Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 20 OCTOBER 19761
Ethics Officer
PTS/SP ChecksheetIssue II
Once in a while I hear of PTS handlings that “didn’t work” or “still PTS” or some such. Or I’ll come across such extremes as a PTS is virtually an incurable leper to be shunned and kept isolated or almost everyone is PTS to some degree so what can you really do about it. The basic thing to realize is that PTSness, like any other case condition afflicting Man, responds to plain old standard tech. But one has to have studied and understood that tech to apply it, naturally.
I recall years ago in handling PTSes, that none of them at first knew what PTS really meant or what it was all about even when they used the term freely! So I recently called for a pilot to see what would be the effect of a study method of curing PTSes.
Before the final pilot was done, an earlier pilot was attempted by an Aide which was not conducted as laid down. CS-5 reviewed the failed pilot to find why so many failed on it. 4 out of 6 were never completed and the 2 that did failed.
CS-5 reported “What I found on these was that they uniformly were not PTS in the first place or were PTS but that was not the major trouble with the person. Three of the cases (2 on auditing and I on study) were out-ethics, R/Sing, Exp Dn cases who were trying to use PTS as the reason for their behavior. Thus handling their PTSness would not resolve anything. The most interesting case here was the study one who realized that he was not PTS and that that had been a wrong indication and that what was really wrong with him was that he had bad intentions and was committing overts. One of the audited cases had a similar realization but has not done as well on post and did get very sick 2 months or so later. Of the other 3 pilot cases in this first batch one could only come up with in-the-org terminals so is another Exp Dn case and the other 2 assigned to study were severely bugged students so never got off the ground (one has now finished the course 4 months later). So that’s what happened to the original pilot.” The second pilot was then ordered to determine the original possibility, that people could study their way out of being PTS.
Three were put onto the PTS/SP Checksheet to study and three were handled by internes who had done the PTS/SP Checksheet themselves. The cases handled by auditing/interview steps completed their handlings within 10 hours. The study cases averaged 4-6 weeks of part-time study. Two studiers from the original pilot also completed the course. All were then watched for bad originations to the Examiner, medical reports, ethics trouble or trouble on post. In all cases, including those not yet complete on study, none of these indicators showed up. One case originated case troubles but this turned out to be one of the “ExDn” cases not PTSness.
On the study pilot the daily reports and success stories on completion uniformly mention more certainty, more stability and being more at cause with the data. Of particular interest is that three of the participants “cogged” they were not actually PTS (yet evidence of real PTS sits had gotten them on the project) but while they were studying they would align past PTS handlings they didn’t fully understand at the time, spot why past PTS terminals were correct or incorrect, spot terminals who gave them a hard time in the past and see why certain people behaved the way they did. In short it appears the studiers were blowing charge on their past PTS handlings and on terminals in their life almost like an auditing session and while they were saying not PTS, no longer PTS (now that they had the data) is probably closer to the truth. All are reported to be doing well on post with no illness, roller-coaster or ethics trouble.
The PTS handlers (who had done the PTS/SP pack) were of particular use where the person had a study bug that needed handling before study could be done and assisting in working out the handlings for PTS sits that were uncovered. Also S&Ds and 10 Aug HCOB handlings and PTS interviews are not solo actions. And it takes hours, not intensives to handle.
As noted from the first pilot false PTSness must be watched for as unhattedness, ignorance of Scientology basics for handling life, past bad auditing uncorrected as well as unhandled bad intentions and personal out-ethics can be mistaken for PTSness and won’t resolve as PTSness. This should be suspected when your “PTSes” start going above 20% of staff and public.
We have had the tech of PTSness for years, but it wasn’t being fully used and then got mixed in with Exp Dn. PTSness can be handled routinely when the tech is fully known and applied. A PTS person can be brought to cause over his situation through study of the PTS tech. This is vitally important for staff. We can handle and the person himself can handle.
There is no substitute for understanding.
Assisted by CS-5
- Document studied on the How To Confront And Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course (2001 ed. ↩