Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
DEFINITIONSAN ENTHETA LETTER = is a letter containing insult, discourtesy, chop or nastiness about an org, its personnel, Scientology or the principal figures in Scientology. En = enturbulated; theta = Greek for thought or life. An entheta letter’s nastiness is aimed at the org, its personnel, Scientology or the principal figures of Scientology. It is different from an ethics report (below). It is routed only as given in this policy letter.
AN ETHICS REPORT = is a report to Ethics (or by error to the org) concerning the misuse or abuse of technology or the misconduct of a Scientologist. This is routed directly to the Ethics Section and becomes a subject for investigation. Such a report is not dead-filed (as will be explained) but may become a dead file.
A MIXED LETTER = is a letter which is an entheta letter (couched in nasty terms to the org or its personnel) which also contains a report pretending to be an ethics report. “You awful people have an awful auditor in the field .” A mixed letter is always routed to dead files as given in this policy letter. It is simply routed like any dead file letter. However, no names mentioned in it are dead-filed only because they occur in the letter.
A PETITION = is a polite request to have something handled by the Office of LRH or the org. If it is not polite, it is not a petition and is not covered by the petition policy letters. An impolite “petition” is handled as an entheta letter always.
IMPORTANT = It is important not to dead-file a Scientologist for reporting a bad breach of ethics. This should be encouraged. However, people on our side make such reports without accusing us. When such reports are also accusative of us, they are dead-filed.
Every movement amongst man runs into the phenomena that when you try to help some people-or help them-they react like mad dogs. Trying to assist them is like trying to give a mad dog medicine. You are liable to be bitten. The more successful a movement is, the more violent this phenomena becomes.
Such people are suppressives or belong to suppressive groups. Things that make people better put them in terror, as to them it means that if others around them were stronger these would devour the person. This is highly irrational. It is a dramatization of an engram the person is defending himself in. People when processed grow stronger but also more rational and less destructive.
Such people number about 20% but make such a fuss they seem like 110% and thus seek to deny the decent 80% service.
This 20% can be processed and can recover only on the Power Processes administered by a Class VII Auditor working in an environment well under Ethics control. But even so, this policy letter still applies as I doubt they deserve the reward, and remember, we don’t owe the human race a thing. Handling them even under optimum conditions is rough and hard on an org. I prefer to leave them until later. There is nothing reasonable about their attitude from our point of view. We do our best in a very enturbulated world.
Efforts to handle the 20% are time consuming.
They take up vast amounts of time. They are not worth it.
When they get too bad we act, using suppressive person declarations and potential trouble source declarations.
The fast thing to do is get them off our lines and out of the teeth of staff members and deny them information and communication such as mailings or letters without troubling to consume even Ethics time on them.
If they still get into the cogwheels, we act more energetically.
The fast way to handle, we call the DEAD FILE SYSTEM which is described herein.
Built into our org pattern is the principle of fast flow. We move slow or troublesome particles of!the assembly line and into special slots.
We let the main traffic flow untroubled by checks designed to restrain the very few. This is quite opposite to usual wog organization where the many are penalized to restrain the few.
We could wreck the whole pattern of our orgs by not using it correctly. The Qualifications Division exists to handle flat ball bearings turned out by Tech or old patterns or checksheets or special cases. That keeps the assembly line roaring along. The flat ball bearings are shunted to Review. The round ones keep rolling on the assembly line to a finished product.
The bulk of the public is quite decent. They are polite and appreciative. The bulk of our results are excellent and the 80% majority is pleased with us. That 80% must be served.
The 20% who are mad dogs also have a place to go-the Ethics Section. It is important not to let them into the admin flow lines. It is important to box them into Ethics. Otherwise they mess up the flow badly.
