Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
The Department of Official Affairs exists as an extension of the Office of the Continental Association Secretary.
Purpose: The bettering of the public representation, legal position and government acceptance of Scientology.
a. Following and enforcing current organization policy with regard to press and handling such press queries and matters.
b. Following and enforcing policies with regard to the legal status of the organizations of Scientology in the Continental area.
c. Cooperating with societies having similar organizational goals.
d. Worsening the public belief and attitude toward societies and persons having purposes counter to Scientology goals.
e. Giving hearings and assistance to field members who have ideas to advance Scientology.
f. Bringing continuous pressure to bear on governments to create pro-Scientology legislation and to discourage anti-Scientology legislation or legislation of groups opposing Scientology.
g. Handling field and organization problems of security.
h. Keeping newspaper and other files relating to Scientology and anti-Scientology groups, persons and activities.
Examining the purpose and action of this post, it should become apparent at once that we have here in actuality the equivalent of a Ministry of Propaganda and Security, using crude, old-time political terms.
This is a very important post and must be held only by a person whose security is excellent and who has a flair for such matters.
An active department could secure, by one means or another:
a. An absence of unfavorable press and possibly someday favorable press.
b. A strong legal position for the organizations in the area.
c. Heavy influence through our own and similarly minded groups on the public and official mind.
d. The failure of influence of hostile groups and persons.
e. High ARC with and good effectiveness of field auditors on third dynamic programs that do not hinder the Central Drg or absorb much of its attention.
f. A pro-Scientology government of the area.
g. An absence of field rumors, oppositions and failures.
h. A filed knowingness about the activities of friends and enemies.
Although this department may appear to have the third dynamic as its target, it does not in fact handle anything but INDIVIDUALS.
To accomplish its actions, it needs only to make friends and allies of individual people who can influence.
For example:
a. The action of making better press consists of making friends with a publisher who commands reporters, and does not really consist of handling reporters.
b. The action of achieving a strong legal position consists of cultivating the friendship and respect of a very good attorney and persuading him to hold up the authority of the company and its board through leading him to respect them.
c. The action of influencing groups consists of making a favorable impression on the head of the ally groups.
d. The action of bringing about the failure of a hostile group is accomplished by finding and releasing the truth about the leader of that group.
e. The action of influencing energetic Scientologists is accomplished by making a friend out of the individual and acknowledging what he says and encouraging what he wants to do, without really becoming involved in his programs.
f. The action of bringing about a pro-Scientology government consists of making a friend of the most highly placed government person one can reach, even placing Scientologists in domestic and clerical posts close to him and seeing to it that Scientology resolves his troubles and case.
g. The action of reducing hostile field rumors consists of running them down doggedly to the person who is spreading them and directly confronting that person and disposing of his personal opposition.
h. The action of accumulating files consists of accumulating files and knowingness about individual persons who are friends or enemies.
If it’s a group problem, find the key person and influence him.
If it’s nebulously about a group without any mention of a key person, discard it.
Only data about individuals is valid for use.
Only action upon individuals is productive.
Forget they. Find him or her.
Use Scientology to resolve individual problems.
Never abandon an attack until you have found and contacted the key person.
Then apply Scientology.
Get volunteer Scientologists interested in this game and helping.
A person who cannot deal with individuals but is fixed on the third is not well fitted for this post.
The person best fitted for the post of Director of Official Affairs is one who likes people and is easily liked.
An orderly, pleasant gentleman or a personable, charming lady, who has a flair for order and intelligence about formulating and guiding ideas to individual minds, would admirably fill this post.
One of the purposes of this post is to prevent the Assoc Secretary from having to engage in social and personal activities solely for the purpose of furthering Scientology. If the Assoc Sec’s Sec receives invitations for the Assoc Sec to visit of an evening to “further Scientology,” the Assoc Sec’s Sec infers that the right person to invite is really the Director of the Dept of Official Affairs, unless, of course, the Assoc Sec really wants to go.
It could be that the fate of nations hangs on the actions, brilliance and skill of the Director of Official Affairs in handling individuals to gain help for Scientology.
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. PDF format. ↩
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