-1- GUARDIAN ORDER GO 13141 9 September 1974 Info Bureau only CONFIDENTIAL INTELLIGENCE COURSE NAME _____________________________________________________________________ ORG _____________________________ POST __________________________________ PRE-REQUISITE: GO Basic Data Checksheet SEQUENCE: This checksheet is done once through, with study tech fully applied. Starrates are noted with an asterisk (*) This checksheet consists of 5 sections with an internship in the Info Bureau after each one. SECTION 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION Date started _______________________ Date completed ______________________ BRIEFING: 1) Get a briefing for Director of Collections on security, keys, phones, times, offices, staff, comm center, files, books, equipment hats, etc. __________ 2) Read Briefing Sheet to B1 staff __________ 3) For your info re: B1 library __________ BOOKS: To be read in student's own time 1) Brainwashing2 __________ 2) Hidden Story of Scientology3 __________ 3) Part 1 South African Submission __________ (to be read in office space) PART A - THE INFORMATION BUREAU 1. Get the definitions of the following words, use them in sentences until you have them conceptually. Look them up in several different dictionaries. Spy Espionage C.I.A. Spying Counter Espionage F.B.I. Agent Counter Intelligence M.I.6 Operative Fascism M.I.5 Information Socialism K.G.B. Intelligence Communism G.R.U. 2. Essay: The differences and similarities of Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Information, Spying, Espionage and Counter Espionage. __________ 3. PL 1 March 66 The Guardian (Intelligence Section) __________ -2- 4. Clay demo: Intelligence __________ 5. PL 25 March 73, Organisation of the G.O. (Info Bur) __________ 6. Clay demo: Information Bureau Org Board __________ 7. PL 20 Feb 72 Intelligence and Security __________ 8. Essay: What could happen if Intelligence was not anonymous and/or elusive __________ 9. MSH Write up: Duties of Intelligence Chief M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 0. ______________________________________________________ __________ 1. ______________________________________________________ __________ 2. ______________________________________________________ __________ 3. ______________________________________________________ __________ 4. ______________________________________________________ __________ 5. ______________________________________________________ __________ 6. ______________________________________________________ __________ 7. ______________________________________________________ __________ 8. ______________________________________________________ __________ 9. ______________________________________________________ __________ 10. ______________________________________________________ __________ 11. ______________________________________________________ __________ 12. ______________________________________________________ __________ 13. ______________________________________________________ __________ 14. ______________________________________________________ __________ PART B - THE WAR 1. Info Ltr 13 Apr 61, Terror Stalks __________ 2. Info Ltr 8 May 61, Communism and Scientology __________ 3. Info Ltr 27 Oct 62, Ron's Journal __________ 4. Info Ltr 9 Nov 62, Ron's Journal No.2 __________ 5. Info Ltr 8 Jan 63, Ron's Journal No.3 __________ 6. Info Ltr 15 Jan 63, The DC Situation __________ 7. Info Ltr 4 June 63, Sobering Facts __________ 8. Info Ltr 24 Nov 63, Essential information ... __________ 9. Exec Ltr 7 Apr 63, Ron's Journal No. 11 __________ 10. Exec Ltr 4 June 63, OCA graph of woman after ECT __________ 11. Exec Ltr 6 Oct 65, Melbourne Inquiry into Scn __________ 12. Exec Ltr 10 Oct 65, Ron's Journal No.17 __________ 13. Exec Ltr 3 Nov 63, US Suits __________ 14. Exec Ltr 29 Nov 65, Validity of vested interests __________ 15. SecED 45 WW 9 Feb 66, Enquiry rumour UK __________ -3- 16. SecED 52 WW 11 Feb 66, Committee for Sane Psychiatry __________ 17. Exec Ltr 21 Feb 66, The Calculated Risk __________ 18. SecED 61 WW 22 Feb 66, Project Psychiatry __________ 19. SecED 70 WW 1 Mar 66, Parliament and Balniel __________ 20. Exec Ltr 19 Jul 66, Public Attacks, Legal Point __________ 21. ED 21 WW 26 Sept 66, Current Attack __________ 22. Info Ltr 16 Oct 68, E-Meters replace Guns __________ 23. LRH ED 42 Int 4 Nov 68, Press Stories __________ 24. LRH ED 51 Int 24 Nov 