactly, understood fully and
implemented rapidly.6. Full investigations are done to locate the Whys preventing compliance to LRH orders.
6a. Correction forms to handle the Whys preventing compliance to LRH orders are issued as needed.
7. Tech and policy is gotten in in the org through the use of programs and/or projects which is evident from the numerous amount of re-signs and stellar delivery of the org.
8. Full compliance is swiftly and accurately reported on LRH Comm lines to LRH Comm Int via LRH Comm Cont with information to ED Int.
8a. No half-dones or not-dones are reported as done.
9. Staff and public are encouraged to write to the Executive Director International.
9a. Facilities are provided so that they may do so.
10. There is an SO #1 box maintained in the org in easy public access that is daily handled by the LRH Comm.
11. There is an office for LRH in the org which is highly presentable and used only by LRH.
12. LRH’s presence is prominent in the org with high-quality and correctly-sized photographs of LRH tastefully framed and displayed.
12a. LRH’s name is used in all promotion.
13. Issue authority is granted only for promotion and magazines that are effective, exactly on-policy and based on a valid survey.
14. Executive communications fully back up LRH’s postulates and help bring them about.
15. Justice is safeguarded and all HCO and executive ethics actions conform exactly to policy and to LRH intention.
16. Each exec and staff member gets his admin high crimes done in Qual on the key policies of his staff member hat as well as those policies specifically relating to his post.
17. The org has adequate quarters that are clean and bright.
17a. The org’s quarters contribute to the quality and speed of organization and delivery.
17b. The quarters make the org staff and public comfortable and are a tribute to LRH and the org.
18. There is a single-hatted Keeper of Tech on post.
18a. The Keeper of Tech is a trained Class VIII Auditor.
18b. The Keeper of Tech is a Flag Executive Briefing Course graduate.
19. The Keeper of Tech ensures that there is an established Qual Library and a Tech and Admin Cramming Section, Cramming Officer and Word Clearer or more than one.
20. There is no squirrel processing or training occurring and Source materials are available and in use. If the Keeper of Tech receives any report of such actions or lack of LRH materials, he gets it immediately investigated and those responsible handled through ethics action by HCO and correction by the Qual Division.
21. The Keeper of Tech ensures requests for refunds and repayments are HANDLED exactly per the refund/repayment routing form when they do occur, and that they are handled standardly and promptly.
22. There is an Executive Establishment Officer who is a full FEBC.
23. The Executive Establishment Officer is putting the org there by having Establishment Officers establishing the divisions, org staff and the materiel of the division.
24. The Flag Banking Officer creates and has an income-outgo surplus by forcing monies routinely into org reserves and to Central Management as an “expense” thereby increasing the org’s need for funds and demand for income.
25. The Flag Banking Officer, organization executives and FP members are fully hatted in income-making policy expertise and financial planning policies.
26. Current and past income sources surveys from invoices exist.
26a. Income sources surveys are used to reinforce high income sources and revive lowered ones.
27. There is consistently adequate FP allocation for surveyed and effective and high-volume promotion that will drive in income.
27a. Promotion is never cut to pay bills or for other reasons.
27b. The FP Committee, Executive Council and the Flag Banking Officer ensure that items required to get in promotional actions are financed, purchased and used.
28. Org cash-bills is excellent.
28a. A proper FP No. 1 which allows for promotion and needful actions and all basic vital expenses exists, is current, and is in full use.
29. The Flag Banking Officer ensures the staff are well paid.
30. The Flag Banking Officer prevents any commitment incurred into the future beyond the org’s ability to pay and has no such commitments currently.
31. Payments to Central Management for services and management actions are in good range, uptrended and are consistent with org income range.
32. The Flag Banking Officer collects and banks all org income daily, matched with Div 3 invoices.
32a. The Flag Banking Officer pays allocations promptly and accurately.
32b. The Flag Banking Officer has excellent on-policy accounting admin with no backlogs.
32c. The Flag Banking Officer keeps command informed with timely accurate financial data and reports.
33. The D/FBO for MORE enforces that minimum book stocks are maintained at all times.
34. All points of HCO PL 10 May 82, BOOKSTORE OFFICER HAT, are in and remain in.
35. Films and lectures are in full use in the org.
36. More business is driven down on the org than it can waste, through the use of on-policy promotion.
37. There is a single-hatted Flag Representative on post.
38. The Flag Representative is well dressed, has excellent manners, carries high status in the org and represents the image of Flag.
39. The Flag Representative is aware of the existing scene in the org.
39a. The Flag Representative knows what areas are situations, no-situations, and high situations as compared with the statistics of those areas.
40. The Flag Representative accurately investigates and sends the required Flag Representative weekly reports each week on a “Look, Don’t Listen” basis and sends all data to Flag.