In the old days when a squawk came through, org personnel rushed it to the head of the line, or to the Registrar or anywhere in the org. This gave a weird view. The head of the org or the Registrar or executives began to think it was all mad dog. They only had the 20%. Nobody showed them the 80%. Because the 20% required “special action” and consumed time, Registrars would soon believe the Academy and HGC contained only mobs of dissatisfied people. Heads of orgs would begin to believe the public was sour on them. They’d react accordingly. They never went down to CF and really looked. So they got a twisted idea of the state of the org, the workability of tech. They let down. They tended to stop trying, convinced by the minority 20% it was not working.
I recall the shock it was to one org’s executives when they found that they had thousands and thousands of highly appreciative letters in their files, appreciating Scientology and what we did and how we did it. That whole executive group had been handed only the entheta letters and people – because there was no place to put them but into executives’ hands. They never got the 80% that were sincere thank-you’s. They were quite stunned. Scientology had been working well in their org for some time. The top brass hadn’t found it out.
Therefore it is illegal as can be to handle entheta letters or ethics reports in any other way than to and by Ethics.
And Ethics personnel now and then must be shown the big wins the org is getting. Otherwise they will begin to think too that all is sour, since they handle the sour.
The org pattern is made to flow fast. It can only flow fast if its lines are in. Hence, this handling of entheta letters and mixed letters. They must not be handled in any other way.
Ethics files shall include a DEAD FILE.
This file includes all persons who write nasty or choppy letters to an org or its personnel.
Rather than go to the trouble of issuing a suppressive person order or even investigating, we assign writers of choppy letters to the DEAD FILE. When their area is enturbulated or we want to locate a suppressive, we can always consult our DEAD FILE for possible candidates and then investigate and issue an order.
The DEAD FILE is by sections of the area or the world and alphabetical in those sections.
The actual action is simply to cut comm. You can always let entheta lines drop. Entheta means en = enturbulated; theta = thought or life.
About 20% of the human race is inclined to naUer. About 21 /2% at a guess are suppressive. Under our fast flow system of management, we can’t tie ourselves up with 20% of the correspondence. All the decent people, all the service and help should go to the 80%. This is also financially sound. The 20% lose us money. An insolvent org is entirely involved with the 20% and is neglecting the 80%!
We just don’t comm with the entheta line. I can show you many instances of where we were seriously at fault to do so as later years proved.
We used to have an HCO category known as “Nonco-op,” meaning no cooperation from US. People who demanded 90% of our time comprised only a small percent of our people. Such we put on a private noncooperate list. We just didn’t do anything for them. When they called and demanded action, we’d say “uh-huh” and forget it. After a while they’d wander off our lines and we’d be free of them.
Dead file is actually only an extension of “nonco-op.”
It was we who didn’t cooperate.
Dead file does not cover business firms demanding bills, government squawks or dangerous suits or situations. It covers only entheta public letters received on any line including SO #1.
HCO personnel or the Letter Registrar or any part of the org receiving an entheta letter routes it as follows:
1. Receiver stamps it with a big rubber stamp:
To Central Files
To Address thenTo ETHICS DEAD FILES”
2. Central Files receives it, draws a pencil through “To Central Files” and looks in the files. If the person has a folder, CF picks up the folder and stamps it with a big rubber stamp:
To Central Files
To Address
To ETHICS DEAD FILES”crosses off “To Central Files” and hands the letter and folder to Address.
If the person has no folder in CF, CF makes a mustard-colored dummy, puts the person’s name in it and stamps the dummy:
To Central Files
To Address
and also the letter.If the person has a CF DEAD FILE dummy already, the letter is similarly forwarded to Address.
The dummy of course is kept in CF in the regular files. (CF has no Dead File as such.)
3. Address, on receiving a folder marked DEAD FILE ETHICS, crosses off “To Address” on the stamping, pulls the person’s address plate from the regular address plate file and puts it in a separate plate drawer marked DEAD FILE PLATES and forwards the folder to Ethics by leaving the “To Ethics” reading on the stamp.
