Ben Zarai speaks at a Celebrity Centre graduation having completed the PTS/SP Course. He attributed his recent Emmy Award (shown above) to application of the tech he learned on the course. Notes
How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course
Promo: How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course
Article: Introduction to PTS/SP Course Lectures
INTRODUCTION1 The lectures you are about to hear were delivered by L. Ron Hubbard from December 1963 through August 1966 to the students of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course in Sussex, England. These years represent one of the most exhilarating periods in the history of Scientology. A great deal of the fame of the […]
Magazine: Interview with Nancy Cartwright
CELEBRITY: You have done many courses in these years despite a hectic and busy schedule. NANCY: I’ve done a lot: HQS, Student Hat, Pro TRs, KTL, LOC, PTS/SP Course, the Art Course, the Ethics Specialist Course — you name it.1 CELEBRITY: Which course stands out to you as being key to succeed as an artist […]
Article: Cause Over Suppression Means Cause. Period.
Cause Over Suppression Means Cause. Period.1 As Chairman of the Board RTC explained during the Maiden Voyage OT Summit Events: “As you know, International Management’s GOING GLOBAL strategy is aimed at bringing the materials of Dianetics and Scientology to every language of Earth. […] Then a few weeks later, at the second in the series […]
HCOPL: PTS People and Leaves
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 21 MARCH 19891 Remimeo PTS/SP Checksheet HCO Qual Chaplain PTS PEOPLE AND LEAVES Refs: HCO PL 7 Dec. 76 LEAVING AND LEAVES HCOB 31 Dec. 78RA II Rev. 26.7.86 OUTLINE OF PTS HANDLING HCO PL 5 Apr. 72RD Rev. 10.9.83 PTS TYPE […]