16 October 1988
OSA Network Order No. 461
Invest StaffConfidential
(Originally written by LRH on 20 September 1968.)I’m writing to you in the hope that by combined effort, we can bring some understanding into Intelligence.
First I’ll give you a quick rundown on how Intelligence works.
We have two main cycles as far as investigations go. The first is:
1. Some SP near an outer org starts attacking Scientology.
2. The Investigations Officer in that area cables or telexes his senior at International level and starts investigating the person behind the attack.
3. The Int level senior acks the report and expects to see regular reports on the SP being investigated.
4. A file is opened in both the outer org and Int level and the case goes on the CIC board as a project.
5. The investigation is carried on until the crimes are found and it is handed over to Prosecutions to get the SP put in a government accommodation.
5. The SP gets scared and shuts up and the Int level senior directs the case to be dropped.
The second type of cycle is as follows:
1. The Int level senior, on going through the files, sees a possible source of future attack and directs an investigation to start on that person or group.
2. A file is opened and it goes on the CIC board.
3. Investigations Officer in that area starts investigating and we get the goods.
4. The whole thing is turned over to PR for action and exposure, or to Legal for prosecution.
Among these we have smaller cycles of action such as, “Get me a copy of such and such a book,” or “Was this SP ever trained in your org?”
At the same time all this is going on, Intelligence should be going through newspapers, magazines, etc., and taking clippings on medical, psychiatry, mental health, government, world finance and banking, oddball self-help groups and filing and crossfiling these to locate SPs. And cross-filing declared SPs in the area by connections and frequency of names, to see who the ringleaders are in that area so that they can be prosecuted for crimes. But an investigation is NEVER NEVER begun until 1) an SP attacks Scientology (threatens to sue, goes to his representative about us, etc.) or 2) the Int level senior orders an investigation to be started.
While Investigations Officers may investigate well, the main trouble is that sometimes they investigate the wrong things, such as:
a. Investigating someone who is not attacking us and who no one has ever heard of before, with no orders to do so.
b. Investigating public who have not attacked and who are more a job for Public Ethics, Registrar and ARC Break Auditor.
c. Investigating some nut who, for example, wanted to buy a meter to listen to Martians so he could pick up radio signals. This one would be a Public Ethics matter in the first place, as I can’t see a reason in the world why we should throw every nut we meet into jail.
d. Taking a request for information from an Int level senior, such as a request for a copy of a book, as an order to do an investigation.
e. Doing investigations on kooks and non-entities who are not attacking us.
Now, we are going in on psychiatrists and that IS a correct investigation so we expect to see reports on that. Reports would also be expected from an Investigations Officer when officially assigned to work on an investigation.
Although the above is all covered in policy, please get this straight with Investigations Officers.
- This material studied on the Department of Special Affairs Investigations Officer Full Hat Checksheet. PDF format. ↩