1 September 2006
OSA Network Order No. 241
All Execs & StaffConfidential
(Excerpted from a briefing of 18 April 1970.)I have begun to understand what has happened to Scientology at large. They are afraid of us. They are actually terrified at government and other levels.
They are afraid. We are improving human beings and they do not know the degree of potential or power of one of these beings and it scares them spitless. And one of the things that scares them spitless is that, to some of these guys in obsessed fixed positions of beingness, we violate the idea that he should remain, himself, totally unknown while pretending he’s something else.
In other words, we are “violating” that the vast majority of thetans are absolutely starved for the idea that they wish to remain unknown. Nobody must recognize one. We are on a planet where being a thetan, the fact that was known, was used to crush the whole population and the population of a lot of other planets too. So the proper solution was to remain totally unknown. And there must not be any such thing as a thetan or a being or anything like that. So we are frightening, we are liable to expose them to view. It isn’t their withholds, it’s their beingness we are liable to expose.
What a covert bunch of cats. And they are also very easily terrified. So I’ve got a better estimate of the society into which we are moving. They should be soothed. If they are that crazy they should just be soothed, so your basic tendency of PR is to soothe them. You don’t say it in these many words but it’s sort of, “Well, that’s all right, we’re not going to hurt you.” “You should be a friend of ours,” you see, “because if you became an enemy of ours, why, there is nothing that could help you.”
There is some of that in our line now because it is the reality of the situation. We know very well that people who turn against Scientology cave in.
We are actually suffering from a terror reaction. And there is a point between terror and overwhelm because terror will be succeeded by overwhelm. You will have, as time marches on, a whole society in propitiation.
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