A. From “The definition of ‘extremism’”by Professors Dzhansarayeva Rima Yerenatovna & Bissengaly Lilya Bissengalyevna (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University): Extremism in the modern sense of the word is the embodiment of a certain kind of negative developments, which aim to generate members of the international community doubts about the possibility of maintaining stability in the world […]
Scientology’s FAQ: What is the Sea Organization?
Q What is the Sea Organization?1 A The Sea Organization or Sea Org is a religious order in the Scientology religion and is composed of the most dedicated Scientologists in the world—individuals who have committed their lives to the service of their religion. The Sea Organization is a fraternal religious order and is not incorporated […]
Glossary: PTS/SP lectures
To assist in your understanding of these lectures, hard-to-find terms and other words with which you may not be familiar are included in this glossary. An example of usage from the lectures is included at the end of each definition.1 Adler: Alfred Adler (1870-1937), Austrian psychiatrist who developed a theory that man’s difficulties resulted from […]
Glossary: How to Confront and Shatter Suppression PTS/SP Course
To assist in your understanding of these issues, hard-to-find terms and other words which you may not be familiar with are included in this glossary.1 AMA: abbreviation for American Medical Association. American Medical Association: a physicians’ organization in the United States. APA: abbreviation for American Psychiatric Association. assessment: the action of an auditor calling off […]
Tree of Life
Lon Milo DuQuette is the author of Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millenium and well-known student of the A. ·. A. ·., a school for magicians co-founded by Aleister Crowley. His explanation of the Tree of Life is given here in the public interest to show how the Qabalastic Tree of […]
Tunnels of Set
Full magical initiation is not possible without an understanding of the so-called qliphotic paths which are, in practice, as real as the shadow of any object illumined by the sun. In other words, the well-lit highways of Horus, the paths that man has projected to connect the cosmic power-zones (Sephiroth) with his own consciousness, have […]