OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 1 September 2006 OSA Network Order No. 101 OSA Int Execs Invest Staff Litigation Personnel OSA Conts Execs Confidential ENEMY MISTAKES2 (Excerpted from a briefing of 25 July 1975.) You always make an enemy make mistakes. One of the ways you do it is hit his morale, unstabilize him, make him […]
OSA NWO: Our War
OFFICE OF SPECIAL AFFAIRS 28 August 2006 OSA Network Order No. 61 OSA NW OUR WAR (Originally written on 2 December 1969 as a summary of data concerning Intelligence.) Our war has been forced to become “To take over absolutely the field of mental healing on this planet in all forms.” That was not the […]
Transcript: Conference with The Guardian, LRH Aide, LRH Communicator, Legal WW, Guardian Communicator and the Head of Intelligence Branch 5, Office of LRH
18th July 19661 CONFERENCE with The Guardian, LRH Aide, LRH Communicator, Legal WW, Guardian Communicator and the Head of Intelligence Branch 5, Office of LRH This action has to do with the recent adventure and the current suits on the London Daily Mail; has to do with the Newspaper Proprietors Group or whatever you call […]