E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T I V E OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS INTERNATIONAL OSA INT ED 508R ________________19911 DSA Investigations Officers Confidential DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER FULL HAT CHECKSHEET "TO HELP LRH INVESTIGATE PUBLIC MATTERS AND INDIVIDUALS WHICH SEEM TO IMPEDE HUMAN LIBERTY SO THAT SUCH MATTERS MAY BE EXPOSED AND TO FURNISH INTELLIGENCE REQUIRED IN GUIDING THE PROGRESS OF SCIENTOLOGY." – LRH (HCO PL 17 FEB 1966, PUBLIC INVESTIGATION SECTION) NAME: ___________________________________ORG: _________________________________________ POST: _________________________________________________________________________________ DIVISION: _________________ DEPARTMENT:_________________ SECTION: _____________________ DATE STARTED: ________________________ DATE COMPLETED: ________________________________ PREREQUISITES: 1. The Student Hat or Basic Study Manual 2. Staff Status II STUDY TECH: Study tech is to be applied in full throughout this course. The materials are to be studied and drilled in sequence. By initialling the blank after each checksheet entry you are attesting that you fully understand and can apply the data. DRILLS ARE TO BE DONE FULLY TO THEIR RESULT. If you are not a fast flow student you must star-rate checkout on all items marked with an asterisk (*). (Ref: HCOB 13 Aug 72RB, FAST FLOW TRAINING) This course does not require twinning. You are required to maintain a standard course schedule. Study and work during your class periods and outside of class. You have a lot to study and get checked out on in order to complete this course. You can't afford to waste time. -2- You may be credited with materials you have studied on previous checksheets. MATERIALS: 1. The Department of Special Affairs Investigations Officer Full Hat pack 2. Book: The Art Of War by Sun Tzu2 3. Book: On War by Clausewitz3 The student must have these books as part of this course. PRODUCT: A DSA Invest Officer who can successfully investigate those impeding the forward progress of Scientology and furnish intelligence (prediction) data to management. CERTIFICATE: FULLY HATTED DSA INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER LENGTH OF COURSE: 4 weeks full-time (8 hours a day), 5 days a week SECTION A: KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING *l. HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KSW Series 1 KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING ___ ___ ___ 2. DEMO: How you can apply the 10 points of HCO PL 7 Feb 65, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING to your post: 1. ___ ___ ___ 6. ___ ___ ___ 2. ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ 3. ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ 4. ___ ___ ___ 9. ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ 10.___ ___ ___ 3. HCO PL 17 June 70RB I Rev. 25.10.83 KSW Series 5R TECHNICAL DEGRADES ___ ___ ___ 4. HCO PL 14 Feb 65 KSW Series 4 SAFEGUARDING TECHNOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ 6. ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ SECTION B: KEY WORDS -3- l. Clear the following words with a Word Clearer per HCOB 21 June 72 II, Word Clearing Series 39, METHOD 6: OFFICE ___ ___ ___ GOVERNMENT ___ ___ ___ SPECIAL ___ ___ ___ RELATIONS ___ ___ ___ AFFAIRS ___ ___ ___ POLITICS ___ ___ ___ DEPARTMENT ___ ___ ___ INCOME TAX ___ ___ ___ OFFICIAL ___ ___ ___ RELIGION ___ ___ ___ PLANNING ___ ___ ___ EXECUTION ___ ___ ___ PROGRAMS ___ ___ ___ INFORMATION ___ ___ ___ INVESTIGATION ___ ___ ___ ETHICS ___ ___ ___ INTELLIGENCE ___ ___ ___ HCO ___ ___ ___ SECURITY ___ ___ ___ PREDICTION ___ ___ ___ INFILTRATION ___ ___ ___ ESPIONAGE ___ ___ ___ SURVEILLANCE ___ ___ ___ DETECTIVE ___ ___ ___ EVIDENCE ___ ___ ___ PRIVATE ___ ___ ___ STRING PULL ___ ___ ___ INVESTIGATOR ___ ___ ___ COVERT ___ ___ ___ OVERT ___ ___ ___ DEFENSIVE ___ ___ ___ SUPPORT ___ ___ ___ INFORMATION ___ ___ ___ EVIDENCE ___ ___ ___ CRIME ___ ___ ___ PROSECUTION ___ ___ ___ LAW ___ ___ ___ CRIMINAL ___ ___ ___ LEGAL ___ ___ ___ SQUIRREL ___ ___ ___ LITIGATION ___ ___ ___ TRADEMARK ___ ___ ___ COURT ___ ___ ___ COPYRIGHT ___ ___ ___ ATTORNEY ___ ___ ___ REFUND ___ ___ ___ RUDIMENTS ___ ___ ___ REPAYMENT ___ ___ ___ WAR ___ ___ ___ ATTACK ___ ___ ___ BATTLE ___ ___ ___ DEFENSE ___ ___ ___ ENEMY ___ ___ ___ SP ___ ___ ___ ALLY ___ ___ ___ PTS ___ ___ ___ PSYCHIATRY ___ ___ ___ PSYCHOLOOGY ___ ___ ___ SECTION C: INVEST BASICS *l. OSA NW Order 9 DEFINITION OF INTELLIGENCE ___ ___ ___ 2. CLAY DEMO: The definition of INTELLIGENCE. ___ ___ ___ *3. OSA NW Order 14 HOW INTELLIGENCE IS RUN ___ ___ ___ 4. OSA NW Order 64 RUNDOWN ON INTELLIGENCE ___ ___ ___ 5. ESSAY: A radio talk show host has been attacking -4- the Church (enlisting the aid of two disaffected ex-staff). Write up the exact steps that you would take to get this situation handled. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 6. HCO PL 17 Feb 66 PUBLIC INVESTIGATION SECTION ___ ___ ___ *7. MANUAL: HCO MANUAL OF JUSTICE ___ ___ ___ 8. ESSAY: Write down the difference between INTELLIGENCE and INVESTIGATION. When and how would you use intelligence? When and how would you investigate? Give examples of each. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 9. DEMO: 3 examples of when you may need to use the 1-10 points of HCO MANUAL OF JUSTICE. ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 25 Apr 68 INTELLIGENCE ACTIONS ___ ___ ___ *11. HCO PL 18 Mar 72 Esto Series 10 FILES ___ ___ ___ *12. HCO PL 28 June 72 Esto Series 21 FILES ACCURACY ___ ___ ___ 13. DEMO: What files have to do with invest tech. ___ ___ ___ 14. ___ ___ ___ 15. ___ ___ ___ 16. ___ ___ ___ SECTION D: DEPARTMENT 20 l. ca. mid-Mar 1955 Major 1 Ability THE SCIENTOLOGIST A Manual on THE DISSEMINATION OF MATERIAL Section: INTRODUCTION ___ ___ ___ 2. DEMO: Why Scientology cannot progress in the society unless it is done as a group effort. ___ ___ ___ 3. Section: A DESCRIPTION OF SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 4. CLAY DEMO: "The only truly therapeutic agent in this universe is the spirit." ___ ___ ___ -5- 5. Section: DISSEMINATION OF MATERIAL ___ ___ ___ 6. DEMO: How a confusion would act as a stop to dissemination. ___ ___ ___ 7. Section: 1. GENERAL PUBLIC TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ___ ___ ___ 8. DEMO: Why the only way to defend anything is to attack. ___ ___ ___ 9. ESSAY: An auditor from your org has just delivered an assist to an injured and unconscious person in the local hospital which resulted in the patient regaining consciousness. The hospital psychiatrist, seeing the results, has called the police in order to remove him from the premises. What should you do to handle this situation? