To assist in your understanding of these issues, hard-to-find terms and other words which you may not be familiar with are included in this glossary.1
AMA: abbreviation for American Medical Association.
American Medical Association: a physicians’ organization in the United States.
APA: abbreviation for American Psychiatric Association.
assessment: the action of an auditor calling off a list of questions or subjects to a preclear and noting the reactions to each on an E-Meter. An assessment is done to help isolate specific areas or subjects to be addressed.
Association: reference to the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International (HASI).
auditor’s report: a report filled out by an auditor giving the pertinent data of the session, such as meter reactions, time notations, etc.
Authority, Verification and Correction Unit International (AVC Int): former name of Authorization, Verification and Correction International, a division of Religious Technology Center. It is the most senior quality control entity within the Scientology religion, responsible for seeing technology and policy are not perverted or altered in any fashion so the religion is kept true to the writings of L. Ron Hubbard.
backtrack: a person’s past track, that is, the part of a person’s time track (the consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulate through a person’s life) prior to his present lifetime.
bad hat: a corrupt, worthless or good-for-nothing person; someone who is morally lax or who frequently engages in improper conduct.
Basic Staff Member Hat: the HCO Policy Letters that describe how a Church of Scientology organization operates and give a staff member the basic information he needs in order to operate properly as one. These policies comprise Volume 0 of the Organization Executive Course.
beingness: the assumption (choosing) of a category or identity. It could be said to be the role in a game and an example of beingness could be one’s own name. Another example would be one’s profession. Another example would be one’s physical characteristics. Each or all of these things could be called one’s beingness. Beingness is assumed by oneself or given to oneself, or is attained; for example, in the playing of a game each player has his own beingness.
Bligh, Captain: William Bligh (1754-1817), British admiral and captain of the ship Bounty. During a trading voyage in 1789 while sailing the Pacific from Tahiti to the West Indies, Bligh and eighteen of his crew were overpowered by mutineers and set adrift in a small boat. The mutiny was led by Bligh’s first mate, who claimed Bligh’s severity as a commanding officer as justification for the revolt. Bligh and his men, however, managed to survive.
BMA: abbreviation for British Medical Association.
Board of Review: a Scientology justice body convened to look into and remedy injustices.
Book One: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, the first book published on the subject of Dianetics.
Busy Business Bureau: a humorous reference to the Better Business Bureau.
Central Organization: a Church of Scientology organization that is authorized to train auditors.
Christie: John Reginald Christie (1898-1953), English murderer. He was convicted and hanged for the murder of his wife, but also confessed to the murder of five other women whose bodies were found in the walls and under the floorboards of his home.
Clay Table Process: a type of Scientology auditing process in which the preclear executes the commands of the auditor in clay.
Clearing Course: that level of the Bridge where one processes himself to the state of Clear.
coals to Newcastle: a shortened form of carry coals to (into) Newcastle, engage in some action that is completely unnecessary, throwing away or wasting one’s labor. Newcastle is a city in the center of a great coal-mining area of England and thus taking coal there would be useless, foolish and a waste of time and effort.
Code of a Scientologist: a series of guidelines which Scientologists agree to follow in order to achieve the aims of Scientology. The code can be found in Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics.
coffee and cakes: more than enough money for the necessities of life.
Confessional: a procedure in Scientology whereby an individual is able to confess his withholds and the overt acts underlying them. Confessing one’s overt acts is the first step toward taking responsibility for them and seeking to make things right again.
Continental Justice Chief: the executive responsible for the standard application of Scientology ethics and justice policies to all staff and public in a continental zone. The Continental Justice Chiefs duties include ensuring that justice actions in his area are carried out swiftly and standardly, answering communication from the field regarding ethics and justice matters, and executing authorized handlings or programs for his zone of responsibility. See also International Justice Chief in this glossary.
cowboys in the black hats: villains; bad guys. The expression comes from Western movies, in which one can tell the good guys from the bad guys by the color of their hats: white for good, black for bad.
cowboys in the white hats: heroes; good guys. The expression comes from Western movies, in which one can tell the good guys from the bad guys by the color of their hats: white for good, black for bad.
crack the back (of something): (figurative) to solve the greatest or most difficult part of.
Crosby, Bing: (1904-1977) American singer and motion-picture star whose real name was Harry Lillis Crosby; one of the most popular singers of his generation. His more than 1,000 records have reportedly sold over 300,000,000 copies. He also appeared in more than 50 films, and won an Academy Award in 1944. Crosby remained a very popular entertainer until his death in 1977.
