ExVet1: I looked around and this subject doesn’t look like it’s been kicked around on this forum before. Not for a while anyway. As many of you know, the RPF issues were leaked to Wikileaks nearly a year ago. I happen to know who did that. In the “Discussion” portion of that Wikileaks entry is […]
Hubbard’s SPs/Hitler’s Jews
Hubbard’s SPs/Hitler’s Jews by Robert Vaughn Young (originally posted to the USENet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology 09/11/1997) There is a direct parallel between Hitler’s views of “Jewish vermin” and Hubbard’s views of “suppressive persons” (SPs) as well as their “final solutions” that I would like to make. Others might want to fill this out with some quotes […]
Flag Order: RPF Use Of The Advanced Course Materials
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-29 8 May 19971 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals Senior HCOs Security Hats RPF Series 29 RPF USE OF THE ADVANCED COURSE MATERIALS References: HCO PL 11 Aug. 71 V SECURITY OF DATA HCO PL 8 Jan. 81R ADVANCED COURSE REGULATIONS AND SECURITY Rev. 3.10.88 HCO PL 9 […]
Article: Religious Technology Center and the Inspector General Network
Definition: Inspector General An independent authority who inspects the conduct, ethics and morale of the troops and the officers. The Inspector General also investigates reports of corruption, subversion or infiltration and has the authority to handle. The key to success of an Inspector General is independence and objectivity. Fifteen years ago, a momentous event took […]
Flag Order: RPF Graduation
SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER 3434RE-9 10 March 19841 All SO Orgs and Units RPFs Senior Quals Senior C/S Int Office Inspector General Network (This Flag Order was originally issued as FO 3863, RPF Series 16, RPF GRADUATION. Reissued 8 May 1997 to correct the FO and RPF Series numbers.) RPF Series 9 RPF GRADUATION Regardless […]