ExVet1: I looked around and this subject doesn’t look like it’s been kicked around on this forum before. Not for a while anyway. As many of you know, the RPF issues were leaked to Wikileaks nearly a year ago. I happen to know who did that. In the “Discussion” portion of that Wikileaks entry is […]
black PR
Flag Order: The RPF Technical Program
FLAG ORDER 3434RE-27R All SO ORGS AND UNITS RPFs SENIOR QUALS 8 May 19971 Rev. 8 May 2003 For Pilot Only RPF Series 27R THE RPF TECHNICAL PROGRAM References: HCOB 20 June 71 C/S Series 47 THE SUPREME TEST OF A C/S F0 3434RE-2 RPF Series 2 RPF TARGET This is the Rehabilitation Project […]
HCOPL: Documentation and the Dead Agent Caper
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 20 SEPTEMBER 19881 Remimeo All PR Hats PR Series 32 DOCUMENTATION AND THE DEAD AGENT CAPER (Taken from tape 7007C30, A SUCCINCT VIEW OF PR) Refs: HCO PL 11 May 71 III PR Series 7 BLACK PR HCO PL 21 Nov. 72 […]
GO/OSA NWO: Observations on the Great Health Monopoly
GUARDIAN ORDER CONFIDENTIAL GO 637 10th February 19731;2 DGn/AGS AG PRS AG Info’s AG Log’s OBSERVATIONS ON THE GREAT HEALTH MONOPOLY The course of any monopoly or attempted monopoly in any field is similar. Those attempting the monopoly, whether they have a product or subject or not, edge their way from obscurity into greater […]