OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 341 OSA NW All Execs & Staff SPECIAL PROJECT AUSTRALIA (Taken from an undated manuscript written for Australian Scientologists concerning the enquiry conducted at the behest of the British Medical Association [BMA] by the Victorian government. It is issued here as it contains broadly […]
Note: Extracts from LRH Communication
1 Notes Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
HCO Info Ltr: Ron’s Journal 1968 Australian — Anzo Supplement for issue at tape play BPI.
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO INFORMATION LETTER OF 17 FEBRUARY 19691 Remimeo Anzo Orgs Only. BPI TO: All Anzo Orgs From: Ron Subject: Ron’s Journal 1968 Australian – Anzo Supplement for issue at tape play BPI. As you would expect, the intensity of attack on Scientology is at its […]
HCO Info Ltr: E-Meters Replace Guns
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead,Sussex HCO INFORMATION LETTER OF 16 OCTOBER 19681; 2 Gen Non-Remimeo To: All Orgs From: Ron Subject: Article “E-Meters Replace Guns,” issued this date for general info. Terrorists and subversives are far more afraid of E-Meters than guns. An E-Meter is a small, inexpensive box of electronics that […]
SecED: Confidential Project Psychiatry
SECRETARIAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Office of LRH 22 February 19661 SECED 61 WW […]SH EXEC Secs, ES Comms Dir I & R SH and Dive 1 Section 5 only CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT PSYCHIATRY In accordance with HCO pol ltr 17 Feb 1966, the HCO Area Sec SH will organise it with great care in the selection of […]
HCO Exec Ltr: The Melbourne Enquiry Into Scientology
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO EXECUTIVE LETTER OF 6 OCTOBER 19651 Remimeo BPI TO: ANYONE INTERESTED FROM: RON SUBJECT: THE MELBOURNE ENQUIRY INTO SCIENTOLOGY Regarding the opposition party “enquiry” into Scientology in the State Parliament in Melbourne and its “findings” the following story was written in reply by L. Ron […]