SYMPATHY, 1. a terrible thing but is considered to be a very valuable thing. The survival value of sympathy is this: when an individual is hurt or immobilized, he cannot fend for himself. He must count on another or others to care for him. His bid for such care is the enlistment of the sympathy of others. This is practical. If men weren’t sympathetic, none of us would be alive. The non-survival value of sympathy is this: an individual fails in some activity. He then considers himself incapable of surviving by himself. Even though he isn’t sick actually he makes a bid for sympathy. A psychosomatic illness is at once an explanation of failure and a bid for sympathy. (HFP, p. 122) 2. sympathy is commonly accepted to mean the posing of an emotional state similar to the emotional state of an individual in grief or apathy. It is on the tone scale between 0.9 and 0.4 . Sympathy follows or is based upon overt action by the preclear. Sympathy can be mechanically considered as the posing of any emotion so as to be similar to the emotion of another. (AP&A, p. 23) 3. sympathy is a co-flow, it’s sort of a co-beingness. One individual goes onto the wave-length of another individual. (PDC 23) 4. “I am him” which is what sympathy is; it’s a low level interchange of energy. (5209CM04B) 5. equal motion, equal plane, similar space. (Spr Lect 1, 5303CM23)
SYMPATHY COMPUTATION, if a patient had a tough engramic background, then broke his leg and got sympathy he thereafter tends to go around with a simulated broken leg–arthritis, etc. etc. This is the sympathy computation. It makes a patient “want to be sick.” Sickness has a high survival value says the reactive mind. So it tailors up a body to be sick. (EOS, p. 93)
SYMPATHY ENGRAM, 1. an engram of a very specific nature, being the effort of the parent or guardian to be kind to a child who is severely hurt. (DTOT, p. 95) 2. a sympathy engram would go something like this: A small boy, much victimized by his parents, is extremely ill. His grandmother attends him and while he is delirious soothes him and tells him she will take care of him, that she will stay right there until he is well. This puts a high “survival” value on being sick. He does not feel safe around his parents; he wants his grandmother present (she is a winning valence because she orders the parents around), and he now has an engram. (DMSMH, p. 107) 3. the sympathy engram is one which comes forward and stays chronic as a psychosomatic illness. (DMSMH, p. 107)
SYMPATHY EXCITER, a sympathy exciter is any entity on any dynamic for which the individual has felt sympathy of the variety between 0.9 and 0.4 . Sympathy exciters are most commonly parents, allies and pets. (AP&A, pp. 44-45)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.
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