68, Stability __________ 25. LRH ED 55 Int 29 Nov 68, The War __________ 26. LRH ED 63 WW 12 Dec 68, Re: Life article and letter __________ 27. LRH ED 66 Int 13 Dec 69, The Great Charity Swindle __________ 28. Clay demo: The Great Charity Swindle __________ 29. LRH ED 69 Int 20 Dec 68, Western Countries __________ 30. LRH ED 75 Int 1 Jan 69, Good News __________ 31. Info Ltr 17 Feb 69, Ron's Journal 68 __________ 32. Info Ltr 28 Feb 69, Ron's Journal No. 1 __________ 33. LRH ED 9 Mar 69, P.D.H. __________ 34. Info Ltr 16 Mar 69, Ron's Journal No. 2 __________ 35. Info Ltr 4 Apr 69, Ron's Journal No. 3 __________ 36. Note: 14 June 70, Extracts from LRH Communication __________ 37. HCO B 16 Jul 70, The Psychiatrist at work __________ 38. GO 166 7 Oct 71, Re: Books and entheta ... __________ 39. GO 637 10 Feb 73, Observations on the Great Health.. __________ 40. Essay: Who our enemies are and their tactics __________ 41. ____________________________________________________ __________ 42. ____________________________________________________ __________ 43. ____________________________________________________ __________ 44. ____________________________________________________ __________ 45. ____________________________________________________ __________ 46. ____________________________________________________ __________ 47. ____________________________________________________ __________ 48. ____________________________________________________ __________ 49. ____________________________________________________ __________ 50. ____________________________________________________ __________ 51. ____________________________________________________ __________ 52. ____________________________________________________ __________ 53. ____________________________________________________ __________ 54. ____________________________________________________ __________ 55. ____________________________________________________ __________ -4- PART C - INTERNSHIP UNDER DIRECTOR OF COLLECTIONS SECTION 2 - C.I.C. Date started _______________________ Date completed ______________________ PART A - REPORTS AND FILING 1. Drill: Get the definitions for C.I.C. for the various GO Bureaus __________ 2. Desp. 16 Nov 68, Airmail express __________ 3. Desp. 25 Feb 69, What is needed and wanted .... __________ 4. Desp. 25 Feb 69, Mary Sue does not .... __________ 5. ED 1175 Int 21 Jun 69, Intelligence Reports __________ 6. Clay demo: What data an intelligence report should contain __________ 7. Drill: Pick up a newspaper and write a dummy report on an article of your choice. __________ 8. GO 4 15 Feb 70, Guardian Communication Lines __________ 9. GO 995 28 Oct 73, Communications to the Controller __________ 10. Desp. 11 Oct 72, Re: Weekly Reports __________ 11. GO 995 28 Oct 73, Compliance Re: Weekly Reports __________ 12. GO 802 20 June 73, Your Weekly Reports __________ 13. Drill: Mock up an Info Weekly Report __________ 14. Desp. 14 Aug 70, To speed up the ..... __________ 15. Desp. 24 Aug 70, CS-G has ordered __________ 16. GO 13 2 Sept 70, Bureau OIC reports __________ 17. Drill: Write up a sample OIC Telex __________ 18. Desp. 13 Oct 70, Re: Nudges __________ 19. GO 35 19 Mar 71, Return address __________ 20. GO 151 7 Sept 71, Reporting __________ 21. Desp. 26 July 72, Re: Telexes __________ 22. GO 905 22 Aug 73, Traffic to and from Controller __________ 23. Write up on writing of reports __________ 24. GO 773 8 June 73, Excerpting Reports and Information __________ 25. GO 1219 MSH 7 Jul 74, Excerpting of Reports __________ 26. Drill: Find a newspaper and do sample excerpting of 3 articles __________ 27. Admin Ltr 15 Jul 70, Telex Codes __________ 28. PL 11 Sept 73, Codes and Coding __________ 29. Drill: Mock up a telex using coding __________ 30. PL 14 May 60, Clippings Book __________ 31. Drill: Go to Info Bureau and ask CIC Director if you may examine a clippings book to see how it is made up. __________ -5- 32. GO 38 14 Apr 71, Newspaper Clippings __________ 33. GO 165 4 Oct 71, Re: Newspaper Cuttings __________ 34. Desp. 16 Oct 67, Re: Crossfiling __________ 35. Desp. 19 Oct 67, Re: Crossfiling __________ 36. PL 25 Apr 68, Intelligence Actions (section on files) *__________ 37. Clay demo: Crossfiling __________ 38. PL 18 Mar 72, Files *__________ 39. PL 28 June 72, Files Accuracy *__________ 40. Eval on CIC Backlog __________ 41. Essay: Purpose of filing and why it should