1 September 2006
OSA Network Order No. 131
Invest Staff
PR Staff
Social Reform StaffConfidential
(Excerpted from a despatch of 25 February 1968.)I have reason to believe Sir William Carr, etc., are no longer planning individual removal of dissident elements via “Mental Health” and psychiatric shock.
The essence, apparently, of their planning originally was to seize finance control over nations and make them subservient—which they have done—and attain and secure their political dominance by the removal of civil liberty and potential rivals or opponents by “psychiatric care.” We became an opponent unwittingly, knowing nothing of their plans, by offering truly effective mental treatment and opposing violence. We therefore were an unwitting threat to these paranoiac plans. They have been so ineffective in eradicating us and we have been so effective in invalidating psychiatry that it would seem their present inactivity is due to a probable shift of planning.
They are not supporting Robinson (UK Minister of Health). They have allowed their “Mental Health Association” network over the world to become insolvent. Knowing the training received by US and UK intelligence agents, if Carr & Co. had asked their advisors “Now that psychiatric control seems blocked, are there any other types of control which would remove leaders and opponents and objectors to our rule?” these advisors, from their text books, would have said, “Yes, the Japanese stage 3 phase of conquest was to use opium addiction on all potential leaders. One can remove dissident elements by cultivating dope addiction in their sons and society.”
Recently there has been a number of odd cases of highly placed doctors, etc., distributing to school children and adults quantities of LSD, etc., without charge on various pretexts. Supportive data exists that there is a dope addiction campaign in progress.
Thus, at an educated guess, these finance czars have shifted the direction of control planning from psychiatric uses.
You can bowl over any psychiatric or “mental health” group without fear of reprisal.
Our aim is not to destroy these men. They are like a cur dog barking at a fire engine. You don’t wreck a fire engine just to run over a cur dog. Our aim is to remove these men only as opponents of Scientology.
By continuing to survive we are accomplishing this. By thwarting press, economic and legislative attacks by various means we further discourage their planning and hostility. They cannot in any event succeed in their plans.
Intensify our search for opponents, not considering we have found all sources, and obtain all possible information on them which may lead to the same or another power group.
Do not permit a letdown or dispersal or slow of our Intelligence section. Intelligence uses are not well understood by our executives. Intelligence is the process of informing one’s command area of the plans, characteristics and crimes of all opponents to one’s own activity and purpose.
We have not begun to use our intelligence.
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