Incidents of following/harassment Sunday September 19, 1982
September 19, 1982. Photo of the Camaro in the chiropractic clinic parking lot adjacent to my home. Driving the car is the man who pushed me around on August 29, and in the passenger seat is the man who had been driving the Cadillac. The photo was taken from my property across my fence.September 19, 1982. Photo taken from the same place as the previous one, of the Camaro still in the parking lot.September 19, 1982. Photo taken from the same place in my yard. Here the driver of the Camaro has spotted me and is driving out of the parking lot.September 19, 1982. Photo of the Camaro leaving the chiropractic clinic parking lot. The man in the passenger seat is looking back at me while I take his photograph from my yard.September 19, 1982. Photo of Camaro taken a short time later after leaving from and returning to the chiropractic clinic parking lot. The car was driven very close to the fence between my yard and the parking lot, and both men peered between the boards of the fence at my car and trailer.
The following continued through this day. The cars in use were the Camaro and the Cadillac. Drivers were Cad and the Pusher.In the early afternoon Camaro drove into the chiropractor parking lot adjacent to my wife’s and my trailer. In the car were Pusher driving and Cad in the passenger seat.They drove up close to the fence and peered through cracks in it. I got my camera and took several photos of the Camaro in the parking lot.
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