SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-20 23 May 19781 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals RPF Series 20 RE: RPF PERSONAL GEAR (Reissued from a directive written on 23 May 1978. Issued as a Flag Order on 8 May 1997.) When a person is assigned to the RPF, the HAS is responsible for ensuring […]
Flag Order: RPF In-Charge
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-17 1 March 19781 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals RPF Series 17 RPF IN-CHARGE (The text of this issue was originally written by LRH on 1 March 1978 for inclusion in FO 3434RC, THE REHABILITATION PROJECT FORCE, which was later cancelled. This data is hereby issued as an […]
Flag Order: Re-Education Step
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-15 23 February 19781 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals RPF Series 15 RE-EDUCATION STEP (Taken from an LRH advice of 23 February 1978 where LRH is commenting on the posting of a List One R/Ser to an executive post, issued as a Flag Order on 8 May 1997.) […]
Flag Order: All RPF Courses And Auditing Donations
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-18 3 July 19771 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals Treasury (This Flag Order was issued as FO 3434RD-45RA, RPF Series 24, [same title]. It is hereby reissued on 8 May 1997 to delete non-LRH data and correct the FO and RPF Series numbers and the signatory.) RPF Series […]
Flag Order: RPF Matching Cases With PC and Auditing Teams
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434E-281 21 February 1977 Revised 19 January 1985 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals (This Flag Order was issued as FO 3434RD-43RA, RPF Series 10, [same title.] It is hereby reissued on 8 May 1997 to add further LRH data to the issue and to correct the FO and […]
Flag Order: RPF Target
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-21 13 February 1977 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals RPF Series 2 RPF TARGET (Taken from a telex written by LRH on 13 February 1977. Issued as a Flag Order on 8 May 1997.) My target for the RPF is every single person in it or assigned to […]