Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 24 JANUARY 1977
All Auditors
All Supervisors
All Interneships
All HCOB Volume Buyers
Auditors and Scientologists for 27 years have tended to be suspicious of HCOBs and Policy Letters not written by myself.
Until a few months ago my opinion was that this, while flattering, was not entirely justified.
However, these last few months have sharply changed my belief into total agreement with all those who have expressed some fear of reinterpretations of bulletins by others.
I have been engaged for some months now in a round-up of out tech issues.
And I have found, I am sorry to say, that mice have been gnawing at the pillars of the Bridge, putting up traffic barriers and false detour signs.
I have been finding serious out tech issues and correcting them.
Whether because of misunderstood words (the commonest cause of out tech alterations) or other reasons, there have been a staggering number of tech sectors that have been corrupted by issues by others that alter-ised.
The corrections I have been doing have been, are being or will be issued shortly. However, not all auditors and Scientologists keep pace with current issues and so I am here giving you a rapid summary of the gross departures from standard tech which have occurred in the past 3 or 4 years and their corrections.
So you were right!
A very few people (3 or 4) have wittingly or unwittingly brought about outnesses which could easily make the difference between successful case handling and failed cases.
Action has been taken to handle them and there are a great many good people at work now in compiling and reissuing the workable tech which I developed in the first place.
It is now forbidden to write an HCOB or an HCO PL and sign my name to it. If anyone helped compile it or wrote it, my name is followed by “Assisted by_____” the person who helped get it back together at my directions. Also no Board Technical Bulletin may cancel an HCOB.
So from here on you are relatively safe.
I am always the first to tell you and this is no exception.
There follows here a long list of incorrect procedures or data found to have been issued.
Also a brief rundown of the correct procedure will be found, which is the correct and standard tech.
What makes tech correct? When it doesn’t get results it is incorrect. When it gets the expected result it is correct.
My own writings and researches are based wholly upon things that got and get results.
When another, through misunderstood words or other reasons, “interprets” or changes the original tech, it has been the general experience that results are not obtained.
By studying this list you may very well find some alter-ised points which caused you to have trouble or which caused confusion.
Therefore, the subjects themselves are described in summary form.
Not all issues are out yet which accomplish full correction. Their HCOB numbers therefore cannot be given. Some of the issues are not yet released but will be soon.
However, there is no reason to deny you the essence of the material and so I am giving you the full list to date.
I trust this list and HCOB restore some stability.
I hope that any failures you may have had due to alter-ised materials will be spotted by you. And that you will be able to apply some of these right now and get the full materials later.
I like results, you like results. And the following may include some of the reasons you may have had a hard time with some sessions.
I am sorry for that. I have come back on tech lines especially to correct it, and have spent seven months spotting areas where there has been trouble or failures, evaluating them and discovering the alter-is of original materials and issues. In many cases the alter-is sure was hidden. This completes 7 months of search for tech outnesses.
Here is the list.
The first shock (which actually began this current search for out tech issues) was the discovery that PTS conditions were going unhandled across the world and had been for some time.
“PTS” means Potential Trouble Source and means the person is affected adversely by a suppressive in his life. A PTS person can be a lot of trouble to himself and to others. The condition is not too difficult to handle and to find that all the tech of handling it was in disuse explained why there had been a lot of trouble and upset on various lines.
After a great deal of search, it was found that PTS handling and another rundown (The Vital Information Rundown) had been restricted only to Expanded Dianetics. Thus one would find on pcs’ programs that they were supposed to go all the way through Dianetics and their grades before their PTS condition was handled. In actual fact a person who is PTS cannot be audited on anything else until the PTSness has been straightened out. This was operating as an effective barrier to cases.
Fortunately, the Technical Bulletin Volumes were not quite off the press and this one was caught with HCOB 27 July 1976 which will be found on page 427-A of Volume VIII.
The first thing you do for a pc in any grade or without grades is handle his PTSness.
As long as the subject was hot I decided to look further into it to make sure that the actual tech was still available and to get a pilot done to verify its use in actual practice since few had had any PTS handling for a couple of years.
I initiated a pilot project and it was well executed by CS-5.
The results of this project are found in HCOB 20 Oct 1976.
The outcome of this further research as contained in that HCOB was that the person, for full handling, should be gotten through his PTSness and then should study the complete pack of PTS/SP Checksheet, BPL 31 May 71RC, so that he knows the full mechanics that had been wrecking his life. This is contained in HCO PL of 20 Oct 1976.
While the above named checksheet is quite adequate, a project is now in progress to collect up all original LRH Case Supervisor notes (C/Ses) and handwritten materials on PTSness so that additional issues may be brought out and the checksheet extended. The reason for this is that there is a sector of non-audited handling of PTSness which has never been fully released. This comes under the heading of additional material and the existing PTS material is not only workable but is vital.
So this scene was rounded up and PTSness is again being handled successfully over the world.
As an additional note, a cassette is now being made for general distribution and sale which will soon be released so that PTS people can get one and send it or play it to persons antagonistic to their leading a better life. […] 1
- This HCOB is listed on SPD 139 30 May 1986 PTS/SP Checksheet Part One, B33. ↩
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