be done accurately __________ 42. GO 1197 20 June 74, C.I.C. Series No. 1 M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 43. Clay Demo: The 8 filing categories __________ 44. GO 1196 20 June 74, C.I.C. Series No. 2 M7__________ 45. GO 1195 20 June 74, C.I.C. Series No. 3 M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 46. GO 1194 20 June 74 C.I.C. Series No.4 M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 47. GO 1193 20 June 74 C.I.C. Series No.5 M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 48. GO 1192 20 June 74, C.I.C. Series No. 6 M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 49. Drill: Make out a report applying all the data you have learned on this checksheet. Take it to CIC Director for OK. __________ 50. _______________________________________________________ __________ 51. _______________________________________________________ __________ 52. _______________________________________________________ __________ 53. _______________________________________________________ __________ 54. _______________________________________________________ __________ 55. _______________________________________________________ __________ 56. _______________________________________________________ __________ 57. _______________________________________________________ __________ 58. _______________________________________________________ __________ 59. _______________________________________________________ __________ -6- 60. _______________________________________________________ __________ 61. _______________________________________________________ __________ 62. _______________________________________________________ __________ 63. _______________________________________________________ __________ 64. _______________________________________________________ __________ PART B - INTERNSHIP UNDER C.I.C. DIRECTOR SECTION 3 - OVERT DATA COLLECTION Date started _______________________ Date completed ______________________ BOOKS: To be read in student's own time Conflict in the Shadows __________ Counter Insurgency Campaigning __________ PART A - INVESTIGATION 1. Look up the word "Scientology 5" on page 344 of Volume 4, OEC __________ 2. PL 14 Aug 63, Scientology Five, Press Policies *__________ 3. Drill: Do the drill as per above PL __________ 4. PL 11 Oct 65, Press Relations __________ 5. PL 15 Feb 66 Attacks on Scientology *__________ 6. PL 17 Feb 66, Public Investigation Section M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 7. PL 18 Feb 66, Attacks on Scientology 4 *__________ 8. PL 25 Feb 66, Attacks on Scientology (continued) 5 *__________ 9. PL 28 Nov 66, Intelligence Section M7__________ M4__________ * __________ 10. Drill: Mock up a "five fact cable" __________ 11. PL 25 April 68, Intelligence Actions M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 12. Desp. 5 Apr 66, Re: Noisy Investigations *__________ 13. Desp. 26 May 68, Re: Intelligence *__________ 14. Desp. 20 Sept 68, Re: NY Int *__________ 15. Desp. 3 Nov 68, Re: Intell NY *__________ 16. Desp. 28 May 70, Re: Further LRH remarks... *__________ 17. Desp. 18 Oct 70, Re: Int. US *__________ 18. Desp. 9 Mar 70, Re: Successful and unsuccessful actions __________ 19. Desp. 23 Apr 74, Successful and unsuccessful actions *__________ 20. Legal contract for outside investigators __________ -7- 21. GO 924 10 Sept 73, Guardian Office Alert *__________ 22. GO 1206 22 June 74 The Snow White Program *__________ 23. Essay: Why it is necessary to investigate somebody. Should be at least 5 pages long and detailed __________ 24. Clay demo: Purpose of an investigation __________ 25. Write up: 2 June 69, Intelligence Stat *__________ 26. ED 1802 Int 2 June 69, Statistics *__________ 27. Write up: 23 Aug 71, Re: Stats *__________ 28. Write up: Stats for Dir Collections (this will be your stat while in the internship) *__________ 29. GO 1150 7 May 74, Re: Info Bureau Statistics M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 30. Clay demo: Connection __________ 31. Clay demo: Incident __________ 32. Read Overt Data Collection Hat (in office space) __________ 33. _______________________________________________________ __________ 34. _______________________________________________________ __________ 35. _______________________________________________________ __________ 36. _______________________________________________________ __________ 