If Address receives a letter marked with the stamp as above, it crosses off “To Address,” looks in the regular plate files to be sure the person’s name has not crept in and, if so, moves it to the DEAD FILE plate drawer. If not in the regular file, Address looks in the DEAD FILE plate drawer and makes a plate or changes any address needful on the DEAD FILE plate and sends the letter to Ethics.
4. Ethics on receiving a folder marked with the stamp simply files it in the DEAD FILES.
If a letter so marked is received by Ethics from Address, it is filed in the person’s folder in the DEAD FILE.
Ethics receiving a folder or a letter marked with the ENTHETA stamp takes the following action:
Writes a surface-mail postcard, colored an ugly mustard yellow, to any organizations where the person’s name may be part of CF, stamped on the back as follows:
From (name of org)
To Central Files
To Address
To ETHICS DEAD FILEand writes the person’s name and address under it. Do NOT put two names on one card. One card = one name.
On receipt of such a card by an org, it follows the routine channels in the org as though it were the folder or letter.
However, if Ethics finds the person is not in its DEAD FILE and all it has received is a card, ETHICS makes a folder and puts the card in it. That way the DEAD FILE of an org tells one that there is other material in another org and knows what org.
For instance, Saint Hill receiving an entheta letter from Minnesota would, as above, with a card, advise DC, NY, LA and Detroit, and Twin Cities especially. The person is likely to write any of these orgs.
Any org on any DEAD FILE always advises Saint Hill with a card.
Ethics does not even bother to read the letter or examine the folder on receiving a DEAD FILE folder or letter.
This is, after all, a fast flow system of management. With the DEAD FILE system, one just parks the name in a folder in the DEAD FILES as inactive until there is a reason to do otherwise.
It is the business of the Ethics Officer to see that the HCO Sec, the Letter Reg, the Distribution Division and any other contact point where an entheta letter may arrive is equipped with a rubber stamp:
To Central Files
To Address
To ETHICS DEAD FILESand that the Ethics Section has a rubber stamp reading:
From (name of org)
To Central Files
To Address
To ETHICS DEAD FILESEthics makes sure all entheta letters (except business letters and government letters) are so stamped by people receiving in the org and so routed AND NOT ANSWERED.
Ethics seeing somebody answer an entheta letter for SO # 1 or procurement or distribution or for any other reason, should order a hearing on the person.
Any executive who is not a mail receipt-point having an entheta letter forwarded to him by a staff member must turn in a dev-t report on that staff member to Ethics and forward it and the report to Ethics. Ethics then stamps it and routes it to CF, etc., with the standard stamp (Ethics must not just file it in dead files). The dev-t report goes into the staff member’s Ethics folder.
It is the full intention that:
1. All choppy, nattery, rumormongery letters dead-end in the DEAD FILE.
2. That no further magazines or procurement letters go to the person.
3. That no staff personnel be enturbulated by the content of such letters.
4. That the line be cut completely.
5. That a record remain in Ethics.LETTER REG ANSWERING
When a Letter Reg, in answering some letter, calls for the folder and finds it is a mustard-colored DEAD FILE DUMMY, the letter to be answered is simply stamped with the above entheta stamp no matter what it says, and is routed with the dummy on through as though it were an entheta letter regardless of what the new letter says. Short of releasing and clearing, these mad dogs don’t change their froth.
Expired memberships are not dead-filed. Dead file does not mean they stopped communicating with us. It means we stopped communicating with them. Expired memberships go into the Qual Div expired membership file.
Retired files (last year’s) must never be called DEAD FILES.
The DEAD FILE is the best possible file for tracing trouble in an investigation. Only when a hot investigation comes up is it looked at by Ethics. Then all names found in an area are cross-referenced by making copies of the letters they contain and filing those under the new names, and the suppressive is located by the simple expedient of thus finding the fattest file and an order is issued.
DEAD FILE NAMESThe Dept of Estimations occasionally calls for a runoff of the DEAD FILE drawer from Address and when a student or pc turns up, looks over this DEAD-FILE list for the person’s name. That is for every applicant for training or processing.