40a. The Flag Representive ensures that all required computerized weekly report forms are properly filled in and sent on time.
41. The Flag Representative keeps Flag well informed of the general scene in his weekly advice letter and immediately reports any emergency situation, omission, alter-is, false report, or noncompliance to Flag with full specifics.
42. The Flag Representative always knows why actions that affect the org are done by Flag and informs local execs as needed.
43. The Flag Representative has received copies of all Aides Orders or Executive Directives which apply to his org.
43a. The Flag Representative has logged them and sees that copies are available as needed to those who would be responsible for execution in the org.
43b. The Flag Representative then personally, in contact with staff members, sees that the org’s evaluation, programs from Flag Management and programs from the International Executive Strata are executed fully and completely, and sends completed programs with evidence to Flag, with a copy for the Flag Operations Liaison Office.
44. There is a single-hatted Director of Special Affairs on post who has been fully trained.
45. The Director of Special Affairs is aware of and is standardly handling legal matters in the org.
46. The Director of Special Affairs ensures RCO keeps valuable documents in proper order and condition.
47. The Director of Special Affairs ensures the org is properly incorporated, registered to do business and files the necessary corporation reports and returns required by the county, state or country.
48. The Director of Special Affairs ensures the copyrights, trademarks and patents of Scientology are properly registered and protected in the state or country concerned.
49. The Director of Special Affairs appoints all attorneys or solicitors for the org and handles all suits against the corporation or its principals and ensures such are won.
50. The Director of Special Affairs originates and undertakes legal actions on behalf of the org against those threatening Scientology or the org.
51. The Director of Special Affairs has PR area control built up to a point where any attacks on the local organization would be rebuffed by the people in the area.
52. The Director of Special Affairs isolates and fully handles any groups that are hostile towards the organization.
53. The Director of Special Affairs protects the corporate status of Scientology as a religion.
54. The Director of Special Affairs has full information about any potential attackers of the org, plans the handling of such, and does successfully handle any attack situation occurring.
55. All Director of Special Affairs media matters pertaining to press relations, government relations, opposition group relations and troublesome relations are handled by the Director of Special Affairs to the betterment of the org’s image in the community.
56. The Director of Special Affairs ensures all required balance sheets and tax returns are filed on time and protects the tax status of the org.
57. Students and pcs are satisfied with the services they are obtaining, are completing and are re-signing up for more services.
58. The Executive Council meets regularly and takes effective actions to plan, coordinate and direct the org.
58a. The Advisory Council meets regularly and works as a team to forward org viability, production and organization.
58b. The Advisory Committees meet regularly and determine condition assignments and planning for their respective division.
59. Staff meetings occur weekly, with briefings from individual staff on any flaps and handlings, general business and their statistics, conditions and battle plans, so as to ensure the group members are informed and their actions and efforts are coordinated and moving in the same direction.
60. There is a D/CO or D/ED for Delivery and Exchange posted and functioning and is a Flag Executive Briefing Course graduate.
61. The D/CO or D/ED for Delivery and Exchange has sales, call-in, delivery and re-sign occurring.
62. The D/CO or D/ED for Delivery and Exchange has exchange in abundance happening with no backlogged service and is keeping up with the present sales.
63. The Executive Secretaries target the org products and see that the targets are achieved.
63a. The Executive Secretaries keep the staff winning on their production cycles.
64. The Org Officers for the Executive Secretaries back up the Executive Secretaries and see that the needed organization is rapidly established so that products actually are delivered.
65. All stats are posted where they can be seen by staff.
65a. Org executives. operate their divisions BY STATISTICS per policy.
66. The executives ensure that each area in the org is assigned and operating on the correct condition.
66a. The staff of the org are correctly applying the conditions of their post.
67. The CO/ED daily inspects all areas of the org.
68. Org executives daily inspect their divisions.
68a. Org executives guide them on proper channels to correct outnesses, handle backlogs and increase production.
69. All executives USE the Data Series 23-they OBSERVE, EVALUATE, PROGRAM, SUPERVISE and REVIEW. This is done on a weekly basis against org GDSes.
70. Departmental mini programs based on policy are written and fully executed to completion for each department of the org and raise the stats of each department.
A Power Executive Division consists of these actions and any others needed to make them come about.
The org that has such an Executive Division will be coordinating its actions, energy and intentions in the direction set by LRH- toward the goals of Scientology itself.
If any of these are so, the Executive Division has poor quality:
1. Executives late for work.
1a. Executives not properly clean shaved, barbered, coifed.
