OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 541 OSA Int Snr Execs Invest Execs Only Highly Confidential INFORMATION AND CONTROL (Excerpted from a briefing given on 1 July 1968.) They tried to knock out the FBI about a year ago. Hoover was under fire, even Johnson was going to remove him. […]
OSA NWO: Communism and the US Government
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 401 OSA Int/Conts Execs Invest Staff PR Staff Confidential COMMUNISM AND THE US GOVERNMENT (Excerpted from a response to a compilation of materials provided on 25 July 1975.) Sometime probably December of 1950, the Board of Directors of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in […]
OSA NWO: Anti-Religious Movement
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 4 April 1988 OSA Network Order No. 1161 OSA Int/Conts All Execs & Staff ANTI-RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT (Originally written by LRH circa December 1978.) I got the book Cointelpro, The FBI’s Secret War On Political Freedom (edited by Cathy Perkus, Monad Press, New York), and was suddenly struck by the way the […]
Writeup: Confidential Intelligence Actions: Covert Intelligence Data Collection
CS-G 2 Dec 691 To The Guardian WW CONFIDENTIAL INTELLIGENCE ACTIONS COVERT INTELLIGENCE DATA COLLECTION A Case Officer runs agents who essentially are not known to the executive who is naming the Case Officer. The Executive makes known to the Case Officer what he wants or can use. This is sometimes developed from data […]