29 February 1988
OSA Network Order No. 841
PR Staff
Social Reform StaffON STARTING A TREND
(Taken from an LRH despatch of 1 June 1969.)Reference:
HCO PL 5 Feb. 69 Issue II PRO ACTIONSThe mechanics of starting a trend depend upon ETHNICS. It is hard to go up against the stream since we lack agreement. It is easy to control a stream or take credit for it while you are going with it.
It took a century to push out slavery up to 1864 and another century to deliver freedom, or begin to, to the black. This was an against-the-stream trend.
The way the Communist Party pre-1917 took power was to claim “credit” for every disaster that happened to the government of the Czar, even to railroad wrecks they had nothing to do with. This put them at cause and eventually they became the government.
The formula of a win would be to claim credit for every good ethnic value of the people and to be a foe of and claim credit for destroying what they (the people) majorly consider bad.
Thus in the US if one claimed credit for REESTABLISHING FREEDOM (and acted to do so) and destroying government hypocrisy, one would be the new trend. This is taken from the US ethnic survey. So it would work in the US.
In the UK the formula would be to take credit for the increasing Freedom and Human Rights and a renewed public willingness to help and to push these and the reduction of apathy and snobbery in government.
The ethnic surveys are the choice of what to do to be a trend.
As we factually:
1) Establish freedom of the individual
2) Are friendly and willing to help
3) Hate hypocrisy and
4) Are fought by governments,we may well be the only organization on the planet that fits the majority public opinion.
So all we have to do is decide that Dianetics and Scientology are the new trend and then hit these points, take credit for them and we will push right on through without waiting two centuries.
We must become the trend. We are very well on our way.
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