Suppressive Person Defense League (SPDL) has assembled the available materials Scientology included in the 2001 edition of “How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course.”
Most of these materials have been made public previously, but have not been put in the order and form in which Scientology organizes them in its printed course packs. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s bulletins, policy letters, other issue types, and lectures that Scientologists study on the course are all here. The course checksheet, which instructs what Scientologists are to do with each issue or lecture, e.g., checkouts, demos, essays, drills, is missing. If someone has the 2001 checksheet, and wants to help with this effort, please let us know.
This course is the cult’s key training manual for indoctrinating Scientologists in the “Suppressive Person” doctrine. SPDL views Scientology’s and Scientologists’ SP doctrine as ignorant, malignant, horrifying and indefensible. SPDL has worked for several years to make people, in all places or strata in society, aware of the doctrine, and to encourage SPs to push back against the cultists who teach and enforce it.
SPs constitute a religious class created by religious scripture and ecclesiastical edict in the Scientology religion. We are a persecuted religious class as surely as Infidels, Apostates or Heretics would be persecuted religious classes if some religion took to persecuting them as Scientology and Scientologists persecute “Suppressives.”
In his scripture, Hubbard labeled the SPs he wanted persecuted “fair game,” meaning that they were legitimately open to attack or pursuit. Through time, his Scientology troops’ actions against SPs, the execution of the SP doctrine, also became known as “fair game.” The term commonly is used too as a verb; as in, e.g., “Scientologists have fair gamed their cult leader’s targets for more than half a century;” or, “Scientologists deny that their church fair games, but of course that’s a lie.”
There is no limit in scripture to what Scientologists can do in executing the SP doctrine against the people their organization targets. Scientologists refuse to limit what they will do, and one of the principal things they do is willfully lie, so even if they did declare that, e.g., they wouldn’t murder any SPs in service of Scientology, they still would not actually limit what they would do to SPs. Scientologists universally consider it a point of honor to never fear to hurt SPs in the Scientology cause.
Many of the Scientologists who study the PTS/SP Course do not participate directly in the organized fair game actions against SP targets. Most Scientologists in fact would be directed to disconnect from targeted SPs and permit no communication with them, but simply hate the SPs, project evil onto them, and “postulate” them harm from a distance.
Some Scientologists, and their agents, however, have the ecclesiastical duty and function of fair gaming SPs, actually causing harm to them in the real world (Scientologists call this place the “wog world” and call us “wogs”) and there is virtually nothing these fair gamers would not do to keep their fair gamery working. Current Scientology supreme ruler David Miscavige commands the professional fair gamers, and personally directs much of the fair game as “ecclesiastical head.”
It has been known for many years that he is a violent and conscienceless man, who has had his underlings physically assault many people, and who has physically assaulted several people himself. He is glib, inveterately dishonest, gleefully cruel, and tyrannical. He operates a criminal conspiracy against SPs’ rights, and doubtlessly it takes a sociopath supported by sociopaths to do what he has done and get away with it.
Although Miscavige and his fair gamers are not limited by their scripture or consciences in the evil they intend or would commit against SPs, they are restrained considerably by wog world law and their fear of prosecution. They are also inhibited by SPs’ exposure of Scientology and Scientologists’ intentions and actions, and by SPs’ concerted stand against their persecutors. These intentions and actions are evidenced and discoverable in Scientology scripture, which includes anything Hubbard ever wrote or said about anything remotely related to Scientology; in promotional materials; and in all kinds of writings and other communication forms from all sorts of other people.
From amongst this mass of information, the PTS/SP Course materials are indispensable for exposing, understanding and elucidating the SP doctrine. Since SPDL calls on Scientology and Scientologists to repudiate the doctrine, it is necessary to know what is to be repudiated. Scientology and Scientologists hide their real evil intentions and actions, and cloak them with “humanitarian” front groups and “good works well publicized,” so exposure of the actual evil has been crucial for SPs’ survival.
