Q AND A, 1. means “Question and Answer.” When the term Q and A is used it means one did not get an answer to his question. It also means not getting compliance with an order but accepting something else. Example: Auditor, “Do birds fly?” Pc, “I don’t like birds.” Auditor, “What don’t you like about birds?” Flunk. It’s a Q and A. The right reply would be an answer to the question asked and the right action would be to get the original question answered. (HCOB 5 Dec 73) 2. the origin of the term comes from “changing when the pc changes.” A later definition was “Questioning the pc’s Answer.” The basic answer to a question is, obviously, a question if one follows the duplication of the comm formula completely. Q and A is a failure to complete a cycle of action on a preclear. An auditor who starts a process, just gets it going, gets a new idea because of pc cognition, takes up the cognition and abandons the original process is Q and Aing. (HCOB 7 Apr 64)
Q AND A’D, did what the preclear did. Any time the preclear changed the auditor changed. (PAB 151)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.
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