- 8-C
- Aberrated Behavior
- Aberrated Personality
- Aberration
- Aberrative Valence
- Aberree
- Abyss
- Accessibility
- Admin scale
- Admiration
- Affinity
- Ally; Ally Computation
- Alter-is; Alter-is-ness; Alter-ist
- Altitude
- Analytical Mind; Analytical Thought; Analyzer
- Anaten
- Anchor Points
- Antisocial Personality
- ARC Break
- ARC Straightwire; Straightwire
- ARC; ARC Triangle
- As-is; As-is-ness
- Assumption
- Attention; Attention Unit; Fixed Attention Units
- Auditor, Field Auditor
- Awareness of Awareness Unit; Awareness scale
- Bank
- Basic Individual; Basic Personality
- Basic Purpose
- Being Other Bodies
- Being; Beingness; Beingness of Man
- Beingness Processing
- Black Dianetics
- Black Five
- Black Propaganda
- Blow; Blow-offs; Blows
- Bodhi
- Boil-off
- Brainwashing
- Button(s)
- Bypassed Charge; Bypassed Charge Assessment
- Cal-Mag Formula
- Case Supervisor
- Catatonia; Catatonic Schizophrenia
- CCHs
- Charge; Charge up; Charged up
- Circuit; Circuit Cases; Circuitry
- Claims Verification Board
- Clay Demo
- Clay Pigeon
- Clay Table; Clay Table Clearing; Clay Table Healing; Clay Table IQ Processing
- Clear
- Cleared Cannibal
- Clearing
- Closed Terminals; Snapping Terminals
- Cogniting; Cognition
- Comanome; Comatic Reduction
- Committee of Evidence
- Communication; Communication Cycle; Communication Formula
- Computing Psychotic
- Confessional; Confessional aid (E-Meter)
- Confidence, Confidence Game
- Confusion
- Control; Control Case; Control Center; Control Circuit
- Critical Thought; Criticism
- Cult
- Dead Agent Caper
- Dead File
- Dead Thetan
- Deadly Quartet
- Degradation; Degraded Being
- Demon Circuit
- Department of Clearing
- Derailer
- Dianetic Release
- Dianetics
- Dichotomy
- Dispersal
- Do a Bunk
- Double Terminaling; Double Terminals
- Dramatization
- Dramatizing Psychotic
- Dub-in; Dub-in case
- Duplication
- Dwindling Spiral
- Dynamics
- Electropsychometer; E-Meter
- Emotion
- Emotional Curve
- End Phenomena
- Engram; Engram Bank; Engramic Thought
- Entheta
- Establishment Officer
- Ethics
- Ethics Presence
- Evil; Evil Purpose
- Exterior; Exteriorily Determined; Exteriorization; Exteriorization Rundown
- Extremism
- Extroversion; Extrovert
- Facsimile; Facsimile One
- Field Staff Member; Field Staff Member Commission
- Fifth Invader Force
- File Clerk
- Fitness Board
- Flag Auditors
- Flag; Flag Land Base
- Flat Process; Flat Question; Flatten a Process
- Floating Needle; Floating TA
- Flow
- Fraud
- Gain; Ability Gain; Case Gain; Intelligence Gain
- Game; Game Conditions; Games Condition; Games Condition Process; No-Game Conditions
- Genetic Entity; Genetic Insanity; Genetic Line; Genetic Personality
- Glee; Glee of Insanity
- Glibidity; Glib Student
- Glossary: How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course
- Glossary: PTS/SP lectures
- Goal of Life
- Goals Problem Mass
- Goldbricking
- Gradient Scale
- Gross Auditing Errors
- Group Think
- Grouper
- Hard Sell
- Havingness
- HCO Area Office
- HCOPL: Responsibility, Definition Of
- Hidden standard
- High crimes
- Homo Novis
- Homo Sapiens
- Human Emotion and Reaction
- Implant; Implant Goal; Implant GPM
- In Session
- Indicators; Bad Indicators; Good Indicators
- Individuation
- Intelligence
- Interest; Interested/Interesting
- Interiorization; Interiorization Rundown
- Interiorization; Interiorization Rundown
- Interrogation (Silent)
- Invader Forces
- Inversion
- Inverted Dynamics
- Joburg
- Justification
- Key Question; Key Question One; Key Question Two
- Key Words: Suppressive Person Doctrine
- Key-In; Key-Out
- Know-To-Mystery Scale
- Knowingness; Knowledge
