30 May 19881
(Excerpted from LRH Tape 6310021 SH Special — 315, 21 Oct 1963, ATTACK AND GPMs. Issued as an OSA NW Order on 30 May 1988.)
I have to wear the Washington legal hat and go up there and solve their various difficulties for them.[1]
It’s a spectacle of people defending, defending. You know you can defend yourself into more holes and it has never occurred to them, on this one suit that has been going for about 5 years, to attack anybody. That would be very dangerous! Don’t attack anybody!
Look at the situation. Every time the enemy offers an attack, you defend against it and that is all you do. Any castle, to hold out, has got to sortie. The proper strategy for any battle is to find a weak point in the enemy lines and attack it.
The reason the United States is losing against communism is simply on these same mathematics. That they are losing is patent. All they are doing is defending the points attacked.
On this Berlin thing [2], before it really came to a hot boil, the United States was not claiming any piece over there and so is never going to be able to swap Berlin for anything. The proper action is to go find something to collect as a piece. Yet there they stand, defending, defending, defending, defending. Well, don’t they want to win?
How about an auditor that sits there and defends and defends and defends and defends and defends against the attack of the pc? He never looks for the bypassed charge and he never does anything effective to straighten out the case. He just sits there and defends himself. He would last about 2 minutes. This is about the most dangerous thing you can do. Look it over. It is certainly the most unthetan thing you can do.
You can defend to a certain degree and you have to defend to a certain degree. But use 75% of your energies to attack and you will always win. Find a weak spot and attack it. Attack expertly and attack perfectly and don’t flub with the attack. Always put your concentration on the attack and you win every time.
People look awfully silly two miles in your rear without any supplies, without any ammunition, with no defenses and no place to go. They attacked all right. The whole front of the battle shifted. They attacked and you didn’t defend. You went and destroyed their supply dump. It is very embarrassing to have this sort of thing happen.
The whole of life is an interchange, if you’re going to live. It is an interchange activity. It is putting out
anchor points.OSA NWO 40
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Let’s look at the gradient scale of how you would go about this.
Supposing you are just there all by yourself and there is no limitation to your putting out anchor points. You can put out as many anchor points as you like.
Somebody else shows up and says, “You shouldn’t put out these anchor points,” or, “I want to have some of this space too,” and they put out anchor points against your anchor points. So you don’t put out anchor points quite so far. I am talking about the Factors now.
Let’s suppose that every time you put out an anchor point, somebody else forbade you to put out the anchor point and you complied and agreed and didn’t put out your anchor point. How big do you think you would be after a while? That is about how big you are now. That is practically the way you got there.
There is nothing quite as disturbing and there is nothing quite so certain to throw anybody into apathy as just continuing to put out your anchor points. This is the most disturbing activity that you can engage in. Everybody says, “You mustn’t put out your anchor points,” and you put out your anchor points. Then they give you lots of reasons why you shouldn’t put out your anchor points and you put out anchor points. They bring all sorts of duress to bear on you on why you shouldn’t put out your anchor points and you put out your anchor points. What is going to happen to their morale?
I Sometimes it is very difficult to continue to put out anchor points in this particular way. Sometimes you just get cut to ribbons and it is those particular times that you got cut to ribbons you tend to remember as lessons not to attack or lessons not to put out anchor points.
The gradient scale on the thing goes: Putting out anchor points, in other words, continuing to create your space; to attacking that which is preventing you from’putting out your space. That is also putting out anchor points. And you get down along low human levels and what are you then involved with? You are involved with attacking those who are preventing you from putting out anchor points.
You go down scale just a little bit further and you start defending yourself against attacks. This causes you “to live good,” “to have good behavior,” to have various socially acceptable characteristics, all sorts of things. These things are basically defenses against attacks, direct attacks.
You can go downscale even further than that. You have the defenses against possible attacks and this causes people to live in castles, dig moats that nobody will ever think of charging against, invent weapons that have no particular use and invent social characteristics that are impossible to attack. This causes you, in other words, to go downscale a bit further.
There is a point further downscale than that, which is imagining that you are under attack. You are defending yourself against possible attacks. You are not being attacked — you are simply preparing yourself to defend possible attacks.
Just below that, there is a point where, because there are all these defenses, there therefore must he attacks. It proves itself. You have got a moat dug all the way around the place. Obviously there must be somebody going to ride across that moat.
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Some of the screens that a thetan puts up are terribly entrancing. These screens are very, very entrancing because they leave them up forever. why did they put them up in the first place? Well, they put them up against a lion. The lion might still be there. You would have to take the screen down to find out. You don’t dare take the screen down because you would be attacked if the lion were still there.
