OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 201 OSA NW All Execs & Staff Confidential DEALING WITH ENEMIES (Excerpted from a briefing of 17 November 1969.) We are fighting on enemy terrain now, inside his National Association of Mental Health. We are kicking him in the teeth. We are not fighting […]
OSA NWO: The United Nations and Psychiatry
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 151 OSA Int/Conts All Execs & Staff THE UNITED NATIONS AND PSYCHIATRY (Written in 1968.) 1. They have wittingly or unwittingly allowed their names and power to be used by a large powerful group with chapters in every country which is not part of […]
OSA NWO: Psychiatry’s False Pretenses
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 141 OSA NW All Execs & Staff PSYCHIATRY’S FALSE PRETENSES (Excerpted from a briefing of 8 November 1968.) We have located the name and address of the enemy and we know exactly who they are. They pretend to be part of the United Nations […]
OSA NWO: Anti-Scientology Activities: Intelligence Trends and Purpose
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 131 OSA NW Execs Invest Staff PR Staff Social Reform Staff Confidential ANTI-SCIENTOLOGY ACTIVITIES: INTELLIGENCE TRENDS AND PURPOSE (Excerpted from a despatch of 25 February 1968.) I have reason to believe Sir William Carr, etc., are no longer planning individual removal of dissident elements […]
OSA NWO: Murder Is Murder
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 871 OSA NW Execs PR Staff Social Reform Staff MURDER IS MURDER (Written on 12 November 1968 for release during the illegal inquiry and ban on foreign students in the UK and issued to preserve it as an example of LRH use of the […]
OSA NWO: Psychiatric Ads
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 1441 OSA NW All Execs & Staff PSYCHIATRIC ADS (Written on 16 February 1966.) When you have your committee organized start running this ad here and there in papers: Just keep spotting it in as a small classified. Get it also in magazines. Prepare […]