Data Series: a series of policy letters containing the technology of evaluation, wherein one learns to think. The Data Series is a tool to discover causes and is applied to find what is logical by ferreting out what is illogical, using this to reveal the greatest outness which, when remedied, will resolve the scene.
deep-six, giving the: a variation of giving (someone) the deep-six, rejecting, negating or abandoning; disposing of definitively. The origin of this phrase is nautical; burials at sea are made in water more than six fathoms deep (a fathom is a nautical unit of length equal to six feet of water).
Dept of Estimations: short for Department of Estimations, a former department in the Technical Division which was responsible for student and preclear administration matters, including testing and interviewing students and preclears.
Detroit: the largest city in the US state of Michigan. In July 1977, racial riots broke out resulting in several deaths, many injured people, and over $150 million in property damages.
Dianetic Triples: the action of running Dianetics on three flows. By “flow” is meant a directional thought, energy or action. The three flows are: inward to oneself, outward to another or others, and crossways, others to others. Examples: Flow 1, to self, drinking. Flow 2, self to another or others, pc giving them drinks. Flow 3, others to others, people giving other people drinks.
Dillinger, John: (ca. 1902-1934) an infamous American bank robber and murderer who was declared “public enemy number one” by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1933 for his role in numerous bank robberies and a string of murders.
Diogenes: (ca. 412-323 B.C.) Greek philosopher who taught that the virtuous life is the simple life. He is said to have once wandered through the daylight streets of Athens with a lantern, searching for an honest man.
Director of Special Affairs: the head of the Department of Special Affairs in a Church of Scientology organization, responsible for the external affairs of the church, such as public relations and legal matters.
eat crow: to be forced into doing something disagreeable or humiliating, such as admitting a mistake or backing off from a position taken. This phrase is said to have originated from an incident that occurred in the War of 1812 (a conflict between the United States and Britain over the rights of the US at sea). During a cease-fire, an American soldier went hunting and accidentally crossed over the British lines where, finding no better game, he shot down a crow. An unarmed British officer heard the shot and, tricking the American into giving the rifle to him to admire, then turned the gun on the American and ordered him to take a bite out of the crow. The British officer then gave the American back his gun, telling him to leave. The soldier promptly turned his gun on the officer and ordered him to finish eating the bird.
Emergency: the condition that a person or organization is in when the statistics of the organization, department or portion of an organization or a person are seen to be declining or when there are unchanging statistics of an organization or a portion of an organization or a person.
Establishment Officer: a staff member in a Church of Scientology organization whose purpose is to establish and maintain the establishment of the organization and each division therein.
Esto: short for Establishment Officer. See Establishment Officer in this glossary.
Ethics Authority Section: the section in a Church of Scientology organization whose duties include the authorization of local ethics issues and handling of petitions that pertain to ethics matters.
Ethics Codes: same as Justice Codes. See Justice Codes in this glossary.
Examiner: the post in a Church of Scientology organization that ensures the technical results of the organization are excellent and consistent, that students and preclears are without flaw in their skill or state when passed and that any technical deficiency of org personnel is reported and corrected.
ExDn: an abbreviation for Expanded Dianetics. See Expanded Dianetics in this glossary.
Expanded Dianetics: a specialized branch of Dianetics. Some pes, particularly heavy drug cases, or who are physically disabled or who are chronically ill or who have had trouble running engrams (to name a few), require specially adapted technology. Expanded Dianetics is very specifically adjusted to the preclear. It is positioned on the Grade Chart after New Era Dianetics.
floating needle: a floating needle tells an auditor when to end off a process. It is one of the parts of the end phenomena for any process or action.
Floyd, “Pretty Boy”: Charles Arthur Floyd (1904-1934), American gangster, bank robber and killer. He grew up in Oklahoma and was nicknamed “Pretty Boy” because he wore his hair slicked back and was never without a pocket comb. He robbed more than 30 banks, murdering at least 10 men, half of them police officers.
F/N: an abbreviation for floating needle. Also used to designate the action of the needle floating (as in “that question F/Ns”). See also floating needle in this glossary.
Gibbon: Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), English historian who wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, one of the classical works of historical literature in the English language.
gnaw the rug: (informal) a variation of chew the rug or chew the carpet, meaning “to react with uncontrolled anger or anxiety.”
good roads, good weather: communication about things, activities or subjects of which everyone is in favor.
Grade Chart: the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart of Levels and Certificates.
Great Depression: the great slowdown in the American economy, the worst in the country’s history, which began with an enormous decrease in the price of stocks on the stock exchange in October 1929, and lasted through the 1930s. During this time, business, employment and stock market values declined severely and remained at a very low level. Many banks and businesses failed, and millions of people lost their jobs.