37. _______________________________________________________ __________ 38. _______________________________________________________ __________ 39. _______________________________________________________ __________ 40. _______________________________________________________ __________ 41. _______________________________________________________ __________ 42. _______________________________________________________ __________ PART B - STRING PULLING 1. Booklet: HCO Manual of Justice __________ 2. PL 11 May 65, Ethics Office Hat *__________ 3. Clay demo: Pulling a string and finding a tiger __________ 4. HCO B 2 Sept 72, Why Finding Drill II *__________ 5. Drill: Student is to do the string pulling drill (as per above HCOB) on Supervisor, until the Supervisor passes the student, when he is sure the student can pull strings __________ 6. _______________________________________________________ __________ 7. _______________________________________________________ __________ 8. _______________________________________________________ __________ 9. _______________________________________________________ __________ 10. _______________________________________________________ __________ 11. _______________________________________________________ __________ 12. _______________________________________________________ __________ 13. _______________________________________________________ __________ 14. _______________________________________________________ __________ 15. _______________________________________________________ __________ PART C - INTERNSHIP UNDER DIRECTOR OF COLLECTIONS -8- SECTION 4 - COVERT DATA COLLECTION Date started _______________________ Date completed ______________________ BOOKS: To be read in student's own time Black Boomerang __________ Science of Survival __________ PART A - THE SPY AND HIS MASTERS (by C. Felix)6 1. Look up in a BIG dictionary, use in sentences, demo kit and get conceptually the following words: Spy drop confidential Master case officer motivation Cover clandestine sleeper Cut-Out covert Secret conspiracy __________ 2. Introduction, Vienna 1956, Chapters 1 & 2 __________ 3. Chapter 3, The Spy and His Master __________ 4. Clay demo: The Case officer - agent relationship __________ 5. Clay demos: A Cut-Out Personal Gain motivation A drop Ambition motivation A Safe House Political motivation Money motivation Duty motivation Compulsion motivation __________ 6. Chapter 4, The Art of Cover *__________ 7. Clay demo: Building a Cover __________ 8. Chapter 5, The Art of Cover II *__________ 9. Clay demos: Front Group __________ Cover Organisation __________ Organisational Cover __________ 10. Eval on Covers, by H. Brendel __________ 11. Write up on covers *__________ 12. Drill: Write up three possible covers in detail that you could use that are "real". (ones that you could actually utilize) Take them to Dir Collections for OK __________ 13. Chapter 6, The Open Faced American *__________ 14. Chapter 7, Intelligence *__________ 15. Chapter 8, C.E. versus Security and other Delivery __________ 16. Clay demo: Counter-Espionage __________ 17. Chapter 9, Political Operations __________ 18. Essay, What a Political Operation is __________ 19. Part II, Fundamentals and Forms in Action __________ 20. _______________________________________________________ __________ 21. _______________________________________________________ __________ 22. _______________________________________________________ __________ -9- 23. _______________________________________________________ __________ 24. _______________________________________________________ __________ 25. _______________________________________________________ __________ 26. _______________________________________________________ __________ 27. _______________________________________________________ __________ 28. _______________________________________________________ __________ 29. _______________________________________________________ __________ 30. _______________________________________________________ __________ 31. _______________________________________________________ __________ 32. _______________________________________________________ __________ 33. _______________________________________________________ __________ 34. _______________________________________________________ __________ 35. _______________________________________________________ __________ PART B - COVERT OPERATIONS 