28 February 1988
OSA Network Order No. 1301
OSA Int/Conts
Production Bureaux StaffConfidential
(Originally written on 23 August 1973, concerning the legal actions taken against government and police agencies to handle the origination and dissemination of false reports by these agencies.)The exact charge must be presented in writs.
Attorneys often like to add in automatically “defamation of character and damage therefore.” If you let this into suits the governments will use it as an opportunity to try the plaintiff (precedent is our World Federation of Mental Health defense in England where we made them prove, which they could not, that they had any character to defame). If this is entered in writs, particularly in US, then the government can rake over any old imagined scandal and even though these can be handled, they would make bad press. This would extend the issue and cost as well.
The clear cut charge is simply issuing false reports and using these to instigate the destruction of an individual and Church by illegal means resulting in placing people in fear and damaging their lives.
This can be prosecuted by the plaintiff in a clear cut fashion and all efforts of the police attorneys to put the case over into “they didn’t have any character and should have been shot” will be ruled extraneous. Keeping it on a civil rights, ethical police, no end justifies such means will become then something a judge can find them guilty of and on which he can award damages.
Further, that Interpol was falsely attacking a Church contrary to its charter becomes evident only if the reports are shown to be false.
Further, when the charge in a writ is made that way, ANY effort of the police attorney will prove the charge as they CONTINUE to falsely attack even in the court.
All they have to be steered into is to admit that “yes, it wasn’t worded right, the actual facts are slightly different but they are still bad people” and you have won your case as they have admitted the charges and record were false. Thus strategy would be to lead them to say it was different than the police said and promptly file for an award in our favor.
In other words, the moment you also charge with libel, slander, defamation, you make the police attorneys capable of jeopardizing your win for they will then call up all sorts of odd ball witnesses and psychiatrists and “damaged” people to try you instead of them and could influence the judge, even if we proved them wrong, into finding “for the public protection” and ruling that it was okay for police to lie.
Thus, quickly inspect any already issued writs and review any planning and BE VERY CAREFUL OF THIS POINT IN THE FUTURE.
It is possible our attorneys have already handled this. But you cannot count upon that.
In that way only, these suits are a piece of religion. Given technical legal accuracy (a case can be lost by some minor technical point such as misfiling) you have an ironbound case that would be very hard to lose.
Oh, yes: All the police have to say is “that we trusted our brothers in blue overseas” and you have also won at once.
On YOUR side you can reinforce your case if you get busy enough by finding others who have been falsely reported on such as people falsely arrested by the same police. These are easy to locate, just by court records. You don’t want a Class Suit, all you want is to show that the police are thoroughgoing bad hats without any restraint or honesty and precipitate for them wholesale political questioning, enquiries into them, resignations of their chiefs, etc. Make THIS sort of thing make the headlines.
You REALLY NEED A PRO man alongside of each of these suits, not just an attorney. You can retain PRO firms. You should do so to handle press and guide it to an overhaul of police.
As to Interpol, do NOT forget this point: They are a Kingdom of the Cops, a law unto themselves. Their actions are never overseen as there is no court or government above them. Examining them reveals a complete Fascism from which there is no appeal. They should be hit along these lines and revealed as a Fascist state all by their little selves that is mauling the planet. They were born as an independent kingdom of the cops and have been just that ever since. They are secret, they know no boundaries. They seek to build up their necessity but they violate the sovereign duties of every government and the sovereignty of every citizen. And they have NOT reduced crime, it has INCREASED since they came into existence. They must be portrayed as a force without check which has proven completely unsuccessful in preventing international crime. They never made the slightest dent in plane hijacking.
All any future ruler of the world would have to do is to take over Interpol and he would have it made at once. There are more arguments for charter abolition than merely their religion violation. They are an affront to all decent men and the good they do does not begin to outweigh the sorrow and anguish they cause. They are a Hitlerian secret police system of which the public is unaware and should be abolished for the good of Man.
Remember these points. They are important.
And it’s an order to get a PRO person or wog firm to parallel each of these suits with the objective of bringing about a political reform, defense of individual liberty and securing individual privacy with freedom from corrupt or dishonest police.
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