Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexHCO BULLETIN OF 24 NOVEMBER 19651; 2
Required for Level IV Students and Review AuditorsLEVEL IV
Prerequisite: A Knowledge of ethics definitions and purposes.
The process called Search and Discovery requires as well a good knowledge of ethics.
One must know what a SUPPRESSIVE PERSON is, what a POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE is and the mechanism of how and why a case roller-coasters and what that is. All this data exists in ethics policy letters and should be studied well before one attempts a “Search and Discovery” or further study of this HCOB. Ethics is not merely a legal action—it handles the whole phenomena of case worsening (roller coaster) after processing and without this technology an auditor easily becomes baffled and tends to plunge and squirrel. The only reason a case roller-coasters after good standard auditing is the PTS phenomena—a suppressive is present.
There are three types of PTS.
Type I is the easy one. The SP on the case is right in present time, actively suppressing the person.
Type II is harder for the apparent suppressive person in present time is only a restimulator for the actual suppressive.
Type III is beyond the facilities of orgs not equipped with hospitals as these are entirely psychotic.
The Type I is normally handled by an Ethics Officer in the course of a hearing.
The person is asked if anyone is invalidating him or his gains or Scientology and if the pc answers with a name and is then told to handle or disconnect from that person the good indicators come in promptly and the person is quite satisfied.
If however there is no success in finding the SP on the case or if the person starts naming org personnel or other unlikely persons as SP the Ethics Officer must realize that he is handling a Type II PTS and, because the Auditing will consume time, sends the person to Tech or Qual for a Search and Discovery.
It is easy to tell a Type I PTS from a Type II. The Type I brightens up at once and ceases to roller-coaster the moment the present time SP is spotted. The pc ceases to roller-coaster. The pc does not go back on it and begin to beg off. The pc does not begin to worry about the consequences of disconnection. If the pc does any of these things, then the pc is a Type II.
It can be seen that Ethics handles the majority of PTSs in a fast manner. There is no trouble about it. All goes smoothly.
It can also be seen that Ethics cannot afford the time to handle a Type II PTS and there is no reason the Type II should not pay well for the auditing.
Therefore, when Ethics finds its Type One approach does not work quickly,
Ethics must send the person to the proper division that is handling Search and Discovery.
The pc who isn’t sure, won’t disconnect, or still roller-coasters, or who doesn’t brighten up, can’t name any SP at all, is a Type II.
Only Search and Discovery will help.
There never will be any other reason.
As soon as you doubt this datum and think about “other causes” or try to explain it some other way you no longer prevent cases from worsening and no longer rescue those who have worsened.
The second thing to know is that A SUPPRESSIVE IS ALWAYS A PERSON, A BEING OR A GROUP OF BEINGS. A suppressive is not a condition, a problem, a postulate. Problems and counter-postulates come into the matter but the SP as a being or group must always be located as a being or a group, not as merely an idea. As the technology is close to and similar to that of a service facsimile, a poorly trained auditor can get confused between them and produce a condition he says is the cause. Persons who cannot confront and who therefore see persons as ideas not people are the ones most likely to fail in doing Search and Discovery.
The third thing to know is that there can be an actual SP and another person or being similar to the actual one who is only an apparent SP.
An actual SP actually suppresses another.
An apparent SP only reminds the pc of the actual one and so is restimulated into being a PTS.
The actual SP can be in present time (Type I PTS) or is in the past or distant (Type II PTS).
The Type II always has an apparent SP who is not the SP on the case, is confusing the two and is acting PTS only because of restimulation, not because of suppression.
Search and Discovery as a process is done exactly by the general rules of listing. One lists for persons or groups who are or have suppressed the pc. The list is complete when only one item reads on nulling and this is the item.
If the item turns out to be a group, one does a second list of who or what would represent that group, gets the list long enough to leave on nulling only one item reading, and that is the SP.
An incident is not a person or a group. A condition is not a person or a group. And a group is not a person. What you want is one being.
The E-Meter signs are unmistakable and the good indicators come in strongly when the actual SP is found.
