Suppressive Person Defense League (SPDL) has assembled the available materials Scientology included in the 2001 edition of “How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course.” Most of these materials have been made public previously, but have not been put in the order and form in which Scientology organizes them in its printed course packs. Scientology […]
SP Doctrine
Article: The Antisocial Personality
Another key aspect of the Scientology ethics system is the recognition of the antisocial personality. Reflective in man’s earliest ethical codes is an innate sense that there are those among us – about 2 1/2 percent of the population – who possess characteristics and mental attitudes that cause them to violently oppose any betterment activity […]
Article: Overcoming the Ups and Downs in Life
Why are some people ill more often than others? Why are some accident-prone? And is there a reason others live their lives on an emotional seesaw, doing well one day and badly the next? There is an explanation, and it has nothing to do with the gods, fate or the position of the stars. In […]
Article: Merchants of Chaos
There are those who could be called “merchants of chaos.”1 These are people who want an environment to look very, very disturbing. These are people who gain some sort of advantage, they feel, if the environment is made to look more threatening. An obvious example can be seen in newspapers. There are no good news […]
Scientology’s FAQ: Is information divulged during auditing sessions always kept confidential?
Q Is information divulged during auditing sessions always kept confidential?1 A Absolutely and without exception. Traditionally, all communications between a minister and his parishioners have been privileged and confidential. That is certainly the case in Scientology, and this trust is never violated. The confidences given in trust during an auditing session are considered sacrosanct by […]
Scientology’s FAQ: Why has the German government tried to portray Scientology as controversial?
Q Why has the German government tried to portray Scientology as controversial?1 A Germany and, indeed, much of Central Europe, has a long and bitter history of religious intolerance and persecution, a trend which has continued into the present. Many religious and ethnic minorities have become the targets of escalating incidents of violence, xenophobia and […]