This causes a very funny action. You can get a thetan, a pc, and get him to find one of these black screens and get him to pick up one little corner of it and peek around it real fast. Sometimes he will really have to get his nerve up to do it —* and he will. He will see something like a mocked up lion or a snake or something on the other side of the black screen. One of his answers of confronting is to cover it up so he won’t have to confront it — black it out. There is the final mechanism of a defense.
Permanent defenses lead to a belief that one is under attack. when you get way down scale it must be that you are under attack because there are the defenses. Somebody must be ready to launch the rockets at you any moment, because here are all these radars waiting to detect them and of course, the more one defends, the less one becomes mobile. So therefore, actually, he never gets out to look if there are any attackers. And I imagine that there are nations on planets, someplace in this galaxy at this very moment, who have no neighbors, but who believe implicitly that those neighbors are there with full armies, ready to attack them and that live a life of complete defense, complete immobility, never going abroad, carrying through all of the various survival activities to prevent an attack against nations that are no longer there and that are long since gone to dust.
One has a defense up against an area of confusion. He has a stable datum all arranged to take care of an area of confusion that has long since ceased to exist. A thetan eventually traps himself.
What do you think are the chances of your opponents of trillions one hundred – trillions written one hundred times still being alive and kicking and ready to knock your block off? And yet, you have all the defenses for that period all rigged and all the stable data already there with those defenses against those confusions and attackers of trillions one hundred.
And that, in actual fact, is what a thetan is doing.
The above are mechanisms of defense of a certain kind of order. They are also, of course, mechanisms of attack. You will have to defend to a certain degree. But if you use 75% of your energies to attack, you will always win.
FounderAdopted by
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1 In wearing the Washington legal hat, LRH referred to having to handle the raids of the Food and Drug Administration on the Founding Church in Washington, D.C. In 1956 and 1958 the FDA seized Dianazene tablets and in January 1963 books and E-Meters. The FDA sued the D.C. Church. This suit was initially lost by the Church. However the Church appealed and won the appeal against the FDA. The FDA petitioned for rehearing the case and this petition was thrown out by the U.S. Court of Appeals. On 3 August 1971 LRH announced in the Orders of the Day: “We won our FDA (Food and Drug Administration attack on the E-Meter) case in a Washington Court. This gives the Church of Scientology exclusive rights to the E-Meter, wipes out all squirrels, confirms Scientology as a religion and restores our property – books and meters seized in ’63.” For further information on the FDA matter, see HCO Information Letter of 17 Dec 1963, RON’S JOURNAL No. 7, HCO Exec Letter of 7 Apr 1965, RON’S JOURNAL No. 11, SEC ED 45 WW E 301 SH, 9 Feb 1966, ENQUIRY RUMOUR U.K., OODS 6 Feb 1968, NEW NEWS, OODs 25 Apr 1969, GOOD NEWS, OODS 3 Aug 1971, BIG NEWS.
2 “This Berlin thing” refers to Berlin, the largest city in Germany which became the hottest issue in the Cold War between communism and democracy. The city of Berlin is located 110 miles inside communist controlled East Germany. Before World War II, Berlin was the capital of all Germany and with 4 million people was the largest industrial city in Europe. At the end of World War II in 1945, Berlin lay in ruins. Allied bombs had wiped out about a third of the city. More than a million people had been killed. Berlin surrended to the Russian army on May 2, 1945. Although Berlin lay deep within the Soviet zone of Germany, the Russians guaranteed the Western powers free access to the city. The Allies divided Berlin into four sectors and set up a four-power council to govern Berlin. Each ally occupied one sector. The three sectors occupied by American, French and British troops became known as West Berlin. The Russian sector is East Berlin. West Berlin soon became a gateway to freedom for hundreds of thousands of East Germans who wanted to escape communism. From 1945 to 1961, almost 3,000,000 people escaped to West Berlin. Then, on August 13, 1961, the communists sealed off the border between East and West Berlin with a 6-mile concrete and barbed wire wall across the city. They also boarded up windows and doors in buildings facing West Berlin. A few desperate refugees still managed to escape. But for most East Germans, the door to freedom had been shut tight. The Berlin issue came up over and over again in the Cold War of the 1950s and 1960s. Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev demanded that Western powers withdraw from West Berlin and turn their sectors into a “free, demilitarized” city. The Western nations however insisted on staying to safeguard West Berlin from becoming defenseless against communist aggression.
Ref. World Book Encyclopedia.
- Document studied on DSA Investigations Officer Full Hat. PDF format ↩
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