Hubbard and Scientology teach that SPs comprise the most evil two and a half percent of the planetary wog population. “Wogs” are what Scientologists call the human race or Homo sapiens. Scientology teaches that Scientologists comprise a new race, “Homo novis” or “Homo scientologicus,” a much more able, aware, intelligent and ethical race than the […]
SPDL Letter to Member of Parliament Derek Lee
Member of Parliament Derek Lee House of Commons Room 633, Confederation Building Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Via E-Mail: November 21, 2005 Dear Mr. Lee, I am writing to you concerning your support for the Scientology organization. I believe such support from any citizen is ill-advised, but from a Canadian Government official it is inexcusable […]
SPDL Release: Open Letter to Celebrities
Release Open Letter to Celebrities As everyone knows, Scientology has more than its share of celebrities. The Scientology cult also has more than its share of victims. But the cult’s victims have no celebrities. The Suppressive Person Defense League is seeking a few good celebrities who are willing to stand up and speak out for […]