HASI: an acronym for Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, an early Scientology membership organization that had centers located around the world set up to train and audit Scientologists.
HCO: abbreviation for Hubbard Communications Office. HCO is the division of a Church of Scientology organization which hires personnel, assigns posts and gets staff hatted, routes incoming and outgoing communications, and maintains ethics and justice among Scientologists on staff and in the area.
hoot, doesn’t give a: is indifferent to.
Hubbard Key to Life Course: a course which consists of a series of steps that strip away the reasons why a person cannot comprehend what he reads, writes and hears and why others cannot understand him. The name comes from the fact that if one could truly comprehend what he read and heard and could make himself understood by others, all of life would be open to him. The product of the course is a Scientologist who is in communication because he can express himself easily and clearly both verbally and in writing and can fully understand the communication he receives from others.
implanter: one who implants. An implant is an enforced command or series of commands installed in the reactive mind below the awareness level of the individual to cause him to react or behave in a prearranged way without his “knowing it.”
International Justice Chief: the executive in Senior HCO International responsible for the standard application of Scientology justice policies to staff and public. He is a protector of the Church and its tenets and membership. His duties include reviewing and approving (or not approving) any major justice actions to ensure that no injustice is done. He is assisted by Continental Justice Chiefs in each Continental Senior HCO.
Justice Codes: the codes of offenses and their penalties followed in Scientology.
Kraepelin: (1856-1926) German psychiatrist who developed a classification of mental illnesses.
List 1: a prepared list consisting of a number of Scientology-related terminals such as auditors, a Clear, Dianetics, a policy letter, a preclear, etc.
LRH Comm: short for LRH Communicator, the executive in a Church of Scientology organization who ensures that the church adheres to the policies and technical materials of L. Ron Hubbard.
mission: a Scientology organization which ministers the introductory and beginning services of Dianetics and Scientology to the people in their area.
Money Processes: processes run on a preclear to handle any difficulties associated with the subject of money.
morning pale: a coined expression meaning the earliest creation or first dawning of something, or the period of earliest development; the very beginning or start. The term morning pale likens the beginning of something to the very start of the day, just a little before sunrise, when darkness is receding and the day becomes faintly light or pale.
Mrs. Pattycake: a made-up name for a person.
NED: an abbreviation for New Era Dianetics.
OEC: an abbreviation for Organization Executive Course.
Org Exec Course: an abbreviation for Organization Executive Course.
O/W: an abbreviation for Overt-Withhold, one of various auditing processes run on a preclear by an auditor which address and release charge on the preclears case stemming from overts and withholds.
Panama, riots of: reference to serious riots that occurred in Panama in 1963 due to dissatisfaction over a treaty between the United States and Panama on the control of the Panama canal zone.
potential trouble source: somebody who is connected with a suppressive person who is invalidating him, his beingness, his life. The person is a potential trouble source because he is connected to the suppressive person. Potential trouble source means the person is going to go up and fall down. And he is a trouble source because he is going to get upset and because he is going to make trouble. And he really does make trouble. That’s very carefully named.
Problems Processes: various auditing processes which address the subject of problems.
process check: another name for a Confessional. See Confessional in this glossary.
Psychopolitics: a reference to a Russian textbook on brainwashing. The book defines psychopolitics as “the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through ‘mental healing.'”
PTS RD: an abbreviation for PTS Rundown. See PTS Rundown in this glossary.
PTS Rundown: an auditing procedure that frees a person from the spiritual effects of suppression. The end phenomena is a preclear who is getting and keeping case gain and never again roller-coasters.
pudding, the proof of any: a variation of the phrase the proof of the pudding is in the eating, meaning that performance is the true test, not appearances, promises, etc., just as the best test of a pudding is to eat it, not just to look at it.
Quad Flow: (of a process) addressing four flows of a being. By flow is meant directional thought, energy or action. Flows 1, 2 and 3 are the same as in Triple Flows; Flow 0, self to self is added as the fourth flow. For example, if an overt rudiment were being run on “Joe,” the commands would be “Did Joe commit an overt on you?” “Did you commit an overt on Joe?” “Did Joe commit an overt on others?” “Did you commit an overt on yourself because of Joe?”
Reach and Withdraw: a very simple but extremely powerful method of getting a person familiarized and in communication with things so that he can be more at cause over and in control of them.
Red Orchestra: a famous Russian spy network that operated in Germany during World War II.
red tag: a large red card placed on the outside front cover of a pc folder which indicates that a repair session must be done within 24 hours.