1. Transcript 6 May 66, Talk to SH, WW staff on Rhodesia __________ 2. Transcript 18 July 66, Conference with the Guardian __________ 3. Transcript 25 Aug 66, LRH conference with investigators __________ 4. Tape 2 Nov 69, Covert Operations I *__________ 5. Tape 6 Nov 69, Covert Operations II *__________ 6. Clay demo: An Agent Provocateur __________ 7. Report 10 Dec 69, Re: Jack Lundin Affair *__________ 8. Report "About the Apollo" __________ 9. Report 31 Mar 71, Re: Jack Lundin *__________ 10. Write up: 12 Nov 69, PRO Area Control *__________ 11. Write up: 2 Dec 69, Confidential Intelligence *__________ 12. Desp. 6 Dec 68, Re: Intell Possibilities for collecting __________ 13. Write up: 3 Dec 69, Industrial Intell. Text Note *__________ 14. Transcript 10 Mar 71, Concerning Intelligence *__________ 15. Essay: What could happen to your network if data published doesn't cover your source. Also include several examples of how to cover your source when publishing data covertly obtained. __________ 16. Assault on the West, Chapters 6 & 9 *__________ 17. Note: Re Anonymous letters __________ 18. Clay demo: Disinformation __________ 19. Desp. 28 Feb 72, Re: Oberholser *__________ 20. Write up: 1 May 74, Re: Security and theft... *__________ 21. Clay demo: How the enemy operates in stealing materials by infilitration a by straight breaking entering and theft. Cover all steps of above write up. __________ -10- Drill: Write up a proposed covert operation using clandestine operations, plants, counter- espionage, agents, case officers, cut-outs, secret intelligence operations. Purely on an intelligence basis that would terminatedly handle .................................... (Note: This isn't always done in actual fact but the power of intelligence is such that it could be done and you should be real on that power). Take to Dir Collections for OK __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________ __________ PART C - DEAD AGENT TECHNIQUES 1. Book: Art of War, Chapter 13 __________ 2. PL 14 Nov 71, False Report Correction __________ 3. GO 011272 LRH 12 Jan 72, Black Propaganda __________ 4. PL 11 Nov 72, Black PR *__________ 5. PL 21 Nov 72, How to handle Black Propaganda *__________ 6. PL 12 Jan 73, The Safe Point *__________ 7. GO 121569 MSH (3) 15 Dec 69, Intel - Dead Agent M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 8. Clay demo: Major Target of above programme __________ 9. GO 123071 LRH 30 Dec 71, Dead Agent Additional M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 10. Obtain 3 entheta articles on Scn. Do a dummy dead agenting of all three with a letter to the editor for correction to be made. __________ 11. __________ 12. __________ 13. __________ -11- 14. __________ 15. __________ 16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________ 21. __________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________ 25. __________ PART D - STRATEGY 1. Appendix II Scientific Method in DMSMH __________ 2. Note: Clausewitz 1st Reciprocal *__________ 3. PL 16 Feb 69, Confidential, Enemy Names M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 4. Drill: Locate in recent newspaper a hostile commentator (not necessarily hostile to Scn) to any group of person __________ 5. Essay: What to do with Enemy Names and relation with PR __________ 6. PL 16 Feb 69, Confidential, Battle Tactics M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 7. Clay demo: The end product of our war __________ 8. Essay: Good Intelligence pin points who, when, where, what __________ 9. PL 16 Feb 69, Confidential, Enemy PRO's M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 10. Clay demo: Tracing back each name to find the organisation in common __________ 11. Drill: Go to files and go through some past entheta articles and spot enemy PRO's. Write up what you find, the party lines and non-sequitur responses. __________ 12. PL 16 Feb 69, Confidential, Targets Defense M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 13. Clay demo: Defense is only effective when one sorties or attacks __________ 14. Essay: Take each target, write up several ways in which Intell can bring it about. __________ -12- 15. GO 060571 LRH 6 May 71, Secret, Working Theory *__________ 16. GO 070571 LRH 7 May 71, Secret, Notes on Smersh *__________ 17. PL 29 June 71, Confidential *__________ 18. GO 82 29 June 71, For Public Advices *__________ 19. GO 784, June 