Cause Over Suppression Means Cause. Period.1
As Chairman of the Board RTC explained during the Maiden Voyage OT Summit Events: “As you know, International Management’s GOING GLOBAL strategy is aimed at bringing the materials of Dianetics and Scientology to every language of Earth. […]
Then a few weeks later, at the second in the series of Maiden Voyage Anniversary OT Summit Events, a milestone achievement was announced in making it possible for all Scientologists to make it up The Bridge. The brand-new PTS/SP Course: “How to Confront and Shatter Suppression” was released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Hungarian, Japanese and Hebrew! […]
And why is this so important? As Chairman of the Board RTC explained at the event, “While we can move someone up the Grade Chart on a direct shot to OT and provide the rundowns to get him back on the grade chart when he falls off, this one factor could prevent it all: Suppression. “…Well, I don’t think anyone likes suppression. Yet, just from the fact that one lives on this planet, there isn’t a single person who isn’t in contact with it. The question becomes whether he is at CAUSE or EFFECT.” And now, with the release of the fully body of PTS/SP Technology and the new PTS/SP Course in fifteen languages, tools to be at CAUSE have been put in more beings’ hands than ever.
- From Going Global (2001 CSFSO) ↩
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