22 September 1988
OSA Network Order No. 1131
OSA Int/Conts
Invest Staff
Legal StaffConfidential
HANDLING DUPED LITIGANTSLike all criminals, our enemies have an exact modus operandi and they appear to have followed it with every “litigant” they have roped into suits against the Church. It consists of inventing evidence and complaints and getting the recruited “litigants” to assert these, even though they are false and perjurious.
Depositions of such litigants will reveal:
1. their claims are an invention of the enemy,
2. the litigant has no supportive evidence.If these litigants themselves are inadequately aware of this scene, then they simply haven’t been deposed enough.
Looking into their backgrounds might furnish “new light” which would give adequate reason to depose.
There used to be, when law was still moderately sane, a thing called “character.” This counted heavily in courts and, actually, was sufficient to proof somebody up against capricious attacks. Nowadays, of course, the better character one has, the harder he is hit. But regardless of that it still might be a factor which could be brought into play in courts and if it could be demonstrated that these litigants were of low or malicious character with a bad record and if this was made part of court records via depositions and other evidences it could weigh in getting these cases thrown out.
This would brand every case as without merit and with such depositions in hand you could have any suit dismissed.
The above follows the strategy of exhausting the enemy’s resources. But it has further potentials:
The litigant, in some way could be told:
3. that all such litigation is failing in the courts,
4. that the “evidence” he was fed by the enemy is false,
5. that he has been victimized by the enemy (a heavy button on such dupes),
6. that he has been put, by the enemy, in a position of being stripped of all possessions, his future pay and even if he files for bankruptcy to escape future judgements, he has been financially and socially ruined by the enemy,
7. that his only out is to disavow and disclaim these false charges and admit they were all authored by the enemy and have no basis in fact,
8. that if he does the above, he will be off the hook.Otherwise he might face complete financial and social disaster.
But there is more. This puts dismay and confusion in the enemy ranks. They will begin in-fighting. The enemy will threaten these “litigants” and alienate them at the very least.
It is said that some litigants are very rabid. The enemy has made them so and proving the falsity of the enemy would disarm the rabidness or throw it into question or cause the rabid ones to do something incautious that messes them up.
This is a type of direct penetration attack which should be well timed. We have been the target of out-ethics that is hard to conceive would be tolerated in the profession and the legal bureaucracy is not acting upon it.
In addition to malicious litigation or vexatious jurisprudence, those enemies are also guilty of libel and slander.
The enemies have used the dirty trick of using the law to commit “legal” libel and slander, in addition to their engaging in malicious litigation. That’s one of the things they should be hit for in any counterattack.
The main object is to nullify such suits. A second object is to make every person in the enemy camp an enemy of every other person in that camp. And a third object is to pave the way for a multi-million dollar barrage of future suits to clean up the name of Scientology.
Anyone engaged in this action should be fully checked out on the above steps on a litigant so it can be convincingly done, varied only when necessary to make the objectives materialize.
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