73, Intelligence, It's Role M7__________ M4__________ 20. Clay demo: The first function of Intelligence *__________ 21. Clay demo: Support Intelligence __________ 22. GO 907 22 Aug 73, Intelligence Estimations and Preditions M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 23. Write up 14 Nov 73, Re: Estimates *__________ 24. Clay demo: Estimation __________ 25. Essay: How to use "special banks" to predict __________ 26. GO 1087 LRH 6 Mar 74, Strategic Info *__________ 27. Clay demo: The Duties of Int.Chief (ref MSH writeup) __________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________ 31. __________ 32. __________ 33. __________ 34. __________ 35. __________ 36. __________ 37. __________ 38. __________ 39. __________ 40. __________ 41. __________ 42. __________ PART E - DRILLS 1. HCO B 25 Sept 71, Tone Scale in full *__________ 2. Drill: Student to detect various tones the coach assumes. Pass when student can identify each tone level easily. *__________ 3. HCO B 26 Oct 70, Obnosis and the Tone Scale *__________ 4. Drill: Obnosis Drill (see para 5 of HCOB) *__________ 5. Chart of Human Evaluation *__________ 6. Essay: What use the above data and skills will have for you in the Int. Chief hat. Be specific. __________ 7. TR0 __________ TR0 BB (with special emphasis on spying etc) __________ TR 1 __________ TR 2 __________ TR 3 __________ TR 4 __________ TR 5 __________ TR 6 __________ TR 7 __________ TR 8 __________ TR 9 __________ 8. Do the following Reporter TRs to a pass by Supervisor No.2 __________ No. 5a __________ No. 5b __________ No. 5d __________ Situation TR __________ 9. Do TR-L __________ 10. TR 3 Int and TR 3 Int with bullbaiting __________ 11. Do TR 3 Int and TR 3 Int with bullbaiting with someone who has had some experience in Info. This can be an interne or student who has worked previously in this area. __________ 12. __________ 13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________ 16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________ 21. __________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________ 25. __________ 26. __________ PART F - INTERNSHIP UNDER DIRECTOR OF COLLECTIONS -14- SECTION 5 - INTERNAL SECURITY Date started _______________________ Date completed ______________________ This portion of the checksheet contains the most vital data you need to know about Branch II. As Branch II is the portion of the Guardian's Office which probably comes into most contact with the org in policing that policies are applied, you are advised to make yourself familiar with more policy than is contained herein. The policy sections which will be of most help are those in Volume I OEC on Ethics, including data on refunds, petition, appeal, further background data on Freeloaders, 2-D, Third Party, etc. You will find that you probably have to research policy further as you handle your post, which is fine. An additional hat on all the useful PLs, HCO Bs that you come up with in the course of your post is a valuable asset. PART A - GENERAL 1. PL 7 Feb 65, Keeping Scientology Working *__________ 2. PL 18 Sept 67, Complexity and Confronting *__________ 3. HCOB 25 Aug 60, New Definition of Psychosis *__________ 4. HCOB 28 Nov 70, Psychosis *__________ 5. PL 22 March 67, Urgent and Important *__________ 6. HCOB 10 May 72, Robotism *__________ 7. Clay demo: What a psychotic will do to an Org __________ 8. Clay demo: A Robot __________ 9. PL 3 March 66, Attacks on Scn, Sex in Orgs *__________ 10. FO 1729 13 Jan 69, 2-D *__________ 11. PL 9 Feb 71, Executive Misbehaviour *__________ 12. LRH desp. 26 Jan 72, Re: HCO State of *__________ 13. PL 13 Oct 72, Freeloaders *__________ 14. HCOB 15 Dec 73, The Continued Missed W/H *__________ 15. S.O. No.1 - Write up *__________ 16. Essay: What useful info the S.O.1 line will give you __________ 17. GO 1191 20 June 74 Re: Recruitment __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________ 21. __________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________ 25. __________ 26. __________ 27. __________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________ 31. __________ -15- PART B - PERSONNEL DATA 1. PL 29 June 71, Org Personnel Recruitment *__________ 2. PL 21 July 72, Staff Qualifications Requirements *__________ 3. Desp. MSH 2 Aug 72, Re: Staff Requirements *__________ 4. PL 5 June 71, FEBC Clearance __________ 5. PL 6 Aug 71, FEBC Clearance Amended __________ 6. GO 320, FEBC Students *__________ 7. PL 10 Feb 73, SP Declares and Hiring *__________ 8. GO 824, 3 July 73, Requirements to Flag *__________ 8a. GO 824-1 25 Nov 73, Important - Additional Requirements to Flag *__________ 9. FO 3454 11 Feb 74, Requirements for Personnel to Flag *__________ 10. SO ED 221 Int 16 Sept 73, HCO Establishment Pgm __________ 11. SO ED 232 RA Int 2 Oct 73, The Lines for Personnel __________ 12. FO 3439 11 Jan 74, High Crime PL __________ 13. PL 16 Sept 73, Personnel Appointment *__________ 14. Desp. 28 Nov 69, Confidential data for AG's.... *__________ 15. GO 21 9 Dec 70, Personnel Policy *__________ 16. GO 31 22 Jan 74, GO Personnel Qualifications *__________ 17. GO 65 3 June 71, Re: Problems Check *__________ 18. GO 209 1 Dec 71, Guardian Office Personnel *__________ 19. Essay: The requirements for GO and why we have them __________ 20. GO 112669 MSH 26 Nov 69, Personnel Pgm No.2 *__________ 21. __________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________ 25. __________ 26. __________ 27. __________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________ 31. __________ 32. __________ 33. __________ 34. __________ 35. __________ 36. __________ -16- PART C - INSTITUTIONAL AND SHOCK CASES 1. LRH ED 67 Int 15 Dec 68, Electric Shock Cases __________ 2. PL 16 May 70, Institution and Shock Cases Petitions from __________ 3. PL 26 Oct 70, Institution and Shock Cases Posting of Bonds __________ 4. PL 14 Dec 70, Institution and Shock Cases Petitions from Legal __________ 5. PL 16 Feb 71, Institution and Shock Cases Petitions from __________ 6. GO 293 13 March 72, Institution and Shock Cases Checksheet __________ 7. Clay demo: The sequence of actions which have to be done before an institutional or shock case may come on lines __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________ 11. __________ 12. __________ 13. __________ 14. __________ 15. __________ 16. __________ 17. __________ 18. __________ 19. __________ 20. __________ 21. __________ 22. __________ PART D - TROUBLESOME SOURCES 1. FO PL 6 Oct 58, Who can be Processed, Who can be Trained *__________ 2. SEC ED 152 16 Mar 59, HGC Psychotic Applicants 3. PL 23 Nov 59, Employment of Criminals Forbidden *__________ 4. PL 30 Aug 60, Training Restrictions *__________ 5. PL 4 Jul 62, Mixing Practices *__________ 6. PL 10 Feb 64, Enrolment on Self Determinism *__________ 7. PL 27 Oct 64, Policies on Physical Healing M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 8. PL 13 March 69, Addition to PTS Policies *__________ -17- 9. PL 7 May 69, Policies on Sources of Trouble M7__________ M4__________ *__________ 10. Clay demo: All 10 types of troublesome sources __________ 11. HCOB 24 Nov 65, Level IV S & D *__________ 12. PL 15 Nov 68, Disconnection Cancelled *__________ 13. PL 7 Apr 65 Healing Policy in the Field __________ 14. PL 20 Dec 66, PTS Sections Personnel and Execs *__________ 15. GO 98 MSH 19 July 71, PTS Personnel *__________ 16. PL 12 Nov 72, PTS Personnel and Finance *__________ 17. PL 5 April 72, PTS Type A Handling *__________ 18. HCOB 10 Aug 73, PTS Handling *__________ 19. PL 15 Sept 73, Confidential, Handling Disconnections *__________ 20. Desp. 3 Dec 70, Re: Case Histories __________ 21. Clay demo: What you do with a Type A __________ 22. Clay demo: What you do with a Type III __________ 23. Essay: What could happen if you get a Type A to publicly disconnect from a family member __________ 24. Essay: What are the possible repercussions of each type of PTS being allowed on lines unhandled. __________ 25. BPL 9 July 74, Handling PTS and Out Ethics Personnel *__________ 26. LRH ED 241 Int, 23 July 74, Potential Trouble Sources *__________ 27. GO 1255 MSH 5 Aug 74, GO Amnesty Actions *__________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________ 31. __________ 32. __________ 33. __________ 34. __________ 35. __________ 36. __________ 37. __________ 38. __________ 39. __________ 40. __________ 41. __________ 42. __________ -18- PART E - SUPPRESSIVES 1. PL 7 Dec 59, Scientology Clean Up __________ 2. PL 1 March 65, Suppressive Acts *__________ 3. PL 16 May 65, Indicators of Orgs *__________ 4. PL 7 June 65, Entheta Letters and Dead File *__________ 5. Clay demo: The Dead File Line __________ 6. PL 7 Aug 65, SP's; Main Characteristics of *__________ 7. PL 28 Dec 65, Enrolment in Suppressive Groups *__________ 8. HCOB 