MASTER AT ARMS, 1. this is a naval term used in the Sea Org and is equivalent (but senior) to the Ethics Officer in a Scientology church. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) 2. Sea Org Ethics Officer. (FO 2780) 3. Master at Arms, Dept 3, is inspections and reports, statistics, investigation, ethics, legal, ethics files, brig, assisted by Master at Arms mates and contains as well the statistics of the ship or flotilla which are the product of the Communications Division. (FO 1109) 4. Staff Master at Arms has the duties of: (1) inspection: inspecting for compliance of Flag orders and work orders aboard the ships and assigning conditions necessary for false reports and non-compliance. (2) security checking wherever applicable. (3) interrogation of personnel on failed missions. (FO 637) 5. (Gung-Ho Group) keeps order at meetings and ejects people trying to break the group up. He also inspects things and reports on them to the Communications Executive who in turn informs the President or other group members. (HCO PL 2 Dec 68) Abbr. MAA.
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.
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