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 10. Section: 2. SCIENTOLOGISTS TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ___ ___ ___ 11. DEMO: What is "hearsay" and why it should never be taken as fact? ___ ___ ___ 12. Section: 3. MEMBER HASI TO MEMBER HASI ___ ___ ___ 13. Section: 4. TRAINED SCIENTOLOGIST TO A MEMBER OF THE HASI ___ ___ ___ 14. Section: 5. MEMBER OF THE HASI TO A PRECLEAR ___ ___ ___ 15. Section: 6. TRAINED SCIENTOLOGIST TO A PRECLEAR ___ ___ ___ 16. Section: 7. TRAINED SCIENTOLOGIST TO TRAINED SCIENTOLOGIST ___ ___ ___ 17. Section: 8. HASI TO THE MEMBERSHIP ___ ___ ___ 18. ESSAY: Why in Scientology it is far more detrimental not to communicate than it is to communicate. Give 5 examples that would show this. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 19. Section: 9. HASI TO TRAINED SCIENTOLOGIST ___ ___ ___ 20. Section: 10. HASI TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ___ ___ ___ 21. DEMO: Why newspapers and magazines do not represent public opinion. ___ ___ ___ *22. HCO PL 15 Aug 60 DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS ___ ___ ___ -6- 23. CLAY DEMO: "The goal of the department is to bring the government and hostile philosophies or societies into a state of complete compliance with the goals of Scientology. This is done by high level ability to control and in its absence by low level ability to overwhelm. Introvert such agencies. Control such agencies. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins. There is no overt in bringing good order." ___ ___ ___ 24. HCO PL 22 Aug 60 DEPARTMENT OF GOVERNMENT RELATIONS ___ ___ ___ 25. HCO PL 30 Aug 60 SPECIAL ZONE DEPARTMENT ___ ___ ___ 26. HCO PL 31 Oct 60 II US APPOINTMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL TREND ___ ___ ___ 27. HCO PL 13 Mar 61 I DEPARTMENT OF OFFICIAL AFFAIRS ___ ___ ___ 28. DEMO: 3 examples of each of the following maxims: a. "If it's a group problem, find the key person and influence him." ___ ___ ___ b. "If it's nebulously about a group without any mention of a key person, discard it." ___ ___ ___ c. "Only data about individuals is valid for use. ___ ___ ___ d. "Only action upon individuals is productive." ___ ___ ___ e. "Forget they. Find him or her." ___ ___ ___ f. "Use Scientology to resolve individual problems." ___ ___ ___ g. "Never abandon an attack until you have found and contacted the key person. Then apply Scientology." ___ ___ ___ h. "Get volunteer Scientologists interested in this game and helping." ___ ___ ___ 29. ESSAY: Write up how you would apply each of the actions of HCO PL 13 Mar 61 I, in order to achieve the purpose of bettering the public representation, legal position and government acceptance of Scientology. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 30. HCO PL 13 Mar 61 II DEPARTMENT OF OFFICIAL -7- AFFAIRS ___ ___ ___ 31. STUDY: The foldout org board in OEC Volume 0. ___ ___ ___ 32. DRILL: Learn the VFP of Department 20 verbatim (to be checked out by another student). ___ ___ ___ 33. CLAY DEMO: The relationship between the Department 20 VFP and the org VFP. ___ ___ ___ 34. ___ ___ ___ 35. ___ ___ ___ 36. ___ ___ ___ SECTION E: REPORTING 1. HCO PL 1 July 68 WARNING SIGNS ___ ___ ___ 2. HCO PL 24 Feb 69 JUSTICE ___ ___ ___ 3. CLAY DEMO: "The basis of all really troublesome third party activities is then FALSE REPORTS. "Therefore we see that we can readily run back an investigation by following a chain of false reports." ___ ___ ___ 4. HCO PL 17 May 71 JUSTICE -- CORRECT APPLICATION ___ ___ ___ 5. HCO PL 16 Mar 72 LOOK DON'T LISTEN ___ ___ ___ 6. ESSAY: Write up what would happen if an Invest Officer operated on verbal data? How would this affect the outcome of an investigation? Give some examples of exactly how Invest looks and doesn't listen to find the facts in an area. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *7. HCO PL 18 Oct 79R Marketing Series 14R Rev. 14.9.88 VIEWPOINT ___ ___ ___ 8. PRACTICAL: Do the viewpoint drill per the policy, HCO PL 18 Oct 79R, Marketing Series 14R, Viewpoint. Assume the viewpoint of different people, including a senior executive, a Private Investigator, a PR staff member. Do this until you can do it effortlessly and accurately. ___ ___ ___ -8- 9. HCO PL 24 Aug 73R Rev. 2 Jan 91 COMMUNICATION, STOPPING OF ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 10 Mar 82 CONFESSIONALS – ETHICS REPORTS REQUIRED ___ ___ ___ 11. HCO PL 22 July 82 KNOWLEDGE REPORTS ___ ___ ___ 12. ESSAY: Why are Knowledge Reports key to the Invest area? Why is an Invest Officer interested in them? Give 5 examples of how they could be used in an investigation. Turn your write-up in to the Super- visor. ___ ___ ___ 13. OSA NW Order 16 TIME AND REPORTS ___ ___ ___ 14. DEMO: The importance of including time in an Invest report. ___ ___ ___ 15. ___ ___ ___ 16. ___ ___ ___ 17. ___ ___ ___ SECTION F: INVESTIGATION TECH 1. HCO PL 11 May 65 I ETHICS OFFICER HAT ___ ___ ___ 2. Tape: 6711C18 "A TALK TO SAINT HILL AND WORLDWIDE ETHICS OFFICERS" ___ ___ ___ 3. DRILL: With another student, drill pulling a string until you get the "Sherman Tank." Have your twin make up as many different situations as necessary. Any flunks are handled by referring the student to the exact LRH reference violated. This drill is passed when the student can pull strings to a product. ___ ___ ___ 4. HCOB 15 Sept 81 THE CRIMINAL MIND ___ ___ ___ 5. CLAY DEMO: How the fact that a criminal accuses others of doing things which he himself is doing can be used in investigating an attacker. ___ ___ ___ 6. HCO PL 26 Dec 68 I THE THIRD PARTY LAW ___ ___ ___ 7. HCO PL 15 Mar 69 I THIRD PARTY -- HOW TO FIND ONE ___ ___ ___ -9- 8. DEMO: An example of how the third party tech can be used to investigate and isolate the source of an attack. ___ ___ ___ 9. HCOB 30 Mar 60 INTERROGATION ___ ___ ___ 10. DEMO: An example of how the E-Meter can be used to locate the instigator of an attack. ___ ___ ___ 11. HCO Info Ltr 16 Oct 68 E-METERS REPLACE GUNS ___ ___ ___ 12. HCO Exec Ltr 3 Aug 66 SCIENTOLOGY ETHICS DO WORK ___ ___ ___ 13. HCO Exec Ltr 5 Sept 66 HOW TO DO A NOISY INVESTIGATION ___ ___ ___ 14. ESSAY: When would you do a noisy investigation versus a quiet one? Write up 3 examples of each. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *15. OSA NW Order 35 INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATIONS AND PREDICTIONS ___ ___ ___ 16. PRACTICAL: Get scissors and a supply of paper from the Course Administrator and do up a special bank, following and showing the entire procedure as out- lined in OSA NW Order 35. Get this passed by the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 17. ___ ___ ___ 18. ___ ___ ___ 19. ___ ___ ___ SECTION G: SECURITY AND INFILTRATION 1. HCO PL 16 Dec 68 SECURITY DIV 1 ___ ___ ___ *2. HCO PL 1 Sept 69R Rev. 24.9.83 COUNTERESPIONAGE ___ ___ ___ 3. ESSAY: In the middle of the night the janitor caught an intruder in HCO, looking through the ethics files. In the morning the janitor comes to see you and it turns out that the intruder was a new staff member. What are you going to do to handle the situation? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *4. HCO PL 12 Oct 82 CORRUPT ACTIVITIES ___ ___ ___ -10- 5. OSA NW Order 34 HANDLING GOVERNMENT INFILTRATION ___ ___ ___ 6. DEMO: Taking the fictitious situation in No. 2 above, demonstrate how this situation could be turned into an advantage. ___ ___ ___ 7. SPD 2 Oct 88 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY ___ ___ ___ *8. HCO PL 30 Oct 62 I SECURITY RISKS INFILTRATION ___ ___ ___ 9. CLAY DEMO: The DSA Office's responsibility in relation to the security of the organization. ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 5 Apr 65 III SCIENTOLOGY MAKES A SAFE ENVIRONMENT ___ ___ ___ 11. ___ ___ ___ 12. ___ ___ ___ 13. ___ ___ ___ SECTION H: THE ART OF WAR by SUN TZU 1. Foreword ___ ___ ___ 2. Chapter 1: Laying Plans ___ ___ ___ 3. Chapter 2: On Waging War ___ ___ ___ 4. CLAY DEMO: "In war, then, let your great object be victory, not lengthy campaigns." ___ ___ ___ 5. Chapter 3: The Sheathed Sword ___ ___ ___ 6. ESSAY: Why is it that "if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 7. Chapter 4: Tactics ___ ___ ___ 8. DEMO: How you could apply the following datum to the war against psychiatry: "Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive." ___ ___ ___ 9. Chapter 5: Energy ___ ___ ___ 10. Chapter 6: Weak Points and Strong ___ ___ ___ -11- 11. DEMO: How you could apply the following to the handling of an attacker: "Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." ___ ___ ___ 12. Chapter 7: Maneuvering ___ ___ ___ 13. Chapter 8: Variation of Tactics ___ ___ ___ 14. ESSAY: Write up an example of how you could apply: "The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable." ___ ___ ___ 15. Chapter 9: The Army On The March ___ ___ ___ 16. Chapter 10: Terrain ___ ___ ___ 17. Chapter 11: The Nine Situations ___ ___ ___ 18. Chapter 12: Attack by Fire ___ ___ ___ 19. Chapter 13: The Use of Spies ___ ___ ___ 20. CLAY DEMO: The five classes of spies. ___ ___ ___ 21. ___ ___ ___ 22. ___ ___ ___ 23. ___ ___ ___ SECTION I: HANDLING PROFESSIONALS 1. HCO PL 2 Apr 65R V ADMINISTRATION OUTSIDE Rev. 14.12.80 SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 2. CLAY DEMO: "... if you fail to use Scientology admin and Dev-t policies on the society outside Scientology that trouble will occur." ___ ___ ___ *3. OSA NW Order 21 HANDLING ATTORNEYS ___ ___ ___ 4. ESSAY: A new attorney has been hired and you are working with him on a cycle. He keeps sending you his "legal opinion" on the cycle. Is this what you want? What is the standard way to handle him so that you get the product needed? Turn your -12- write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *5. OSA NW Order 2 INVESTIGATORY PERSONNEL ___ ___ ___ 6. HCO PL 22 Sept 70 Personnel Series 9 Org Series 4 HATS ___ ___ ___ 7. ESSAY: You have just hired a new private invest- igator and he is insistent that he doesn't need to do a hat as he is very experienced. What are you going to do? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ 9. ___ ___ ___ 10. ___ ___ ___ SECTION J: PTS/SP DATA 1. HCO PL 27. Oct 64R Rev. 15.11.87 POLICIES ON PHYSICAL HEALING, INSANITY AND SOURCES OF TROUBLE ___ ___ ___ 2. 2. DRILL: Have another student take the role of someone who is in one of the PTS A-J categories. Drill recognizing what kind of PTS category is presented and what the handling is. Do this until you can recognize and handle each of the PTS A-J categories. Flunks are given for any failure to correctly recognize a particular PTS situation or failure to correctly handle it, referring the student to the exact LRH material being violated. ___ ___ ___ *3. HCO PL 5 Apr 65 I HANDLING THE SUPPRESSIVE PERSON -- THE BASIS OF INSANITY ___ ___ ___ 4. HCO PL 7 Aug 65 I SUPPRESSIVE PERSONS, MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF ___ ___ ___ 5. DEMO: One example of each of the 16 characteristics by which you can recognize an SP: 1. ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ 13. ___ ___ ___ 2. ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ 14. ___ ___ ___ 3. ___ ___ ___ 9. ___ ___ ___ 15. ___ ___ ___ -13- 4. ___ ___ ___ 10. ___ ___ ___ 16. ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ 11. ___ ___ ___ 6. ___ ___ ___ 12. ___ ___ ___ 6. HCO PL 23 Dec 65RB Rev. 8.1.91 SUPPRESSIVE ACTS SUPPRESSION OF SCIENTOLOGY AND SCIENTOLOGISTS ___ ___ ___ 7. HCOB 28 Jan 66 SEARCH AND DISCOVERY DATA HOW A SUPPRESSIVE BECOMES ONE ___ ___ ___ *8. HCOB 27 Sept 66 THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST ___ ___ ___ 9. PRACTICAL: Write up examples of each of the anti- social personality traits that you have personally observed (examples can be people you have known, people in the media, people in history, etc.) explaining exactly how you recognize the trait. You can also check newspapers, magazines, etc., for examples. You must find at least one example of each of the different traits. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 26 Dec 66 Admin Know-How Series 12 PTS SECTIONS, PERSONNEL AND EXECS ___ ___ ___ 11. ESSAY: Write up how you would detect PTSness in an external facing staff member. What would you do to handle once you have detected a PTS external facing staff? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 12. HCO PL 16 Oct 67 Admin Know-How Series 16 SUPPRESSIVES AND THE ADMINISTRATOR HOW TO DETECT SPs AS AN ADMINISTRATOR ___ ___ ___ 13. HCO PL 12 Mar 68 MISTAKES, ANATOMY OF ___ ___ ___ 14. HCOB 28 Nov 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS ___ ___ ___ 15. DEMO: How you would know if you were dealing with a psychotic or not. ___ ___ ___ -14- 16. ___ ___ ___ 17. ___ ___ ___ 18. ___ ___ ___ SECTION K: ATTACKS ON SCIENTOLOGY 1. TAPE: 6106C26 "RE: DEALING WITH ATTACKS ON SCIENTOLOGY" ___ ___ ___ 2. OSA NW Order 40 THE MECHANISM OF ATTACK AND DEFENSE ___ ___ ___ 3. DEMO: Each of the mechanisms that a being uses to handle attacks and what is the most optimum mechanism. ___ ___ ___ *4. HCO PL 15 Feb 66 I ATTACKS ON SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 5. ESSAY: Give 5 examples of how you would apply the policy to advocate total freedom to meet any and all attacks on Scientology. Explain why this policy works. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *6. HCO PL 18 Feb 66 ATTACKS ON SCIENTOLOGY (Continued) ___ ___ ___ 7. DEMO: Demonstrate an actual example of how you could employ each of "The Third Group of Actions" to stop an attack, as covered in the above PL: 1. ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ 9. ___ ___ ___ 2. ___ ___ ___ 6.___ ___ ___ 10. ___ ___ ___ 3. ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ 11. ___ ___ ___ 4. ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ *8. HCO PL 16 Feb 69 ENEMY NAMES ___ ___ ___ 9. CLAY DEMO: "It is very sound strategy never to fight a battle on your own territory or subject or even on the territory of an ally. Always fight battles in enemy territory." ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 16 Feb 69 III ENEMY PROs ___ ___ ___ -15- 11. HCO Info Ltr THE DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT 10 Dec 63 THE TRUE STORY OF SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 12. HCO Info Ltr 25 Feb 62 IT CAN BE DONE ___ ___ ___ *13. HCO PL 16 Feb 69 II BATTLE TACTICS ___ ___ ___ 14. DEMO: 5 examples of the following stable datum: "We must ourselves fight on the basis of total attrition of the enemy. So never get reasonable about him. Just go all the way in and obliterate him." ___ ___ ___ *15. HCO PL 16 Feb 69 IV TARGETS, DEFENSE ___ ___ ___ 16. ESSAY: Write up 5 examples of the consequences to your org's survival and to the future of Scientology, by applying points T1. - T7. of HCO PL 16 Feb 69 IV. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 17. RON'S JOURNAL 34 13 Mar 82 THE FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 18. ESSAY: Explain why: a) The religion of Scientology occasionally gets attacked and why this has happened to all great movements of mankind. ___ ___ ___ b) What happens when such attacks occur and why is it that they never succeed? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 19. ___ ___ ___ 20. ___ ___ ___ 21. ___ ___ ___ SECTION L: RELIGIOUS NATURE 1. 1954 THE CREED OF THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 2. DRILL: Learn the Creed of the Church of Scientology verbatim (to be checked out by another student). ___ ___ ___ -16- 3. HCOB 21 June 60 RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICE ___ ___ ___ 4. HCO PL 29 Oct 62 RELIGION ___ ___ ___ 5. CLAY DEMO: Why ALL Scientology corporations are religious in nature. ___ ___ ___ 6. HCO Info Ltr 16 Jan 63 OUR ROLE IN THE WORLD ___ ___ ___ 7. DRILL: Have another student take the role of a radio announcer who has just called you with no prior warning. You pick up the telephone and are told that you are now live on the air, on a local radio station. The radio announcer is asking you questions about Scientology's religious nature which you have to handle on the spot. What are you going to say? How will you handle this? Flunks are given for any incorrect answers by the student and any uncertainty in dealing with the questions, referring the student to the exact LRH material being violated. This drill is passed when the student can clearly communicate Scientology's religious nature (using the HCO Info Letter above) despite the circumstances. ___ ___ ___ 8. ESSAY Sept 65 THE AIMS OF SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 9. ___ ___ ___ 10. ___ ___ ___ 11. ___ ___ ___ SECTION M: DEPOPULARIZING THE ENEMY 1. TAPE: 6709C20 "RON'S JOURNAL '67" ___ ___ ___ 2. LRH ED 206 SH 15 Dec 66 UNTITLED (To look at…) ___ ___ ___ 3. LRH ED 47 INT 6 Nov 68 A FABLE ___ ___ ___ 4. LRH ED 55 INT 29 Nov 68 THE WAR ___ ___ ___ 5. LRH ED 66 INT THE GREAT "CHARITY" -17- 13 Dec 68 SWINDLE ___ ___ ___ *6. OSA NW Order 13 OBSERVATIONS ON THE GREAT HEALTH MONOPOLY ___ ___ ___ 7. LRH ED 63 WW 6 US 12 Dec 68 RE LIFE ARTICLE AND LETTER ___ ___ ___ 8. OSA NW Order 7 ENEMY ACTION ___ ___ ___ 9. OSA NW Order 32 STRATEGIC INFO ___ ___ ___ 10. HCOB 29 July 80 CRIMINALS AND PSYCHIATRY ___ ___ ___ 11. HCOB 26 Apr 82 THE CRIMINAL MIND AND THE PSYCHS ___ ___ ___ 12. CLAY DEMO: How the mechanism of the criminal mind applies to psychiatry. ___ ___ ___ 13. HCOB 6 May 82 THE CAUSE OF CRIME ___ ___ ___ 14. HCO PL 29 June 71 II PUBLIC WARNING ON PSYCHIATRY ___ ___ ___ 15. PRACTICAL: Get from the Course Administrator a copy of the Public Service Announcement video of the Citizen's Commission on Human Rights, which is a public warning against psychiatry. See this video and write down what you have learned from it. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 16. ESSAY: Write down 5 different ways in which you, from your post can contribute to warning the public against psychiatric practices. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *17. HCO PL 29 June 71R I Rev. 24.6.88 POLICY ON PSYCHIATRIC AND MEDICAL FAILURES ___ ___ ___ 18. OSA NW Order 22 ON PLANTS AND PSYCHIATRISTS ___ ___ ___ 19. HCOB 19 Sept 60 CAPTIVE BRAINS ___ ___ ___ 20. CLAY DEMO: "It is an overt act by you and me to leave in power any group that denies men freedom, knowing what we know. Therefore, attack." ___ ___ ___ 21. HCO Info Ltr 13 Apr 61 TERROR STALKS ___ ___ ___ 22. HCO Info Ltr