- KRC Triangle
- Law of Affinity
- Life Continuum
- Line Charge
- Lock
- Logic; Infinity-valued Logic
- Malinger
- Marcab Confederacy
- Marriage
- Mass
- Master At Arms
- Merchants of Chaos
- Merchants of Chaos; Merchants of Fear
- Merchants of Fear
- MEST; MEST Universe
- Mimicry
- Missed Withhold
- Missionaire
- Mock-up
- Moral Code; Morals; Mores
- Motivator; Motivator Hunger; Motivatorish Case; Motivator-Overt Act
- Mutual Out Ruds
- Mystery Sandwich
- Natter
- Necessity Level
- No Case Gain; No-Gain-Case
- No Sympathy
- Normal
- Objective Processes
- OCA Graph
- Opening Procedure of 8-C
- Operating Thetan
- Opposition Terminal
- Organizing Board
- Other-Determined Reality; Other-Determinism
- Out of Session
- Out of Valence
- Overt Act
- Overt Product
- Overt-motivator sequence
- Pan-Determinism
- Personality
- Political Dianetics
- Postpartum Psychosis
- Postulate
- Potential Trouble Source
- Potential Trouble Source (PTS)
- Power
- Pre-Have; Prehavingness Buttons; Prehavingness Scale
- Preclear; Pre-OT
- Prepcheck; Prepcheck Buttons; Prepchecking
- Present Time
- Present Time Problem; Problem
- Prior Confusion
- Problems Intensives
- Psychiatry; Psycho-; Psycho-Analysis; Psychology; Psychotherapy
- Psychopolitics
- Psychopolitics
- Psychosis
- Psychotic Break
- PTS Type A; PTS Type 1; PTS Type 2; PTS Type 3
- Q & A
- Quack; Quackery
- Quickie; Quickie Grades; Quickie Lower Grades
- R-Factor
- R6; R6 Bank
- Randomity
- Raw Meat Preclear
- Reactive Mind
- Reality
- Reasonableness
- Release
- Remedy B
- Remedy of Havingness
- Repeater Technique
- Resistive Case
- Responsibility; Full Responsibility
- Restimulator; Restimulation
- Reverie
- Ridge
- Robot
- Rock Slam; Rock Slammer
- Roller-Coaster; Roller-Coastering; Rollycoaster Case
- Routine 1
- Routine 3D Criss Cross; Routine 3D Criss Cross Items
- Rudiments; Ruds
- Ruin
- Schizophrenia; Schizo; Schizophrenic
- Scientologist
- Scientology
- Scientology 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Scientology Symbol
- Scientology’s FAQ: What is the Sea Organization?
- Scientometric Testing
- Sea Organization
- Search and Discovery; S and D Type S; S and D Type U
- Second Stage Release
- Secondary; Secondary Engram
- Security; Security Checking
- Seizures
- Selectee
- Self-determined; Self-determinism
- Service Facsimile
- Somatic
- SOP; SOP 8A; SOP 8D; SOP Goals
- Spectator
- Spinning
- Stable Datum; Doctrine of the Stable Datum
- Standard Tech
- Starrate Checkout; Star-rated
- Start-Change-Stop
- Static
- Stimulus-response
- Straightwire
- Stuck on the Track
- Suppression
- Suppressive Acts
- Suppressive Acts; Suppressive Action
- Suppressive Groups
- Suppressive Groups; Suppressive Person
- Suppressive Person
- Survival Goal; Survival Suppressor; Survive
- Sympathy; Sympathy Computation; Sympathy Engram; Sympathy Exciter
- Term; Terminal; Terminal Assessment
- Theetie-Weetie; Theetie-Weetie Case
- Theta Trap
- Theta-MEST theory
- Theta; Theta Being; Theta Body; Theta Bop; Theta Clear; Theta Clearing; Theta Force; Theta I; Theta Line; Theta-MEST Theory
- Thetan
- Thetan Exterior
- Third Party; Third Party Law
- Time Track
- Tone 40; Tone 40 Auditing
- Tone Arm Action; Tone Arm Blowdown; Tone Arm Counter; Tone Arm Motion
- Tone; Tone Scale
- Training Routines; TRs
- Tree of Death
- Tree of Life
- Tree of Life
- Tunnels of Set
- Understanding
- Upper Indoctrination
- Valence Case
- Valence; Valence Bouncer; Valence Case; Valence Closure; Valence Denyer; Valence Grouper; Valence Shift; Valence Shifter; Valence Wall; Out of Valence
- VGIs
- Victim
- Whole Track
- Why; Why is God
- Withhold
- Wog