Reich, Wilhelm: (1897-1957) Austrian psychoanalyst who, in the 1950s, was charged with fraud for his methods of “treatment” and was sent to prison where he died.
roller coaster: a case that betters then worsens. The person is doing well or he is not doing well, and then is doing well, and then is not doing well. That is a roller coaster. A roller coaster is always connected to a suppressive person.
R/S: an abbreviation for rock slam. The crazy, irregular left-right slashing motion of the needle on the E-Meter dial. A rock slam (R/S) means a hidden evil intention on the subject or question under auditing or discussion.
Sea Organization: a fraternal religious order consisting of Scientologists who have pledged themselves to eternal service to Scientology and achieving the goals and purpose of the religion. The Sea Organization derives its name from its beginnings in 1967 aboard ships. Today the majority of Sea Organization members are located on land. Appropriate to their high level of dedication and commitment, Sea Org members bear a responsibility unique within Scientology. They are the only Scientologists entrusted to minister the advanced levels of training and auditing and the only individuals who may hold the senior ecclesiastic positions in the Scientology hierarchy. No formalized structure exists for the Sea Org. Rather, each member is subject to the established lines of corporate and organizational seniority and authority of the church organization in which the member works. Despite its name, the Sea Organization is neither an “organization” nor “entity.” It is, instead, the manifestation of a commitment.
Sec Checking: short for Security Checking, another name for a Confessional.
Siberia: a vast region of eastern Russia (about five million square miles), known for its severe winters. Sparsely populated, it became a place of exile for criminal and political offenders during Soviet rule (1917-1991).
Sing Sing: a famous New York state prison in the village of Ossining, north of New York City, New York, USA, built in the 1820s.
Snr HCO: a network that exists to establish, protect and maintain HCOs and ensure they are functioning.
sparks will really fly: excited action, activity, friction or heated words will occur as a result of some circumstance, situation, confrontation, etc.
spinbin: (slang) a coined word for a mental institution.
suppress: to squash, to sit on, to make smaller, to refuse to let reach, to make uncertain about his reaching, to render or lessen in any way possible by any means possible to the harm of the individual and for the fancied protection of the suppressor.
Suppressed Person RD: a Scientology auditing procedure done if, after the PTS Rundown, the person feels fine but the persons suppressing him are still making trouble. The Suppressed Person Rundown can produce the wondrous result of changing the disposition of an antagonistic terminal at a distance, by auditing the PTS preclear.
suppression: a harmful intention or action against which one cannot fight back. Thus when one can do anything about it, it is less suppressive. Suppression in its most fundamental sense is knocking out the beingness or location of another or others.
suppressive person: a person who suppresses other people in his vicinity. A suppressive person will goof up or vilify any effort to help anybody and particularly knife with violence anything calculated to make human beings more powerful or more intelligent. The whole rationale of the suppressive person (SP) is built on the belief that if anyone got better, the SP would be for it as the others could overcome him then. He is fighting a battle he once fought and never stopped fighting. He is in an incident. Present time people are mistaken by him for past, long-gone enemies. Therefore, he never really knows what he is fighting in present time, so just fights.
3 S&Ds: a procedure in which 3 processes are run to locate and handle the suppressive elements in a pc’s life.
Time: a weekly newsmagazine in the United States, co-founded by Henry Luce in 1923.
Town and Country Planning: a British government agency which administers town planning laws, including such things as control over development and zoning of land.
triple rudiments: rudiments run Triple Flow. For example, if the present time problem rudiment were being run triple using “Joe,” the commands would be “Has Joe given you a present time problem?” “Have you given Joe a present time problem?” and “Has Joe given others a present time problem?”
Ulster: an area in Northern Ireland that has had a history of civil violence due to political and religious disputes.
unmock: to make nothing of; an effort to reduce or make disappear.
Victorian England: the period in English history during the reign of Queen Victoria, from 1837 to 1901, the longest reign in English history. This was a period of industrial progress and colonial expansion.
whistling past the graveyard: a variation of the phrase whistling in the dark, which means “being cheerful or optimistic in a situation that doesn’t warrant cheer or optimism.” The phrase comes from the literal idea of whistling in a dark or scary place to show that one is not concerned or frightened.
Word Clearing: the subject and action of clearing away the ignorance, misunderstoods and false definitions of words and barriers to their use. It consists of Scientology procedures to locate words a person has misunderstood in subjects he has studied and define the words by looking them up in a dictionary.
- Hubbard, L. R., (1989). How To Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course. (2001 ed.). Los Angeles: Bridge Publications, Inc. ↩
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