28 Jan 66, How an SP becomes one *__________ 9. HCOB 27 Sept 66, The Anti-Social Personality *__________ 10. PL 29 June 68, Enrollment in SP Groups *__________ 11. GO 207 30 Nov 71, SP Comments *__________ 12. Essay: The indicators of an SP and the indicators of an Org which has an SP on staff or in its vicinity __________ 13. Exec Ltr 24 Sept 64, Removal of name __________ 14. Exec Ltr 17 Oct 64, Removal of name __________ 15. Exec Ltr 26 Oct 64, Re: Donald Kingsbury __________ 16. Exec Ltr 7 June 65, Removal of names __________ 17. LRH Note on HCO EO 19 April 68 __________ 18. EO 9 July 65, No. 292 __________ 19. Exec Ltr 27 Sept 65, Re: Amprinistics *__________ 20. LRH Dep. 27 Sept 65, Tag any Ethics Order... *__________ 21. EO 9 Dec 65, Robert De Grimston __________ 22. EO 17 Sept 65, Jack Horner __________ 23. EO 27 Feb 69, Dianology __________ 24. Note: The following people *__________ 25. Desp. 30 Nov 70, Re: Squirrel Groups *__________ 26. __________ 27. __________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________ 31. __________ 32. __________ 33. __________ 34. __________ 35. __________ 36. __________ 37. __________ 38. __________ 39. __________ 40. __________ 41. __________ 42. __________ -19- PART F - SECURITY 1. PL 30 Oct 62, Security Risks - Infiltration *__________ 2. HCOB 8 Aug 63, Plants in Academies *__________ 3. ED 1642 Int 17 March 69, Status Verification Form __________ 4. PL 1 Sept 69, Counter-Espionage *__________ 5. Reward Sign __________ 6. PL 2 Sept 70, Instruction Protocol *__________ 7. GO 160870 LRH 16 Aug 70, Guardian Office and S.O. *__________ 8. Write up 20 March 74, Re: Plants in Toronto Org *__________ 9. Clay demo: The indicators of a plant __________ 10. Essay: Given a leak of a specific piece of data, to an outside body, how would you detect the plant. __________ 11. Write up: Metered Plant Interview *__________ 12. Drill: Do a metered plant interview on a doll __________ 13. GO 26 20 Jan 71, Squirreled Tech *__________ 14. PL 25 July 70, Security Div I *__________ 15. GO 1035 16 Jan 74, Manor Security __________ 16. Bond __________ 17. PL 5 June 71, Confidential GOs *__________ 18. HCOB 4 Aug 71, Purpose Clearing *__________ 19. MSH Desp. 10 Aug 71, Internal Security *__________ 20. Desp. 28 Oct 73, Compliance Re: Security *__________ 21. GO 1155 28 May 74, Staff Status Verification Check __________ 22. GO 1156 28 May 74, GO Security *__________ 23. PL 16 Aug 66, Clearing Course Security *__________ 24. PL 27 Nov 67, R6 Materials *__________ 25. PL 2 March 68, Advance Course Sec Check __________ 26. PL 11 Aug 71, Advanced Courses Materials Security of Data *__________ 27. PL 7 Dec 70, Guardian's Office Mail *__________ 28. GO 23 16 Dec 70, Confidential Mail Security *__________ 29. Desp. 4 April 74, Security Alert *__________ 30. Drill: Mock up a Security Alert __________ 31. Desp. 17 May 74, Re: Debugging *__________ 32. Clay demos: 4 different types of bugs __________ 33. Write up: Actions to be taken when a theft needs investigating *__________ 34. Drill: Mock up a situation of a theft occuring and what actions you would take __________ 35. Write up: How to do a full scale investigation *__________ 36. Clay demo: How to do a full scale investigation __________ 37. GO 1230 19 July 1974, Internal Security *__________ -20- 38. GO 121669 MSH 16 Dec 69 Programme Intell; Internal M7__________ Security M4__________ *__________ 39. Clay demo: All 9 operating targets of above pgm __________ 40. __________ 41. __________ 42. __________ 43. __________ 44. __________ 45. __________ 46. __________ 47. __________ 48. __________ 49. __________ 50. __________ 51. __________ 52. __________ 53. __________ 54. __________ 55. __________ PART G - INTERNSHIP UNDER BRANCH II DIRECTOR Leif Windle D/DG Info WW CanAm for Mo Budlong DG Info WW for Jane Kember The Guardian WW
- This document in PDF format. ↩
- Hubbard, L. (1955) BRAIN-WASHING: Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology. Retrieved on September 27, 2016 from http://www.apfn.org/pdf/The_Brainwashing_Manual.pdf ↩
- Garrison, Omar. (1974) The Hidden Story of Scientology.Secaucus: The Citadel Press. Online: http://freezone.org/timetrack/data/Hidden_Story/ ↩
- Title should read PL 18 Feb 66 Attacks on Scientology (continued). ↩
- Title should read PL 25 Feb 66 Attacks on Scientology (Additional Pol Ltr). ↩
- Online: A Spy and His Masters. ↩