Similarly, standing up to Hubbard, Miscavige, their Scientologist fair gamers, and the wogs who, for a fee or for some even more evil purpose, collaborate with Scientology or serve its fair game interests, is essential for the fair game targets’ survival. That doesn’t mean that for the SPs’ survival every SP must go to war against the fair gamers, any more than every American has to go to war for America’s survival. But some Americans, in the US’s Age of War anyway, must go to war for the country’s survival; and some SPs must stand up and fight back in Scientology’s war on us for our survival. Most Americans, and some SPs certainly, can go about their lives, and not become the constant targets that the military at war or the SPs at war are.
Scientology, by scripture and its application, transmogrifies people into SPs when those people expose the religion and the religionists,’ or the cult and the cultists,’ intentions, actions, words or documents, or when people stand up and confront Scientology fair game. Telling the truth about Scientology is all it takes to become an SP, and is the essential religious exercise of the SP class.
The SPs Scientology targets for the most attritional and threatening fair game campaigns are those who know the cult’s evils, expose the evils they know, and stand up and keep standing when the fair gamers attack to silence and destroy them. Scientology imposes on its most attacked and threatened SP targets, naturally, the greatest need to expose the greatest amount of Scientology evil as possible, which we have tried to do.
Years ago, SPDL chose to undertake our critical exposure of Scientology’s materials on the Internet through disciplined application of the fair use doctrine. This has been particularly effective because of the organization’s use of commercial copyright law to harass and ruin SPs who earlier had started the exposure on the Internet. Despite Scientology’s copyright terror tactics, many people, a great number of them anonymous, continued to expose Scientology’s materials, and have made it safer for SPs everywhere to come forward, tell the truth about the cult, and expose even more materials. As the amount of digitized and exposed Scientology materials mushroomed, the context for future exposures also grew across the Internet and through time, which also makes it still safer for the SPs who do and must do their exposing.
The Suppressive Person doctrine pervades and dominates every part of the Scientology enterprise. The doctrine and its execution – SP declares and threats of declares, disconnection, fair game – are largely what render Scientology’s intentions and actions harmful. The doctrine nullifies the public benefit Scientology and the Scientologists applying it could ever be.
David Miscavige and a group of antisocial bullies use the doctrine to control Scientologists, extort money from them, and get them to do terrible things that are actually not even for the Scientologists’ real benefit. The doctrine’s enforcement, during both the Hubbard and Miscavige regimes, brought their followers to hate their fellow beings, who are but mere decent folk, to continually project evil onto them, to lie about them, to disconnect from them, to conspire against them, and to fair game them, or at least to support the SPs’ fair gaming with donations, success stories and knowledge reports. Scientology is not for the benefit of Scientologists, let alone the wog public.
To the unknowledgeable eye, Scientology’s front groups can appear to be organized for the public benefit; e.g., curing drug addicts, rehabilitating convicts, educating the public about human rights; but all these fronts indoctrinate their clients or consumers in the SP doctrine in some form, and all fronts are “feeder groups” into Scientology where the doctrine will be enforced in an extreme, antisocial manner that benefits only the enforcers. Scientology uses these front groups and their ostensible public benefit, moreover, to cloak or obscure the harm being done by Scientologists executing the SP doctrine. Thus all the Scientology fronts, which operate in wog society, cannot but do public harm.
The SP doctrine is now entering the public’s awareness. The doctrine is evil. It’s really what countless people have sensed was wrong with Scientology when they so often sensed something was wrong. Scientology and Scientologists cannot defend the doctrine, at least with reason and humanity. The materials of the PTS/SP Course must be understood to understand the doctrine. They provide a clear view of how the course’s creators, Miscavige, et al., want the course’s students to be indoctrinated in the SP doctrine. These course materials, in our opinion, require full and timely exposure to make possible timely universal scholarly analysis.
See also SPDL’s disclaimer, the contents of which apply to this publication.
Chris Walker says
Strangely, i never knew this site existed….great info:-)ALways good to have ex’s out there putting up info for the public
Chris Walker