DEAD FILE, 1. dead file does not mean they stopped communicating with us. It means we stopped communicating with them. (HCO PL 7 Jun 65 Entheta Letters and the Dead File, Handling of-Definitions) 2. dead file does not cover business firms demanding bills, government squawks or dangerous suits or situations. It covers only entheta public letters received on any line including SO 1. (HCO PL 7 Jun 65, Entheta Letters and the Dead File, Handling of-Definitions) 3. Ethics files shall include a dead file. This file includes all persons who write nasty or choppy letters to an org or its personnel. Rather than go to the trouble of issuing a suppressive person order or even investigating, we assign writers of choppy letters to the dead file. When their area is enturbulated and we want to locate a suppressive, we can always consult our dead file for possible candidates and then investigate and issue an order. The dead file is by sections of the area or the world, and alphabetical in those sections. (HCO PL 7 Jun 65, Entheta Letters and the Dead File, Handling of Definitions) 4. files which could be junkedwithout any loss of value to the operation.(HTLTAE, p. 64)
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.
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