Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 10 MAY 19821
Psychotics deal with doing people in. Their whole mission in life is destruction.
They inveigh against lower level gains and seek to discredit them since these run contrary to their aberrated purpose.
But when it gets to Clears and OT levels, psychos go berserk!
They are, it happens, terrified of punishment for their own crimes.
The thought of someone being sensible or powerful enough to punish them (the way they would do) is more than they can stand.
You can, with the utmost certainty, identify a criminal psychotic by the way he vilifies or degrades or seeks to stop Clears and OTs from coming into existence.
It is lost on him that immorality and crime in others stem from the very things he is doing to them.
So look well at psychs and antireligious campaigners. They are speaking from their own blackened souls. And they speak from terror.
That people when they grow saner are less inclined to vengeance is an argument they cannot assimilate. They know if they had the power to torture and kill everyone they would do so.
Thus the psychs with their rantings and electric shocks wear their own brand clearly marked on them by their own conduct in life.
Recognize them for what they are—psychotic criminals—and handle them accordingly.
Don’t let them stop man from going free.
L. Ron Hubbard
- Document studied on the How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course. (2001 ed.) ↩
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