2. The LRH Comm is not a Flag Executive Briefing Course graduate.
3. LRH Comm Log maintained but not used to detect bugs or slows or noncompliance to LRH orders.
4. LRH orders relayed but without care or attention to see if it was really duplicated or understood.
5. Investigations done but no or slow action taken to remedy outnesses found inhibiting execution of LRH orders.
6. Poor or no compliance to programs and/or projects for getting tech and policy in in the org as evident by the low amount of re-signs and delivery.
7. Compliance forwarded without actual verification to see if they were really done.
8. SO #1s not handled daily but allowed to accumulate.
9. LRH’s personal office not kept clean and maintained.
9a. LRH’s personal office is being shared by other executives.
10. Poor quality photos or pictures of LRH displayed in the org.
10a. Poor quality LRH photos are used in org promotion.
11. ItA granted on promo not based on survey.
12. Downstats promoted or rewarded instead of upstats.
13. Only some staff get their admin high crimes done.
14. Org quarters and grounds are not adequate for org needs.
14a. Org quarters and grounds are dismal or unkept, that are not a tribute to LRH and the org, or are legally insecure.
15. There is no single-hatted Keeper of Tech on post.
15a. The functions of the post are being handled by the LRH Comm at a minimum.
16. Requests for refunds and repayments are poorly handled when they do occur and do not get handled standardly and promptly.
16a. There are routing forms that exist for a person requesting refund or repayment but it is not clear as to the exact steps to take to obtain his refund or repayment.
17. There is no Exec Esto or Estos putting the org there.
18. The Estos are only running on a few programs.
18a. There is very little hatting occurring so as to get production.
19. Flag Banking Officer efforts to make the org make more money are sporadic and ineffective.
19a. Income-making expertise is only vaguely known or used by Flag Banking Officer, other executives or FP members.
20. The org spends all it makes as evidenced by income-outgo graphs or cash-bills running parallel or no regular payment to back bills or org reserves.
21. FP members are unhatted and there is no program in progress to hat or educate them.
22. The Flag Banking Officer allows a sloppy FP which leaves off basic expenses.
22a. The Flag Banking Officer lets FP Pgm No. 1 drop out or doesn’t put it in at all.
23. Staff pay is usually poor.
24. The Flag Banking Officer permits accounting or financial irregularities on his own post.
24a. In Treasury.
24b. Among FP members.
24c. Among executives.
24d. The Flag Banking Officer’s reports are late.
24e. The Flag Banking Officer’s records sometimes do not agree with Treasury’s.
25. Little or no money is sent to Flag.
26. HCO PL 10 May 82, BOOKSTORE OFFICER HAT, is partly out.
27. There is only a trickle amount of business being driven into the org.
28. The Flag Representative is not of clean and neat appearance and does not promote the Flag image.
29. The Flag Representative sends in his Flag Representative weekly reports each week but is not accurate in his observation or reports.
30. The Flag Representative is slow and incomplete in handling any queries and thereby does not get accurate data to Flag.
31. The Flag Representative is reasonable with local alter-is, off-policy or false reports and entheta to Flag.
32. The Flag Representative has received copies of only some Aides Orders or Executive Directives which apply to his org.
32a. The Flag Representative hasn’t logged them or seen that copies are available as needed to those who would be responsible for execution in the org or personally contacted staff members on them.
32b. The Aides Order’s programs are bugged and no debugs have been done.
32c. Compliance reports lack full evidence.
33. There is a Director of Special Affairs on post, though not fully trained in the functions of a Director of Special Affairs.
34. Most legal matters are known about and being handled by the Director of Special Affairs.
35. There are some but not enough PR area control actions being done to proof up the org against attacks.
36. The Director of Special Affairs isolates but does not fully handle groups that are hostile towards the organization.
37. Not all Director of Special Affairs media matters are being handled by the Director of Special Affairs.
38. Some students and pcs are getting services and few are signing up for more upon completion.
39. Exec Council meets but does not take effective action to implement plans or coordinate and direct actions found needed in the org.
40. No targets set by executives for org production.
41. No adequate organization brought about to assist getting the products out.
42. Backlogging delivery is permitted.
43. Advisory Council not working together to forward org production, viability or organization.
44. The executives don’t ensure that each area in the org is assigned and operating on the correct condition.
44a. The staff are not always correctly applying the conditions of their post.
45. Senior execs single-handing.
46. No inspections done routinely by executives for areas over which they are responsible.
47. Departmental mini programs are only sporadically written for some departments of the org and occasionally get executed to completion.
An Executive Division of this type has a dim idea of what is needed to direct and coordinate an org. It is usually unhatted and on a mad cope, leading into a very confusing scene.
If any of these are so, then the quality of the division is Treason:
1. Executives not showing up to work, one or two working elsewhere.
2. Off-the-cuff decisions are made.
2a. Actions are taken on wrong Whys with further collapse of stats.