15 Jan 63 THE DC SITUATION ___ ___ ___ -18- 23. Sec ED 423 6 Jan 63 IN RE FDA THESE ARE MY INSTRUCTIONS ___ ___ ___ 24. OSA NW Order 37 PSYCHIATRIC VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS ___ ___ ___ *25. HCOB 16 July 70 THE PSYCHIATRIST AT WORK ___ ___ ___ 26. PRACTICAL: a) Get from the Course Administrator 3 documented psychiatric case histories and read these. ___ ___ ___ b) Get from the Course Administrator copies of 3 success stories from Scientology public, and read these. ___ ___ ___ c) Compare what psychiatry produces versus what Scientology produces. Write up what you have learned in doing this comparison and turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 27. HCO PL 16 July 71 VIOLENCE ___ ___ ___ 28. OSA NW Order 38 SURVEY RESULTS ON PSYCHOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 29. OSA NW Order 29 PSYCHIATRY STATISTICS ___ ___ ___ 30. OSA NW Order ___ OCCUPY TERRITORY EVAL ___ ___ ___ 31. DEMO: How you would apply the Occupy Territory Eval in your area. ___ ___ ___ 32. PRACTICAL: Write a campaign that you can actually execute of what you can do from your hat to help cut off the funding to psychiatrists in your area. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 33. ___ ___ ___ 34. ___ ___ ___ 35. ___ ___ ___ SECTION N: GOVERNMENTS 1. 1. PRACTICAL: a) Get a copy of the org board of the government -19- system in your country from the Course Administrator. (For EU get the Danish government org board.) ___ ___ ___ b) Clear all of the post titles so that you fully understand what they are. ___ ___ ___ c) Using a map, locate where the government offices in your area are situated. ___ ___ ___ 2. TAPE:6001C03 "ZONES OF CONTROL AND RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT" ___ ___ ___ 3. HCO PL 13 Feb 65 II POLITICS ___ ___ ___ 4. HCO PL 14 June 65 III POLITICS, FREEDOM FROM ___ ___ ___ 5. HCO Info Ltr 4 Apr 69 RON'S JOURNAL 1969 NO. 3 POLITICAL TREATMENT ___ ___ ___ 6. HCO Exec Ltr 10 Oct 65 RON'S JOURNAL 17 GOVERNMENT CONFLICTS ___ ___ ___ 7. HCO Info Ltr 28 Feb 69 RON'S JOURNAL 1969, NO. 1 ___ ___ ___ 8. CLAY DEMO: "To defend an area one must attack." ___ ___ ___ 9. HCO PL 29 Aug 57 GOVERNMENT PROJECT STABLE DATA ___ ___ ___ 10. DRILL: Learn the stable data of HCO PL 29 Aug 57, verbatim (to be checked out by another student). ___ ___ ___ 11. ESSAY: You are meeting with a government official who is very impressed with your org's community programs and who wants to know what Scientology is. What are you going to tell him? Give specifics. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 12. OSA NW Order 18 WHY GOVERNMENT ATTACKS RELIGION ___ ___ ___ *13. OSA NW Order 10 PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT ___ ___ ___ 14. HCOB 18 July 59 INCOME TAX REFORM ___ ___ ___ 15. OSA NW Order 17 THE GENUS OF INSANE GOVERNMENTS ___ ___ ___ *16. OSA NW Order 19 WILLFUL FALSE REPORTS ___ ___ ___ -20- 17. DRILL: Have another student take the role of a government agent who has arrived in the org. The org is building a new Test Centre down town and he is charging the org with some reported violation of zoning regulations. Drill the exact steps you would take to handle the immediate charges being made. The coach is to make up other examples as needed. Flunks are given for any incorrect hand- ling or uncertainty of the student on how to handle the situation, referring the student to the exact LRH material being violated. This drill is passed when the student can effectively handle any allegation put forward by the coach. ___ ___ ___ 18. ___ ___ ___ 19. ___ ___ ___ 20. ___ ___ ___ SECTION O: PUBLIC RELATIONS *1. HCO PL 3 Feb 69 PUBLIC IMAGE ___ ___ ___ 2. PRACTICAL: Write up 5 examples of activities and events that will increase the public image of Scientology by: a) cleaning up the field of mental health and b) effectively handling mental health on the planet. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 3. HCO PL 13 Aug 70 I PR Series 1 LIABILITIES OF PR ___ ___ ___ 4. HCO PL 13 Aug 70 III PR Series 3 WRONG PUBLICS ___ ___ ___ 5. PRACTICAL: Get from the Course Administrator a magazine with a lot of ads. Go through these ads and note the ones that are aimed at the correct publics and the ones that are aimed at the wrong publics. Write down your findings and turn them in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 6. ESSAY: Write up 5 different publics that Invest could deal with and how you established that they are the correct public. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *7. HCO PL 18 Nov 70 II PR Series 5 PR DEFINITION ___ ___ ___ -21- 8. HCO PL 11 May 71 II PR Series 6 OPINION LEADERS ___ ___ ___ 9. PRACTICAL: Go through a newspaper and locate the people whose opinion is asked for or valued. Write up what you have learned from doing this and turn this in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 30 Jan 79 PR Series 30 POSITIONING, PHILOSOPHIC THEORY ___ ___ ___ 11. DEMO: Five examples of how positioning tech can be applied by Invest. ___ ___ ___ 12. HCO PL 1 Apr 82 PR Series 19R THE SAFE POINT ___ ___ ___ 13. ESSAY: You have just started as the DSA Invest officer in your org and you find that there has been nothing done to make safe points for the org in the community and there are many attacks from local officials. How does this affect your post? What would you do to handle this situation? Why are safe points so important for an organization? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 14. HCO PL 19 July 82 PR Series 45 FAILED PR ___ ___ ___ 15. ESSAY: The PR Officer is meeting with an official in order to get his support for a local community program. No matter what is done, he will not agree to support the PRO's actions and considers the program a waste of time, despite the fact that it has proven to be successful. What do you know? How should this be handled? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 16. TAPE: 7003C27 "THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND PR" ___ ___ ___ 17. CLAY DEMO: The relationship between Invest and Public Relations. ___ ___ ___ 18. ___ ___ ___ 19. ___ ___ ___ 20. ___ ___ ___ -22- SECTION P: HANDLING BLACK PROPAGANDA 1. HCO Info Ltr 16 Mar 64 THE U.S. SATURDAY EVENING POST ARTICLE ___ ___ ___ 2. HCO Exec Ltr III 10 Nov 65 U.S. SUITS AGAINST NEWSPAPERS ON FDA RAID ___ ___ ___ 3. ED 21 WW 27 SH 26 Sept 66 CONFIDENTIAL CURRENT ATTACK ___ ___ ___ 4. OSA NW Order 15 BLACK PROPAGANDA ___ ___ ___ 5. CLAY DEMO: How classification relates to black propaganda and how you can use this datum to reclassify Scientology favorably in the public mind. ___ ___ ___ *6. HCO PL 11 May 71 III PR Series 7 BLACK PR ___ ___ ___ *7. HCO PL 21 Nov 72 I PR Series 18 HOW TO HANDLE BLACK PROPAGANDA ___ ___ ___ 8. ESSAY: The local newspaper has been running front page stories alleging that we have a lot of young people in the organization who throw wild parties each night. You notice that the rumors are now also being forwarded on radio and TV. The local City Council, who had been supporting the org in a project to renovate the org, suddenly won't return the calls and there are stops when the org tries to pick up the approved renovation permit. Write up what is going on and work out a full handling for this situation, using the steps which are outlined in PR Series 18. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 9. DRILL: Have another student take the role of the local councilman being dealt with (using the example above). Due to the black PR, he has now become suspicious of the Church. Drill handling him, per the steps of PR Series 18. Flunks are handled by referring the student to the exact LRH material being violated. This drill is passed when the student can successfully apply the steps of PR Series 18 on an individual who has received black PR. ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 9 June 75 PR Series 27 -23- THE ENEMY LINE ___ ___ ___ 11. PRACTICAL: Obtain a newspaper from the Course Administrator. Go through it and find examples of someone violating PR Series 27. Write up what you have learned and turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 12. HCO PL 20 Sept 88 PR Series 32 DOCUMENTATION AND THE DEAD AGENT CAPER ___ ___ ___ 13. ESSAY: You are interviewing a community leader. He tells you that his neighbor, who is a psychiatrist, is spreading the rumor that Scientology is in trouble with the local Health authorities. How would you dead agent this rumor? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 14. ___ ___ ___ 15. ___ ___ ___ 16. ___ ___ ___ SECTION Q: LEGAL AND LITIGATION 1. HCOB 9 Nov 56 ACTIVITIES OF LEGAL DEPARTMENT ___ ___ ___ *2. HCO PL 3 Feb 66 I LEGAL, TAX, ACCOUNTANT AND SOLICITOR MAIL AND LEGAL OFFICER ___ ___ ___ 3. CLAY DEMO: The purpose of the Legal Officer. ___ ___ ___ *4. HCO PL 11 Oct 66 LEGAL, TAX, ACCOUNTANT AND SOLICITOR MAIL INCOMING AND OUT-GOING ___ ___ ___ 5. GRAPHIC DEMONSTRATION: The routing and handling of incoming and outgoing mail concerning legal, tax and accountancy matters. ___ ___ ___ *6. HCO PL 23 Nov 67 II PUBLIC ATTACKS LEGAL POINT ___ ___ ___ 7. OSA NW Order 5 LEGAL MATTERS AND FALSE IMPRESSIONS ___ ___ ___ 8. ESSAY: Your org is suing a merchant who delivered -24- an overt product and when he was told to correct it, refused to do so but demanded to be paid. Write a briefing for the staff on this case ensuring that you don't create a mystery. Turn your briefing in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 9. OSA NW Order 12 LEGAL FACTS ___ ___ ___ 10. HCO PL 4 June 59 I INSTRUCTIONS TO ATTORNEY OR SOLICITORS ___ ___ ___ *11. BOOKLET: The Corporations of Scientology ___ ___ ___ 12. GRAPHIC DEMONSTRATION: Draw a diagram showing how the corporate structure of your organization relates to the other corporations of Scientology. Get this passed by the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ *13. OSA NW Order 11 CORPORATE INTEGRITY ___ ___ ___ 14. CLAY DEMO: How, by keeping in corporate integrity, you can safeguard the Church from attacks. ___ ___ ___ *15. HCO PL 23 Oct 63 REFUND POLICY ___ ___ ___ *16. HCO PL 9 Nov 74R Rev. 2.10.80 REFUNDS AND REPAYMENTS ___ ___ ___ 17. PRACTICAL: a) Get from the Course Administrator a copy of the current Legal Rudiments Program for your area and read this. ___ ___ ___ b) Write out 10 different ways that this program could get bugged. ___ ___ ___ c) Work out a handling for each bug. ___ ___ ___ d) Get from the Course Administrator a copy of the current Refunds/Repayments Routing Form used in your org. ___ ___ ___ e) Write out 10 different kinds of slows or stops that you could run into in your org while getting refunds/repayments handled. Include in your write-up the possible result if refunds/ repayments are not handled or paid out fast. ___ ___ ___ f) Work out a handling for each of the problems you listed in (e) above. -25- Turn your write-ups in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 18. FC PL 8 June 57 VALUABLE DOCUMENTS, HANDLING OF ___ ___ ___ 19. DEMO: You are helping to get the lease on an org's premises extended and you need to get a copy of the original lease agreement. Demonstrate how the following would affect the success of this action: a) The valuable documents of the org have not been taken care of and the lease can't be found. ___ ___ ___ b) The valuable documents of the org