GROUP THINK, the common denominator of the group is the reactive bank. Thetans without banks have different responses. They only have their banks in common. They agree then only on bank principles. Person to person the bank is identical. So constructive ideas are individual and seldom get broad agreement in a human group. (HCO PL […]
Gross Auditing Errors
GROSS AUDITING ERRORS, the five gross auditing errors are: (1) can’t handle and read an E-meter; (2) doesn’t know and can’t apply technical data; (3) can’t get and keep a pc in session; (4) can’t complete an auditing cycle; (5) can’t complete a repetitive auditing cycle (including repeating a command long enough to flatten a […]
seizures: sudden attacks, especially of a disease such as epilepsy. – ExDn Lectures Approved Glossary: Expanded Dianetics and Word Clearing (7 April 1972)
Intelligence is the process of informing one’s command area of the plans, characteristics and crimes of all opponents to one’s own activity and purpose. (Taken from an LRH despatch, written on 25 February 1968. Issued as an OSA NW Order1 on 5 February 1988.) Hubbard, L. Ron (1968-02-25) Hubbard despatch. Notes OSA NW Order 9: […]