From: Suppressive Person Defense League <>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: Scientology: Hawking Hatred as Human Rights, September 4, 2004
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 13:11:13 -0700
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Xref: alt.religion.scientology:1732755Scientology press release:
NGOs will file submissions to the European Commission to counter discrimination and human rights violations at Brussels European Human Rights Conference
Over 30 different religious, civil and political organizations attended a working conference on “The Challenge of Human Rights in an Age of Terrorism, Religious and Ethnic Discrimination” at the Church of Scientology International’s European Office for Public Affairs & Human Rights.
(PRWEB) September 4, 2004 — Over 30 different religious, civil and political organizations attended a working conference on “The Challenge of Human Rights in an Age of Terrorism, Religious and Ethnic Discrimination” at the Church of Scientology International’s European Office for Public Affairs & Human Rights. At the end of the conference sessions, NGOs determined to file submissions to the European Commission of issues of discrimination and human rights – according to recent requests by the EU Commission – to correct these.
Another conclusion of the conference was that there is a pressing need for the media to report far more accurately on the subject of terrorism and refrain from depicting Islam as the cause of terrorism either by innuendo and implication or even more directly.
The conference was co-sponsored by the Spanish League for Human Rights, the Association of British Muslims, Media Watch, Church of Scientology International and Council for Human Rights & Religious Freedom.
Terrorism vs. Anti-terrorism
Conference speakers expressed concern where anti-terrorist legislation had stepped over the boundaries of what is acceptable. The Spanish League for Human Rights highlighted the detention of a dozen people who are currently indefinitely detained without trial in maximum security facilities under the Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act in the UK where they have no expectation of release.
Bashy Quraishy, President of Media Watch, presented a selection of media examples from the European press showing the biased reporting which quite wrongly portrays Islam as the cause of terrorism. As a participant to the conference strongly pointed out, “blaming Islam for terrorism makes as much sense as blaming Catholicism for IRA offences”.
Announcing that a research project was close to completion and would be released in the near future, Martin Weightman said, “Our research has found that there are a number of psychiatrists who have played major roles in generating terrorism. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama Bin Laden’s chief adviser and personal doctor is a former psychiatrist convicted of terrorism in Egypt and sentenced to death in absentia. Al-Zawahiri studied behaviour, psychology and pharmacology in obtaining his medical degree at Cairo University. He remains the second most wanted man in the world. Another example is Adel Sadeq, Chairman of the Arab Psychiatric Association and head of the Department of Psychiatry at Cairo’s Ein Shams University. He goaded viewers to become suicide bombers in an April 2002 interview broadcast on the Arab Radio and Television Network, stating, ‘As a professional psychiatrist, I say that the height of bliss comes with the end of the countdown: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. And then, you press the button to blow yourself up…. It is a transition to another, more beautiful world.'”
Mr. Weightman further stated that “I do not see the words of Islam stirring up the terrorist issue here, but the words of psychiatry. There are hidden causes to the Islamic/Jewish conflict which require a much greater examination and we shall be releasing more detailed research on this soon.”
More information can be obtained from the following websites: contact Mr. Martin Weightman at
To understand what Weightman and his fellow Scientology cultists are doing, and why they are spreading such willfully ignorant, hateful, frightful and dangerous disinformation, in this already, and now more than ever, volatile world, study this site:
© Gerry Armstrong
- Here’s Weightman’s image being used for recruitment by OSA, the cult’s notorious Office of Special Affairs:… ↩
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