ANNIHILATING THE BARRIERS TO TOTAL FREEDOM THE OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS NETWORK1 Through victory after victory, large and small, we have shown that no amount of suppression can block the road out – so long as Sea Org members are there to protect it and strengthen its foundations. In the past year, our sphere of […]
Article: Knocking Out Suppression
KNOCKING OUT SUPPRESSION1 The Sea Org members of OSA do their jobs for one reason and one reason only: TO CREATE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR SCIENTOLOGY TO OPERATE IN SO THE PEOPLE OF EARTH CAN MOVE UP THE BRIDGE TO OT. How is this accomplished? With the application of standard LRH tech on two major […]
OSA NWO: Handling Government Infiltration
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 7 April 1988 OSA Network Order No. 491 OSA Int Execs Invest Staff Highly Confidential HANDLING GOVERNMENT INFILTRATION (Taken from an LRH despatch of 25 November 1974.) References: HCO PL 30 Oct. 62 SECURITY RISKS INFILTRATION HCO PL 1 Sept. 69R COUNTERESPIONAGE rev. 24.9.83 HCO PL 12 Oct. 82 CORRUPT ACTIVITIES […]
OSA NWO: Time and Reports
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 18 February 1988 OSA Network Order No. 681 OSA NW All Execs & Staff TIME AND REPORTS (Originally an LRH OODs item of 7 April 1970.) An Intelligence report can be totally correct. But if its TIME is not included it can also be totally wrong. Example: Sample report says “Whites […]
OSA NWO: How Intelligence Is Run
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 17 February 1988 OSA Network Order No. 451 OSA NW Execs Invest Staff Confidential HOW INTELLIGENCE IS RUN (Taken from an LRH despatch of 26 May 1968.) Here is the way Intelligence is run: 1. Intelligence staff become aware of a possible source of antagonism. 2. They clip, gather and cross-index […]
OSA NWO: The Genus of Insane Governments
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS NETWORK ORDER OSA NW ORDER 171 17 February 1988 IMEC OSA NW THE GENUS OF INSANE GOVERNMENTS (Taken form undated LRH notes. Issued as an OSA NW Order on 17 February 1988.) Plot a government — any government on Earth today — as you would plot an individual on the tone […]