HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 8 MARCH 1982R1 REVISED 24 APRIL 1983 FSO and AOs: Case Supervisors Auditors Tech/Qual MAAs CONFESSIONALS AND THE NON-INTERFERENCE ZONE Refs: HCOB 23 Dec. 71 Solo C/S Series 10 C/S Series 73 THE NO-INTERFERENCE AREA HCOB 7 Sept. 64 II PTPs, OVERTS AND […]
HCOB: Jokers and Degraders
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 5 FEBRUARY 19771; 2 (Also published as HCO PL, same date.) Remimeo EDs, COs HESes, S/Cs HCOs HASes Sec Checkers Case Supervisors Staff Section Officers C/S Series 100 JOKERS AND DEGRADERS It is an old principle that people who do not understand something […]
HCOPL: PTS Personnel and Finance
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 12 MAY 1972R1; 2 Revised 27 October 1982 Remimeo Int Finance Network for Enforcement ETHICS Executive Series 13R Finance Series 12R Personnel Series 25R PTS PERSONNEL AND FINANCE PTS means Potential Trouble Source. This is a person who is connected to a […]
HCOPL: Suppressives and the Administrator How to Detect SPs as an Administrator
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 16 OCTOBER 19671; 2 Remimeo ETHICS Admin Know-How Series 16 SUPPRESSIVES AND THE ADMINISTRATOR HOW TO DETECT SPs AS AN ADMINISTRATOR There are three areas of detection which an administrator can utilize in the detection of a suppressive person. These are: 1. […]
HCOB: The Continuing Overt Act
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 19651; 2 Issue II Remimeo Missions Students BPI All Levels THE CONTINUING OVERT ACT Pity the poor fellow who commits daily harmful acts. He’ll never make it. A criminal pilfering the cash box once a week has himself stopped cold as […]
HCOPL: Suppressive Persons, Main Characteristics Of
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO POLICY LETTER OF 7 AUGUST 19651; 2; 3 Issue I SUPPRESSIVE PERSONS, MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF It is interesting in the detection of suppressive persons that they use “policy” to prevent purpose. In one org which went into a serious decline a suppressive person was in […]