1 September 2006
OSA Network Order No. 541
Snr Execs
Invest Execs OnlyHighly Confidential
(Excerpted from a briefing given on 1 July 1968.)They tried to knock out the FBI about a year ago. Hoover was under fire, even Johnson was going to remove him. They tried to pull the rug right from underneath the FBI, get Hoover dismissed and the whole unit smashed. It was done via the White House and State Department—heavy brass. Mr. Hoover, being an old intelligence man from a way back, had the name, rank and serial number of every one of their crimes. I imagine he made a couple of quiet phone calls and said, “Well, Lyndon, life is interesting because if anything happens to the FBI or I am removed from the FBI, ‘You’re…waff-waff, waffle-waffle, waffle-waffle’ will be my first public statement.” Because the heat came off in a matter of an hour.
We can take a clue from that. If we don’t have prosecution-type data we are not safe.
You can study this political scene and see which way it moves and gradually get some coordinated factor. There may be only one single body on this planet which is disturbing it. There may be not more than a few guys bringing about the totality of its unrest and economic duress.
It’s easy to say incompetence will do this. But people, if left alone, will normally settle down. We try to isolate who is creating the unrest and giving the orders. But even while we’re doing that, we try to collect “protective materials.” Archaeological and scientific and social studies might very well result in disclosing Mr. De Gaulle’s peculiar liaison with Hitler. That’s protective material.
All of a sudden somebody is jumping all over us in “Wango-bingo” and all it would take would be a quiet phone call. That’s one way to keep order. That is an intelligence method of handling things. It’s not blackmail, because blackmail is demanding money and that has nothing to do with it. “You jump on us, you’re dead”— that type of material.
It follows this way: We start to expand an area and we instantly and immediately want protective information in that area. We may be able to coordinate who causes the unrest of the world against the channels that they would have in that area. And that tells us the most favorable protective information.
That is the formula. And the more we study the general scene, the more we can coordinate, how do these birds do it? And then we will find what lines they use and get protective information on the lines they use.
So, Mr. Big decides to knock us flat in Bongville. All of a sudden it cools by the simple reason that we already know that the head of the public health service at Bongville has three wives. What you normally do is leak it to him. Somebody goes out and has dinner with his daughter as a perfect stranger and says “You know, I would be awfully careful of jumping on those Scientologists in Bongville if I were you. You know somebody ought to tell your Daddy that there’s some wild rumor—of course, we don’t know what the truth of it is—that actually you have three mothers. And they know that over there.”
Our general world study tells us what we look into to find protective information.
If we keep this up it will eventually lead us straight to the top which will give us humanitarian control.
Information is the keynote.
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