This is the entire action. It is liable to the various ills and errors of writing and nulling a list, such as overlisting, underlisting, ARC Breaking the pc by bypassing the item or getting an incomplete list. These are avoided by knowing one’s business as an auditor and being able to handle an E-Meter with skill and confidence.
When one goofs on a Search and Discovery and finds the wrong actual SP the signs are the same as those where a Type II is handled as a Type I—not sure, no good indicators, roller-coasters again, etc.
The actual SP can be back track but it is seldom vital to go far out of PT and usual for a lifetime person to turn up.
Done correctly the pc’s good indicators come in at once, the pc cognites, the meter reacts very well with blowdowns and repeated long falls, and the pc ceases to roller-coaster.
Care should be taken not to get too enthusiastic in going far back track on the pc as you run into whole track implants etc, easily handleable only at Level V. The pc can get “over whumped” if you go too far back and you’ll wish you hadn’t. This normally happens however, only when the pc has been ARC Broken by the auditor, when the right item has been bypassed and the list is overlong, or when two or three items are still reading on the list (incomplete list).
Locating a service facsimile is quite similar to Search and Discovery but they are different processes entirely. Only the doingness is similar. In Search and Discovery the end product is a being. In service facsimile the end product is an item or concept or idea. Don’t get the two mixed.
The Type III PTS is mostly in institutions or would be.
In this case the Type II’s apparent SP is spread all over the world and is often more than all the people there are—for the person sometimes has ghosts about him or demons and they are just more apparent SPs but imaginary as beings as well.
All institutional cases are PTSs. The whole of insanity is wrapped up in this one fact.
The insane is not just a bad off being, the insane is a being who has been overwhelmed by an actual SP until too many persons are apparent SPs. This makes the person roller-coaster continually in life. The roller coaster is even cyclic (repetitive as a cycle).
Handling an insane person as a Type II might work but probably not case for case. One might get enough wins on a few to make one fail completely by so many loses on the many.
Just as you tell a Type II to disconnect from the actual SP (wherever found on the track) you must disconnect the person from the environment.
Putting the person in a current institution puts him in a bedlam. And when also “treated” it may finish him. For he will roller-coaster from any treatment given until made into a Type II and given a Search and Discovery.
The task with a Type III is not treatment as such. It is to provide a relatively safe environment and quiet and rest and no treatment of a mental nature at all. Giving him a quiet court with a motionless object in it might do the trick if he is permitted to sit there unmolested. Medical care of a very unbrutal nature is necessary as intravenous feeding and soporifics (sleeping and quietening drugs) may be necessary, such persons are sometimes also physically ill from an illness with a known medical cure. Treatment with drugs, shock, operation is just more suppression. The person will not really get well, will relapse, etc.
Standard auditing on such a person is subject to the roller-coaster phenomena. They get worse after getting better. “Successes” are sporadic, enough to lead one on, and usually worsen again since these people are PTS.
But removed from apparent SPs, kept in a quiet surroundings, not pestered or threatened or put in fear, the person comes up to Type II and a Search and Discovery should end the matter. But there will always be some failures as the insane sometimes withdraw into rigid unawareness as a final defense, sometimes can’t be kept alive and sometimes are too hectic and distraught to ever become quiet, the extremes of too quiet and never quiet have a number of psychiatric names such as “catatonia” (withdrawn totally) and “manic” (too hectic). Classification is interesting but non-productive since they are all PTS, all will roller-coaster and none can be trained or processed with any idea of lasting result no matter the temporary miracle.
Remove a Type III PTS from the environment, give him or her rest and quiet, do a Search and Discovery when rest and quiet have made the person Type II.
(Note: These paragraphs on the Type III make good a promise given in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health to develop “Institutional Dianetics”.)
The modern mental hospital with its brutality and suppressive treatments is not the way to give a psychotic quiet and rest. Before anything effective can be done in this field a proper institution would have to be provided, offering only rest, quiet and medical assistance for intravenous feedings and sleeping draughts where necessary but not as “treatment” and where no treatment is attempted until the person looks recovered and only then a Search and Discovery as above under Type II.
L. Ron Hubbard
- Document studied on the How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course. (2001 ed.) ↩
- Document studied on Confidential GO Intelligence Course (Section 5, Part D, #11). ↩
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