If the name is found in the DEAD FILE list, the person must have an Ethics clearance before being trained or processed. The person found in the DEAD FILE list by the Dept of Estimations is sent directly to Ethics and Ethics is told why.
Ethics looks up the folder and takes whatever action is indicated, giving the person a chance to disconnect if a PTS or A to E if a suppressive or make himself or herself more agreeable to the org by any proper action such as an amends project. Or Ethics simply informs Estimations of the matter and forbids training or processing. The last is by far the more usual course. Processing is hard to do on a PTS or SP and the whole Academy can be turned upside down by one.
All suppressive persons and groups are filed in the DEAD FILE but with the Ethics Order. The Ethics Order is stamped with the ENTHETA stamp as above but with the additional stamp Suppressive.
This is the usual “Entheta, To Central Files, To Address, To ETHICS DEAD FILES” stamp. Remember, every suppressive person Ethics Order issued by Ethics is so handled. One copy of that order is stamped with the stamp and put on the lines to CF.
CF handles it just like it would any other letter so stamped.
Address handles it exactly as any other letter or folder but types SP on the plate before it goes into the DEAD FILE drawer.
Then the order and any folder goes back to Ethics as before, and Ethics even cards it to other orgs even though they got the SP order itself.
A potential trouble source order is not given the entheta DEAD FILE routing unless the person refuses to disconnect or handle. At this time the person’s name is put on a despatch stamped with the entheta stamp and is routed to CF, etc., as above. Sometimes a PTS refusing to disconnect is declared suppressive and in such a case it is handled as an SP above.
Therefore, all SPs, PTSes and entheta letters all wind up in the DEAD FILE. This cuts their comm and still keeps track of them.
DECLARATIONSWhen a Release declaration or a Clear declaration is made by the Dept of Certificates and Awards, a copy is always sent to CF.
If it collides there with a DEAD FILE DUMMY, the Dept of Certs and Awards declaration is pinned to it and it goes to ETHICS.
Ethics removes the person’s folder from the ETHICS DEAD FILE and routes it to Address with the Release or Clear declaration on top and stamped “To Address, then to Central Files. Restore to good standing.”
Address takes the plate out of its DEAD FILE drawer and puts it back in its proper position in the regular address files, removes any SP on the plate, marks the order “Address Restored” and sends it to Central Files. The dummy is halved and put in the folder and folder (with half a dummy in it) is put back into CF. Nothing short of releasing or clearing ever really cures these people. So when an SP does A to E and is restored to training or processing, he or she is still a DEAD FILE until a Release or Clear declaration is issued.
No action by DEAD FILE is taken because of a suspension or other discipline. No Ethics Order but one for SP or an uncooperating PTS is handed to Dead File. All other types of Ethics Orders go to different Ethics Section files.
A petition is never a petition if it is discourteous and contains entheta. Don’t attach a petition PL to it. Just stamp it ENTHETA and send it the route as contained herein.
Notes from students or pcs now on course or in the HCO containing entheta are routed to Ethics for a Court of Ethics action.
Only if they result in SP are they routed to CF, Address and DEAD FILE.
Being DEAD-FILED does not result in action but neither does it debar further action.
DEAD FILE is the first place to look in cases of trouble. Further action may then be taken such as an Ethics Order.
By using the DEAD FILE system we keep our lines cleaner.
How does a person ever get out of the Dead File?
One could somehow discover without our help he or she was in the dead file (we never inform them). If so, he or she could take it up with the Ethics Officer. But the probable outcome may just be more Dead File.
How do you resurrect the dead? Release and clear of course. How can they get it then if turned off by Estimations? Well, a cleared cannibal is still only a cleared cannibal, so who needs them?
I’d rather solve the problems of those who were decent to us. We didn’t put them in the shape they’re in. That’s their problem.
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course. PDF format. ↩
- Text taken from OEC HCO Division (1991 ed.) Vol 1, pp. 970-978. ↩
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