are secure and in very good order. ___ ___ ___ *20. HCO PL 29 Sept 82 KSW Series 30 MISREPRESENTATION OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY ___ ___ ___ 21. HCO PL 15 Nov 58 I THE SUBSTANCE AND FIRST DUTY OF HCO ___ ___ ___ 22. CLAY DEMO: "Bring order first to our substance-- seals, ethics, technology and awards. If we don't own it, we can't tell anyone anything. And we do own it. Only we have to collect it. "Our possessions must not be permitted to lie in the rain." ___ ___ ___ 23. HCO PL 15 Nov 58 III OUTSTANDING COPYRIGHTS AND MARKS ___ ___ ___ 24. PRACTICAL: a) Get from the Course Administrator a copy of the current issues that lay out the trademarks and copyright regulations for your area. Study them. ___ ___ ___ b) Using books and publications that are available in the Course Administration area, locate 5 samples of copyright notices and 5 samples of trademarks. ___ ___ ___ c) Listen to a copyright notice at the beginning of a recorded LRH lecture. ___ ___ ___ d) Inspect 5 different promo pieces of an org (get these from the Course Administrator) for correct trademark and copyright usage and notices. Note what you find and turn your write-up in to the -26- Supervisor for a pass. ___ ___ ___ 25. HCO Exec Ltr 27 Sept 65 "AMPRINISTICS" ___ ___ ___ 26. ED 149 INT 2 Dec 66 BRANCH 5 PROJECT PROJECT SQUIRREL ___ ___ ___ 27. ESSAY: You have just received a letter from a public person informing you that another public, who was on course in your org 6 months ago, has set up a squirrel group. He took materials from the org to run a "Sauna Program". Write up exactly what action you are going to take to handle this situation. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 28. HCOB 1 May 58 SIGNS OF SUCCESS ___ ___ ___ 29. CLAY DEMO: The relationship between Legal and Invest. ___ ___ ___ 30. ___ ___ ___ 31. ___ ___ ___ 32. ___ ___ ___ SECTION R: ON WAR by CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ 1. Book One: Chapter I -- "What is War?" ___ ___ ___ 2. Book One: Chapter II -- "End and Means in War" ___ ___ ___ 3. ESSAY: Why in combat all the action is directed to the destruction of the enemy's fighting powers. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 4. Book One: Chapter III -- "The Genius for War" ___ ___ ___ 5. Book One: Chapter IV -- "Of Danger in War" ___ ___ ___ 6. Book One: Chapter V -- "Of Bodily Exertion in War" ___ ___ ___ 7. Book One: Chapter VI -- "Information in War" ___ ___ ___ 8. ESSAY: Write up what your use of the law of probability would be. What purpose would it serve? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 9. Book One: Chapter VII -- "Friction in War" ___ ___ ___ -27- 10. Book One: Chapter VIII -- "Concluding Remarks" ___ ___ ___ 11. Book Two: Chapter I -- "Branches of the Art of War" ___ ___ ___ 12. Book Two: Chapter II -- "On the Theory of War" ___ ___ ___ 13. Book Two: Chapter III -- "Art or Science of War" ___ ___ ___ 14. Book Two: Chapter IV -- "Methodicism" ___ ___ ___ 15. Book Two: Chapter V -- "Criticism" ___ ___ ___ 16. DEMO: Why all action in war is directed on probable, not on certain, results. ___ ___ ___ 17. Book Two: Chapter VI -- "On Examples" ___ ___ ___ 18. Book Three: Chapter I -- "Strategy" ___ ___ ___ 19. CLAY DEMO: Strategy is the employment of the battle to gain the end of the war. ___ ___ ___ 20. Book Three: Chapter II -- "Elements of Strategy" ___ ___ ___ 21. Book Three: Chapter III -- "Moral Forces" ___ ___ ___ 22. Book Three: Chapter IV -- "The Chief Moral Powers" ___ ___ ___ 23. Book Three: Chapter V -- "Military Virtue of an Army" ___ ___ ___ 24. ESSAY: Write up 3 examples of "esprit de corps" that you have observed. Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 25. Book Three: Chapter VI -- "Boldness" ___ ___ ___ 26. Book Three: Chapter VII -- "Perseverance" ___ ___ ___ 27. ESSAY: What role does perseverence play in warfare and how would it apply to you? Turn your write-up in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 28. Book Three: Chapter VIII -- "Superiority of Numbers" ___ ___ ___ 29. Book Three: Chapter IX -- "The Surprise" ___ ___ ___ 30. Book Three: Chapter X -- "Stratagem" ___ ___ ___ 31. Book Three: Chapter XI -- "Assembly of Forces in Space" ___ ___ ___ -28- 32. Book Three: Chapter XII -- "Assembly of Forces in Time" ___ ___ ___ 33. CLAY DEMO: "...all forces which are available and destined for a strategic object should be simultaneously applied to it." ___ ___ ___ 34. Book Three: Chapter XIII -- "Strategic Reserve" ___ ___ ___ 35. Book Three: Chapter XIV -- "Economy of Forces" ___ ___ ___ 36. Book Three: Chapter XV -- "Geometrical Element" ___ ___ ___ 37. Book Three: Chapter XVI -- "On the Suspension of the Act in War" ___ ___ ___ 38. Book Three: Chapter XVII -- "On the Character of Modern War" ___ ___ ___ 39. Book Three: Chapter XVIII -- "Tension and Rest" ___ ___ ___ 40. Book Four: Chapter I -- "Introductory" ___ ___ ___ 41. Book Four: Chapter II -- "Character of the Modern Battle" ___ ___ ___ 42. Book Four: Chapter III -- "The Combat in General" ___ ___ ___ 43. DEMO: How does combat relate to your post? ___ ___ ___ 44. Book Four: Chapter IV -- "The Combat in General (continuation)" ___ ___ ___ 45. DEMO: The three elements of victory and how these would relate to your post. ___ ___ ___ 46. Book Four: Chapter V -- "On the Signification of the Combat" ___ ___ ___ 47. ESSAY: There is a girl on service lines in your org who has antagonistic parents. The parents have come into the org with a suppressive reporter right on their heels to pick up the girl. You had no warning of this, the TV cameras are rolling and the reporter and parents are firing allegations at you. Write up the following: a) How you would handle this situation defensively; ___ ___ ___ b) How you would handle this offensively; ___ ___ ___ c) Which one is going to be effective and why. -29- Turn your write-ups in to the Supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 48. Book Four: Chapter VI -- "Duration of the Combat" ___ ___ ___ 49. Book Four: Chapter VII -- "Decision of the Combat" ___ ___ ___ 50. Book Four: Chapter VIII -- "Mutual Understanding as to a Battle" ___ ___ ___ 51. Book Four: Chapter IX -- "The Battle" ___ ___ ___ 52. Book Four: Chapter X -- "Effects of Victory" ___ ___ ___ 53. Book Four: Chapter XI -- "The Use of the Battle" ___ ___ ___ 54. DEMO: How you can use the five truths about war: 1. ___ ___ ___ 4. ___ ___ ___ 2. ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ 3. ___ ___ ___ 55. Book Four: Chapter XII -- "Strategic Means of Utilizing Victory" ___ ___ ___ 56. Book Four: Chapter XIII -- "Retreat After a Lost Battle" ___ ___ ___ 57. Book Five: Chapter I -- "Introduction" ___ ___ ___ 58. Book Five: Chapter II -- "Absolute and Real War" ___ ___ ___ 59. Book Five: Chapter III -- "(A) Interdependence of the Parts in War" ___ ___ ___ 60. DEMO: How the following would apply: "... there is, only one result of war, the final result." ___ ___ ___ 61. Book Five: Chapter III -- "(B) Of the Magnitude of the Object of the War, and the Efforts to be Made" ___ ___ ___ 62. Book Five: Chapter IV -- "Ends in War More Precisely Defined - Overthrow of the Enemy" ___ ___ ___ 63. Book Five: Chapter V -- "Ends in War More Precisely Defined (continued) -- Limited Object" ___ ___ ___ 64. Book Five: Chapter VI -- "(A) Influence of the Political Object on the Military Object" ___ ___ ___ 65. DEMO: Why the political cause of a war has a great influence on the method in which it is -30- conducted. Turn your write-up in to the supervisor. ___ ___ ___ 66. Book Five: Chapter VI -- "(B) War as an Instrument of Policy" ___ ___ ___ 67. ___ ___ ___ 68. ___ ___ ___ 69. ___ ___ ___ SECTION S: COORDINATION *1. HCO PL 31 Jan 83 THE REASON FOR ORGS ___ ___ ___ 2. HCO PL 13 Jan 83 THE BUSINESS OF ORGS ___ ___ ___ 3. HCO PL 1 July 82 Admin Know-How Series 41 MANAGEMENT COORDINATION ___ ___ ___ *4. HCO PL 24 Sept 88 PR Series 43 PR AND PURPOSE ___ ___ ___ 5. CLAY DEMO: The importance of coordination. ___ ___ ___ 6. OSA NW Order 60 LEGAL APPROVAL ___ ___ ___ 7. GRAPHIC DEMONSTRATION: Do a diagram of the approval lines between Invest, PR, Legal and Church attorneys, showing what kinds of particles would be on these lines. ___ ___ ___ 8. HCO PL 26 Feb 72R V IMPORTANT Rev. 10.9.90 COORDINATION OR CONFUSION AN EXEC DIV CHECKLIST FOR QUALITY ___ ___ ___ 9. CLAY DEMO: The Power Quality points of a DSA Office (ensuring that in points #52 and #54 you show the application of the materials you have studied above). ___ ___ ___ 10. ___ ___ ___ 11. ___ ___ ___ 12. ___ ___ ___ SECTION T: APPRENTICESHIP -31- A certificate for the post is to be issued but only when the period of apprenticeship has been served satisfactorily and valid stats of the post are presented (Ref: HCO PL 12 Aug 71, HAT CHECKSHEET REQUIREMENTS). Upon successful completion of the above step, the following attest is to be completed (Ref: HCO PL 21 July 71 II, VITAL HAS APPRENTICING ACTIONS): a) I have studied ALL the materials of the post I am in training for; ___ ___ ___ b) I have studied and know: My post in relationship to the org, ___ ___ ___ My post in relationship to all other orgs and the Scientology Network, ___ ___ ___ My post in relationship to myself; ___ ___ ___ c) I have worked on the post long enough to KNOW the post, its functions, lines, terminals, what particles flow through the post, what changes I make to all of these, what PRODUCTS I am expected to achieve and CAN achieve; ___ ___ ___ d) I have become a valuable and fully contributive member of the org. ___ ___ ___ I attest that _________________________________ has achieved each of the points A to D above and he/she can now be certified and posted as FULLY HATTED DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS INVESTIGATIONS OFFICER. HAS ATTEST:______________________________ DATE: _____________________________ SENIOR ATTEST:___________________________ DATE: _____________________________ STUDENT ATTEST:__________________________ DATE: _____________________________ SECTION U: STUDENT COURSE COMPLETION 1. STUDENT COMPLETION: I have completed the requirements of this checksheet and I know and can apply this material. STUDENT ATTEST:__________________________ DATE: _____________________________ -32- I have trained this student to the best of my ability and he/ she has completed the requirements of this checksheet and knows and can apply the checksheet materials. SUPERVISOR ATTEST: _________________________ DATE: ___________________________ 2. CONDITIONAL: If the student is not a fast flow student, he is given an examination on the materials of the course. Passing grade is 85%. EXAMINER: ____________________________________ DATE: ___________________________ 3. STUDENT ATTESTATION AT C&A: I attest that I have a) enrolled on the course, b) paid for or signed an invoice for the course, c) studied and understood all of the materials on the checksheet, d) done all of the drills on this checksheet, e) can produce the results required in the materials of this course. STUDENT ATTEST: _________________________ DATE: ______________________________ C&A: ______________________________________ DATE: ______________________________ 4. CERTS AND AWARDS: This graduate has been issued a certificate of FULLY HATTED DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS INVESTIGATION OFFICER. C&A: ______________________________________ DATE: _____________________________ (Route this form to the Course Administrator for filing in the student's folder.) OSA HATS COMPILATIONS I/C CMO INTERNATIONAL Authorized by AVC INT for the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY -33- INTERNATIONAL (The compilation of this checksheet was done according to specific LRH policies and instructions which prescribe the standard format for hat checksheets.) CSI:AVCI:OSAHCIC:gst Quotes: (C) 1955, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1970. by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Grateful acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. SCIENTOLOGY, HCO, STUDENT HAT, DIANETICS and LRH are trademarks and service marks owned by the Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Printed in U.S.A.