3. All LRH orders are forced into the org at once with no programing or concern for existing scene.
4. There are no programs and/or projects that exist to handle the out-tech and off-policy in the org.
5. Correction forms issued without investigations.
5a. Correction forms issued on upstats who are trying hard to get LRH orders and intentions done.
5b. No correction forms issued at all.
6. Actual compliance not reported to LRH Comm Int via LRH Comm Cont with information to ED Int.
7. No LRH office at all in the org.
7a. LRH image not promoted or used in the org or in its publications.
8. Harsh ethics allowed on upstats.
8a. Proper recourse denied.
9. Admin High Crimes are not done in the org at all.
10. Org premises not suitable or legal for org needs.
11. Public and staff facilities left filthy and not properly supplied.
12. There is no single-hatted Keeper of Tech on post nor are the functions being handled by the LRH Communicator.
13. Requests for refunds and repayments are not HANDLED when they do occur.
13a. There are no routing forms that exist for a person requesting refund or repayment.
14. There is no Exec Esto or Estos putting the org there.
15. The Estos are not running on any programs.
15a. There is no hatting occurring so as to get production.
16. The income is low and the Flag Banking Officer makes no effort at all to demand or raise it.
16a. Income-making policy is utterly unknown and unused by FP members, Flag Banking Officer and executives.
17. Real necessities which could stall vital actions or Flag programs or promotion are left off of FP or cut by FP members or others.
17a. Properly surveyed and effective promotion is cut below adequate or usual volume to pay bills or for other reasons.
18. Staff are not paid at all.
18a. The org has off-policy and unauthorized pay systems in use setting excessive pay and bonus precedents that the org could not meet on lowered income.
19. The org has large or newly increased commitments extending into the future beyond its ability to payor which could crash it financially in the event of suddenly lowered income.
19a. FP No. 1 or any effective method of keeping income greater than outgo has been utterly abandoned.
19b. Nonpromotional expenses remain high and uncut even when income is down.
20. The org sends no money to Flag at all or sends a small amount widely inconsistent with its current income.
21. HCO PL 10 May 82, BOOKSTORE OFFICER HAT, is completely out.
22. There is no business being driven into the org.
23. The Flag Representative is coarse in conduct or communication.
24. The Flag Representative accepts the opinions and conclusions of others and does not himself inspect or locate the real Why.
25. The Flag Representative does not report honestly the existing scene.
26. The Flag Representative takes harsh actions or makes harsh recommendations without looking at the stats of the area concerned.
27. The Flag Representative received copies of only some Aides Orders or Executive Directives which apply to his org but puts them in his desk drawer and no other copies are available.
27a. Program targets are not relayed to any staff members.
27b. Any compliance reports that do get sent up are completely false.
28. There is no Director of Special Affairs on post in the org.
29. There are no PR area control actions being done at all.
30. Illegal contracts have been signed, illegal commitments have been made, and no one is aware of the consequences or gives a damn.
31. There are reporters crawling in the windows, squirrel groups in the classroom, and the Janitor and Qual I&I doing a TV interview in the entrance of the org.
32. The classroom and auditing rooms are empty of students and pcs, and those who got away aren’t coming back to sign up for more.
33. Executive Council at odds.
33a. Executive Council not coordinating any org actions at all.
34. Executives not operating the org by stats but using personalities instead.
35. Conditions are not used at all.
36. Executives not policing dev-t, but allowing the org to get drowned in its own noise.37. There is a backlog of delivery with little or no delivery occurring.
This type of Executive Division will very quickly destroy the org, which is what it is probably trying to do.
Such an Executive Division is a crime against every staff member. It will get every executive and every staff member into trouble.
PR area control will go out.
The org will go broke.
Production will cease.
Staff members will blow.
Senior executives in such an Executive Division should be assigned the correct condition — TREASON.
Org conditions are set wholly from within. It is up to the executive to program, target and push through production and establishment to create and maintain the org.
It takes time to make an executive.
It takes study of policy and duplication of LRH intention and strict application of all the technology.
It takes hard work.
But given the willingness and desire to bring about a better world, the Executive Division can unite the org into the team that’s needed to get the job done.
If any senior executive wants to know the overall condition of his org, he can use this checklist to actually inspect and see.
The LRH Comm should do so regularly. The Exec Dir or CO would be wise to also.
You are far more capable of doing any action that will ever be required of you as an exec in your org.
When you goof an action, remedy it fast.
When you make it go right, give yourself a pat on the back!
FounderAssisted by
LRH Comm AideRevision assisted by
LRH Technical Research
and Compilations
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. PDF format. ↩
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